Batman / Sega OST?

Started by Tarzan1941, Sun, 17 May 2009, 15:06

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Sun, 17 May 2009, 15:06 Last Edit: Sun, 17 May 2009, 15:30 by ral
I was just looking through the pictures and I found this:

I didn't even know that this existed.  Can anyone tell me about it?  Is it a promo?  It it a bootleg?  What year was it released?  What does it sound like?

Basically, if you can enlighten me, I would appreciate it greatly.


i suspect a bootleg - it is in the fan art section.
Hopefully silenig (the games guru) can shed a little light on it  :)

Sun, 17 May 2009, 16:20 #2 Last Edit: Sun, 17 May 2009, 16:22 by silenig
Games guru? ...  :)

This pic is just some fan art I did for the Batman 20th anniversary, like the "Batman SNES Advertisement", also in the gallery. One great thing about the Sunsoft games was their BGM.

In case some don't know, a lot of Video Game OST albums were always released in Japan even before the Playstation and "proper" rock, electronic or symphonic soundtracks, i.e. "bleep" music of the 8 and 16-bit eras (e.g. Streets of Rage, Super Shinobi),  but Sunsoft's Batman was never released, so I decided to make a cover  ;)

Thanks for the reply guys.  That is some fantastic fan art!  I was all prepared to go gang busters tracking this one down.  I ran across the video game music for Batman Returns but it honestly didn't make too much sense to me since I never played it.  :-( I know, poor me.  However, now that I have seen this awesome cover, I want the music now.  I'll have to keep an eye out for it as I am sure there has to be something out there.  If I find it of course, I'll share!

Again, fabulous work!

Mon, 18 May 2009, 17:52 #4 Last Edit: Mon, 18 May 2009, 17:54 by silenig
Hey, you can listen to all the tracks in youtube :)

This is what I like to call "Wonderful Toys" - heard in the two vehicle stages

Click to Listen

He has the rest of the tracks in "Related".

I'd post a download link but I'm just not sure if Ral allows links that lead to potentially illegal downloads.

Here's one of my favourite tracks from the best. Batman game. Ever! (in my opinion) The only reason to own an Amiga!  ::)

The game was developed & programmed in Manchester, England, same as me!  ;D
The C64 version's music is worth a listen, too!

Ocean's Batman? Hell yeah, as far as I know the stellar, highly acclaimed Amiga version sold a lot of Amigas in winter 1989.  :) Maybe the best ascpect of the game were the two "3D" racing sections, that are nice to look at even after 20 years.

The C64 version was good as well.