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Messages - brucewayne24

Merchandise / Re: batman piggy bank AWESOME
Tue, 21 Jul 2009, 06:36
it means it''s 15 by 10 and for anything else i checked the date at the bottom and it says 1995, but i don't know anything else because this came as a gift so i will try to get pics up
MUST.................have....................all i would easily pay 1,000,000 maybe more for this this place is awesome wish it was my house
Merchandise / batman piggy bank AWESOME
Sun, 19 Jul 2009, 02:00
i have this piggy bank that is the whole city of gotham, but once you put in a coin a light projects of the bat signal then you see a batmobile shoot out from alittle pocket in the bank then rides around till it hides again, but it is not over, you see a mini batman figurine fly out  flying in an alley way as you hear noises of punches and batarangs. give me your imput it is about 15x 10