The Men Who Could've Replaced Keaton...

Started by BatmAngelus, Sat, 9 Jan 2010, 01:04

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Jumping off of a similar "Man Who Could've Been Batman" thread, I'd thought I'd start one collecting the actors who were reportedly under consideration to be Keaton's successor. 

The following is a list gathered from interviews (since I don't always trust IMDB trivia):

Our fellow poster, The Dark Knight, found this interview in which Johnny Depp revealed that Burton, during his brief involvement approving the new director and writers, was pushing for him to don the cape and cowl:

Entertainment Weekly reported that William Baldwin was in the running.,,302969,00.html

Recently, Baldwin revealed that he was under consideration for both Schumacher movies.

In the same interview, Baldwin reveals that Schumacher's other choices were Ralph Fiennes and Daniel Day-Lewis.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Quote from: phantom stranger on Mon, 11 Jan  2010, 05:10
How about the men that could've been Two-Face?

Thanks Phantom.  I also heard that Jamie Foxx, Josh Lucas and Liev Schreiber were up for the role at one point or another, but how close any of them got I do not know.
I personally thought Aaron Eckhart was amazing in the role, but I must admit I can't decide whether I think Matt Damon would have been even better.  It's a toughie, and either way I don't think there would be much to choose between them.  In any case thanks Eckhart did a brilliant job and is firmly imprinted as Harvey Dent in my mind now.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

One hears stories.  Supposedly Jones acting like a big goofball in Forever was Jones' own decision and him basically refusing Schumacher's direction.  Who knows?  Maybe everything Jones did was scripted or else directed by Schumacher.

Either way, considering the guy helming the picture, it's hard to imagine that anyone else would've given a significantly better performance.

As it stands, Eckhart is king when it comes to live action Two Face... by default.  Not definitive but certainly the best thus far.

...Ralph Fiennes, Daniel-Day Lewis? Oh my.. How different film history could be

Wed, 13 Jan 2010, 01:13 #5 Last Edit: Wed, 23 Feb 2011, 17:08 by THE BAT-MAN
For some reason I always thought that Ralph Fiennes would be perfect to play Sherlock Holmes his facial features are not that disimilar from Basil Rathbone plus he's a british actor.  I wonder why he wasn't cast to play in the new Sherlock Holmes movie.  He would have been a better choice than Robert Downy Jr.  even though Robert gave a good performance.  My feelings towards Robert Downy Jr. performance is very similar to my feelings for Heath Ledger's Joker.  I felt that both gave excellent performances Robert (Holmes) and Ledger (Joker), but their faces never convinced me of the characters they were playing.

True, Fiennes would be excellent as Holmes.

But Downey Jr. has that extra something that made Holmes (or Iron-man) more, how can I say it, more "rock".

I read that at Sam Raimi was very interested in directing Batman 3, but the studio wanted a "bigger name" director. If Sam had gotten the job, would he have cast Bruce Campbell in the role? Maybe he would have cast
Liam "Darkman" Neeson as Two-Face! I would have liked that movie better.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?