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Messages - TheBatman

I am one of the biggest haters of the Schumacher movies. To me they go against what Batman stands for. That he is a dark hero. One of the major issues I had with Forever was the Riddler's invention. The Box.  I thought it was an terrible excuse to drive the story. Not to mention it was too easily destroyed. The Final Showdown at Claw Island, All Batman had to do was destroy the Main Box to stop the Riddler. Way too easy.  Anyone else have this issue with Forever or was it just me?
Happy Birthday to Danny Elfman!  The only person who can put music to Batman the proper way.
Misc. Burton / Re: Favorite Final Shot
Mon, 1 Jun 2009, 14:11
The last shot of 89.  It's simply iconic.  You have Batman standing on a ledge watching over Gotham with the Bat Signal shining. Danny Elfman's score just adds to the awesomeness of that final shot.  Best way to end a Batman Film.
Keaton is the man.   Makes me happy that he's still proud of his Batman days.
It's hard to choose, Because I loved both 89 and Returns.  But If I had to pick one....I'd pick Returns.   I loved it's darkness and sense of mystery. It was haunting yet beautiful.  Danny and Michelle were both top notch as the Penguin and Catwoman. Returns is a severly underrated film.  Not just as a Batman film but as a film in general. I hope one day we get another Batman movie similar in tone to Returns.  I have a special place in my heart for BR.
Misc. Burton / Re: Best poster logo
Mon, 1 Jun 2009, 13:57
The Bat Symbol immersed in Snow. Made you realize that Returns was going to be a much different film than 89.