Rare VHS commercial of Batman 1989

Started by THE BAT-MAN, Fri, 18 Dec 2009, 18:44

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Fri, 18 Dec 2009, 18:44 Last Edit: Mon, 14 Feb 2011, 20:28 by THE BAT-MAN
Check out this rare vhs commercial of Batman 1989.  Back then the video went for $19.99.

Very interesting contrast of Cheerios to Batman. I didn't know that they sold VHSs in the same manner as they sell CD collections.

Good little advert. Back in the days where a VHS launch was as big as the theatre launch.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 20 Dec  2009, 05:36Good little advert. Back in the days where a VHS launch was as big as the theatre launch.
I would imagine this one was bigger than most as B89 came out so soon (by the standards of the time) after the theatrical release.  Nowadays, it is SOP but back then that was pretty innovative.

Nice vid. I remember a few friends telling me that the release of the VHS was almost as big as waiting for the movie itself and with 150 mil in VHS sales, Batman continued to roll in the dough. In fact I understand that some theatre owners were upset that the VHS came out when it did because Batman still had very good viewership in the theatres that it was still playing in.