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Messages - Matuatay

LOL I hope you mean to the suit and not my face!   8)
Hey all!

Would any of you happen to know where I could find some good shots of Two-Face's suit in TDK?  It's always too dark in the movie to really get any good detail information. 

Also, has anyone heard or seen how they made his suit?  I know it's supposed to be burned up on the left side, but it almost looks leathery.  I might just end up finding a gray suit and burning half of it, then dying parts of it red, as it appears on the Hot Toys version that some of it burned away revealing a reddish lining. 

Thanks in advance if anyone can help me out!
You bring up a good point about the budget, Grissom, and Nolan has proved himself time and time again as an effective filmmaker, so whatever he decides to "delete" will probably not have a huge effect.  And he might be able to shorten the dialogue in certain scenes to where the scene still has the same impact to the story, but with fewer words.  So we may end up with more rewrites than actual "deletes". 
I have the same concerns about "trimming" the script.  Personally I'd much rather see him go ahead and film everything and then just add the missing scenes to a dvd/blu-ray release. 
I have a gut feeling that this just might turn out to be true.  Were Bane and Strange not in cahoots at some point in one of the graphic novels or comic books? 

If this turns out to be true and they cast Williams in that role, I will be sold on this movie.  As it stands, I might go see it after I hear some reviews, but I won't be tripping over myself to see it opening night as I was with Batman Begins and TDK.  I'm just not feeling the whole Bane/Catwoman thing.  Never thought of them is all that great in any adaption. 

Bring in Williams as Strange and I'm there!   8)
Catwoman's look in TAS was basically the same, the suit just wasn't  black or shiney.   Some of the statues you see occasionally in TAS Gotham City, like Gotham Plaza in "Christmas with The Joker" was clearly Burton-inspired.  I'm sure there's more. 
Easily "Birth of A Penguin" and "Finale"
Misc. Schumacher / Re: Sequels?
Fri, 21 Jan 2011, 04:29
I seem to remember hearing that they wanted Alicia to return for 'Triumphant' in a shorter stint because Batgirl was going to be killed off in that one, which would lead to a major rift between Batman and Robin and eventually lead Robin to go off by himself to become Nightwing.   And yes, in the middle of all this, Scarecrow somehow gets Bats under the influence of his fear toxin which causes Bats to have hallucinations of The Joker and Harley Quinn is out for revenge against Batman for killing her husband/lover/whatever. 

Personally I would have loved to see this come to fruition.  As for that logo, if it's legit, maybe it's supposed to some how represent Batman and Nightwing?  That's all I can make of it.  Never have seen it before tonight so it's new to me.
Batman (1989) / Re: Batman drawing
Fri, 21 Jan 2011, 04:19
That's amazing and would make a great one-sheet for a re-release of the film in theaters.
Batman (1989) / Re: what's your fav
Fri, 21 Jan 2011, 04:17
I'm with everyone else who said I love every minute of it, but my two *very* favs would have to be Attack of the Batwing and Finale.