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Messages - aldemist

Merchandise / Re: Old Batman PC Games
Sun, 22 Nov 2009, 11:44
i like the Batman Returns game for SNES. the graphic, sound & gameplay were nice & incredible for SNES engine. i only wish the programmer would add the Batskiboat stage, just like the Batman Returns for Sega CD.
Merchandise / Re: Old Batman PC Games
Sat, 21 Nov 2009, 03:15
Thanks For The Infos & For Visiting My Blog / Site, Silenig.

i really don't know if the scenario involving the Ice Princess on the 1992 Batman Returns [PC game] can be altered & Batman can rescue the Ice Princess or not but even if that's true that nothing we can do about the death of the Ice Princess, at least i still want to find some "evidences" on the game, particularly an evidence called "Penguin Tag" & some other "evidences" that i might miss early on the game.

anyway, thanks again & i hope i can upload some more infos later!
Merchandise / Re: Old Batman PC Games
Thu, 19 Nov 2009, 03:37
tried to play the 1992 Batman Returns [PC game] again & still failed to "save the ice princess". must've done something wrong or there are things that i haven't done on the previous day on the game. still don't know what to needs to be done about the rescuing ice princess . . . .
Merchandise / Re: Old Batman PC Games
Tue, 17 Nov 2009, 04:25
i hope my share of infos & hints + tips about the 1989 Batman Movie [PC game] can be useful. if any of this site members want to see some of my movie wallpapers collections, you are welcome to visit my site at:

i've created a few Burton's Batman movie wallpapers & i've uploaded them on my site. Feel Free To Grab Them & Enjoy The Site! Thanks!!
Merchandise / Re: Old Batman PC Games
Tue, 17 Nov 2009, 04:16
here i've posted the last infos & hints + tips about the 1989 Batman Movie [PC game] which covers the infos about the 4th level of the game, where the player needs to control the Batwing plane to cut the wires which connects the Smilex-filled balloons from their carnival trucks.

Hints & Tips For Level 04

- Position your plane in a good position so that when a balloon truck approach, you won't hit & blow away the giant balloon or crash at the truck under it. All you need to do is just cut the wire which connects the giant balloon with its truck.
- Once you got your plane on good position, accelerate speed to make your plane fly straight ahead faster. Don?t stop holding the booster so that your plane?s position won?t change. If your plane change its position, you'll need to work again to put your plane on a good position & this can waste your time. Whenever you accelerate or decelerate speed, never stop holding the booster.
- Crash or blow away a giant balloon, hitting its truck or miss to cut the wire under a giant balloon, will cause Batman?s health to decrease & you can lose a life!
- Note that on the up-right side of the screen, you have a distance indicator radar which shows you how far you are from your destination. The faster you cut loose those giant balloons, the faster the radar turns black. After that radar turned all black, it means the level is done.
- On the up-left side of the screen, there?s a speed indicator which indicates the speed of your craft. The bar will go high & higher when you accelerate more speed & it?ll go low & lower until 0 if you stop accelerating speed or you decelerate your speed.
Merchandise / Re: Old Batman PC Games
Sat, 14 Nov 2009, 03:10
Thanks, Ral. just glad to share something.

here i've posted the next infos & hints + tips for the 1989 Batman Movie [PC game] & the infos are about the level 3 [Batcave] of the game, where the player must find & unlock items which creates Joker's deadly poison gas, Smilex. hope this infos can be useful! Enjoy!

Hints & Tips For Level 3

- Combine & find all 3 objects which can produce Smilex formula. After you pick 3 objects, a number will be shown under the lined-up objects you picked. If the number shows 1 after you pick 3 objects, it means that you only found 1 object which can produce the poisonous formula so you must pick another 3 objects until the number shows 3.
- You have 5 chances to found the 3 objects which can produce the formula. If you fail after 5 chances, you?ll lose 1 life!
Merchandise / Re: Old Batman PC Games
Thu, 12 Nov 2009, 03:56
my second upload about the infos & hints + tips for 1989 Batman Movie [PC game]. these infos are about the second level of the game [Streets Of Gotham City] where the player will be driving the Batmobile & must reach the Batcave in a limited time while avoiding many obstacles on the streets.

Hints & Tips For Level 2

- Above the vehicle, there?s a Batradar which tells you the direction you need to turn your vehicle to. If the Batradar points at a specific direction, you must position your vehicle as close as you can to that direction. If you don?t, the Grappling Hook will be launched at the opposite direction & you can?t make a turning. For example, if the Batradar points to the left direction, you need to steer your vehicle as close as you can to reach the left part of the main road. If you?re not close enough to the left side of the main road, the Grappling Hook will be launched to the opposite direction of the left side, which is to the right side of the main road.
- Once the Batradar points a specific direction, usually the main road will become a straight forward road. Use this chance to steer your vehicle to that pointed direction.
- To make a turning, you should realize that there are 3 lined-up ?Stop? sign at the edge of the main road. You must launch the Grappling Hook so that it?ll attach on a ?Stop? sign at the edge of the main road & help you make a turning. Time your action so that when you launch the Grappling Hook, it?ll attach on the 3rd ?Stop? sign & cause your vehicle to make a turning.
- Beware that on each & every main road you enter, you only have 3 chances to make a turning. After 3 lined-up ?Stop? sign, there?s 1 turning. If you miss the 1st turning, there are still 2 more chances left to make a turning. If you missed all the ?Stop? signs & you failed to make a turning 3 times in a row, you?ll end up at the police road-block & lose 1 life!
- If you have a hard time noticing the 3rd ?Slow? sign, always remember that when you near a 3rd ?Stop? sign, the lines on the main road will have a different color than white. Drive your vehicle carefully as crashing on other cars can also damage your vehicle & you might lose 1 life!
- Note that on the up-right side of the screen, you have a distance indicator radar which shows you how far you are from your destination. The more turnings you made, the faster the radar turns black. After that radar turned all black, it means the level is done.
- On the up-left side of the screen, there?s a speed indicator which indicates the speed of your vehicle. The bar will go high & higher when you increase more speed & it?ll go low & lower until zero if you stop increasing speed or you hit the brake.

more infos will be posted later! Enjoy!
Merchandise / Re: Old Batman PC Games
Thu, 12 Nov 2009, 03:37
after a few days of browsing, i think i've found a way to finally complete the "Evidence Items" for Batman Returns [PC game] & get the perfect ending scene but i haven't try it so it's still just a theory. anyway, i've decided to upload some infos & hints + tips about the 1989 Batman Movie [PC game]. i hope these uploads can help you or at least, can be useful for you somehow.

Hints & Tips For Level 1 & 5

- If Batman uses his Batrope in diagonal directions, his Batrope will instantly brought Batman into swinging motion.
- If the Batrope has already attached on a platform & Batman has already suspended in mid-air with his Batrope, pressing Spacebar will cause Batman to release his Batrope & drop down.
- To create a swinging Batrope from a vertical upward state, keep Batman suspended in mid-air with his Batrope in vertical position then wiggle left & right continuously to make the Batrope starts swinging.
- Be careful when using Batrope to swing! If Batman do a swinging action, make sure he didn?t hit a wall at the end of his swinging action because if he does hit a wall, he?ll drop down immediately!
- Be careful if you want to jump down from a platform. If you jump down to high from where you stand, Batman will lose 1 life!
- On level 1, there are 2 types of goons which are Grenade Bob & Gunman. Grenade Bob attacks by throwing a grenade in an arc path until it explodes on impact. Gunman can shots multiple bullets in 3 directions [diagonal up, diagonal down & horizontally] & he can shoot while crouching. Deal with them carefully. These goons can be defeated with a single Batarang throw, hit them with Batrope or just touch them but touching these goons can damage Batman as well. Obstacles on this level consist of hazardous chemical acid drops from pipes & acid gas burst from pipes. These can damage Batman too.
- On level 1, the main target Batman must find & defeat is Jack Napier. He?s located at the far upper-right part of the factory. Jack dresses like a Gunman & shoot bullets as well. Defeat him with 1 Batarang throw to finish level 1.
- On level 5, there are 2 types of goons which are Grenade Bob & Gunman but their outfits were different than the ones on the chemical factory. Only their attacks are similar. Deal with them carefully. These goons can be defeated with a single Batarang throw, hitting them with Batrope or just touch them but touching these goons can damage Batman as well. Obstacles on this level consist of spiky wooden floor & thin wooden floor. Thin wooden floor can easily break lose when Batman stepped on it. Spiky wooden floor can take 1 life immediately if Batman stepped on it. Another obstacles on this level are big rats. You can?t do anything to these furry animals so when you meet one, you can only try to avoid it. Use Batrope & keep Batman suspended in mid-air while waiting for the rats to pass him by & then you can proceed.
- On level 5, the main target Batman must find & defeat is The Joker. He?s located at the rooftop of the cathedral & dresses in a bright color clothes. He?ll be on the rope ladder, ready to enter & escape with his chopper. Act fast & hit him with Batrope to send him to his death & finish the game.

since this game consist of 5 levels, i'll upload the infos separately. this is the first infos & hints + tips data & it's about level 1 [Axis Chemical Factory] & level 5 [Gotham Cathedral]. i'll be posting the rest of the infos later! Enjoy!
Merchandise / Re: Old Batman PC Games
Tue, 29 Sep 2009, 06:20
Wheewww . . . . i got a bit tired doing some "trial & error" on searching some clues & stuffs on this Batman Returns for PC so i took some time playing the old but goody Batman Movie game for Sega Genesis. Quite Refreshing & the game is always Enjoyable To Play.
Merchandise / Re: Old Batman PC Games
Wed, 26 Aug 2009, 05:19
Thanx, Trevor! the walkthrough is nice. most of "evidence items" i can found & collect but i still don't know how or where to get the "penguin tag" & some other items. i think i need to play the game again to find the still-not-found items. Thanx Again!