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Messages - 89Batman

Memorabilia / Re: Lookie what I scored....
Tue, 23 Jun 2009, 12:01
I have one of the original patches given to me by a friend who worked on the production.
20 years of 89 / Re: Batman 89 Live Chat
Mon, 20 Oct 2008, 20:42
Just how would it work!
Tim Curry would be my choice with James Woods a close second.
Customs / Re: 89 cowl
Fri, 26 Oct 2007, 02:48
Shawn how big will hiis be??
I still watch this movie two or three times a year! It has definitely stood the test of time - us writing about it confirms that!!! Keaton was the best screen Batman in my mind and Burtons' visionary direction means the movie will still be being enjoyed for years to come!
As for the costume and set design- no movie, in my opinion, has ever been quite so innovative. And the weapons and gadgets WOW!!!! Oh man I think I need to go watch the movie again!!