Burton had lunch with Alan Moore pre-Batman 89?

Started by Azrael, Sat, 21 Mar 2009, 21:40

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The thing is, Batman is not a character or world he created. His story is just one of many. The Batman legacy is bigger than his involvement. He would have no grounds to be pissed about an "inaccurate adaptation" of one of his Batman stories, because it's one influence of many.

LXG, V/Vendetta and Watchmen are all truly his works, his worlds. Therefore, more near-and-dear to him, also, something he has the right to be incensed about if they screw them up.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

As our flipperhanded "friend" said, "things change"  ;) How many guys in their mid/late 20s hold the same views they had in their teenage years? I guess it's the same for guys in their 30s and later in their 50s (I guess those who were 8-10 in 1989 still have a long way to go) If you read many recent Alan Moore interviews from 2008-09, he doesn't simply hate works based on his works, he has a negative stance towards big budget movie-making in general. He also raises some interesting points about how the modern big movie products (and the video game industry some people might add) are more like a series of badly spent hundreds of million dollars that finance mere fireworks that cripple the imagination (and the intellect) of their young audience. He sure dislikes many more modern comic book movies than adaptations of his own work. He still may have liked B A T M A N back when it came out, since Batman didn't follow a trend of comic book movies, it set one, but that was 20 years ago :D His interviews are always an interesting read.

Mon, 27 Sep 2010, 01:25 #22 Last Edit: Tue, 28 Sep 2010, 03:26 by GothamAlleys
There is plenty of similarities between Killing Joke and B89 I think
We all know that Killing Joke wasnt a primary inspiration for B89, but it was one of them and I think its evident. The conversation with Moore prove it. Plus, the fifth draft of Batman (with Warren Skaaren aboard doing rewrites on Sam Hamm's script) is dated October 6th, 1988. TKJ was released in March of that year

And btw, thanks Silver Nemesis for the quote from the book