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Messages - KeatonBatman

The poll's split right down the center with 50/50.

I'm going with B89.
Jack has faced the fact that he will be pinned to the role for life.  :D And he seems perfectly fine with that. Hasn't he stated before that it was his favorite part, or at least one of?
Batman (1989) / Re: Comic Con 2009
Fri, 24 Jul 2009, 21:01
There was supposed to be news of the new Superman movie, but turns out there wasn't.  ::)
That's nice.
Keaton's an awesome guy.  8) His celebrity status hasn't corrupted him.
Kilmer's Batman seemed generic a lot of the time. He did have his moments, as when confronting Two-Face.

Here are some aspects of the Schumacher films that I do like (in random order):

* The statues around the city.

* Batman and Robin chasing Freeze in their automobiles and then Batman deactivating Robin's motorcycle. That scene was pretty cool.

* I liked the soundtrack to BF.

* George Clooney made a decent Bruce Wayne.

* Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy. I liked her, even if she receives such heavy criticism for the performance. It's Mr. Freeze and Bane that I had a real problem with.
"Scandalous" is one of the most romantic, deeply relaxing songs I've ever heard. More than once I've turned it on when I crawl into bed.