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Messages - Scarecrow756

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Mon,  9 May  2011, 22:54
Quote from: Scarecrow756 on Mon,  9 May  2011, 21:17
is the improved picture quality good enough to warrant an upgrade, your comments will be very well appreciated.

Absolutely! Yes!

I can't even guess at the number of times I had watched B89 before the Blu-ray...but the first watching of B89 in HD blew me away! It's a whole new experience.

Get it!

Thanks for the responce back Ral, I think I might get it. Batman is always a movie I watch quite lot of times in the space of a year. I have had the pleasure of seeing it on the big screen a couple of years ago and it would be good to experince the movie in high defination with enhanced sound. 8)
Hi guys, need some advice. I have just got a Blu-Ray player and it's all ready to go. Just picked up a few movies, I was wondering if I should get Batman 89 on Blu-Ray., I have owned the Special Edition DVD of the movie since 2005 when it was first released. However should I sell it and get the Blu-Ray version instead, is the improved picture quality good enough to warrant an upgrade, your comments will be very well appreciated.

This is a very interesting topic that I want to give my two cents on. I think out of all the comic book characters out there, Batman is the most realistic in the sense of the stories that can be written about him and the concept. However I think that is where it should end. He will always be a comic book character and that is that, when you start to make him too realistic then I think you dilute him and his world greatly. There are fans out there who just like him as super realistic in a world without superheroes and really not fanstical at all. And that is fine but to me that?s boring, seeing Batman in the JLA and outside his element with people stronger than he is,  adds to his character not subtract it. I think there should always be a balance and the best example I can think of is the way Batman was portrayed in the video game Arkham Asylum. There he was gritty, dark, and his world felt comic book esque. 
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Tue, 24 Nov  2009, 12:00
Ahhh man.  That sounds brilliant.  I wish I'd been there.   ???

At what point was the trivia contest, and were any of the questions film related?  Also, what were the crowd like Scarecrow if you don't mind me asking.

I hope the BFI do another one of these, or at least Batman and Batman Returns back-to-back.

The trivia contest was after Batman Returns, just at the half way point. And the questons varied some focused on the comics, some on the movies and some related to the directors or starts of the movies such as: What movie did Chris Bale lose an excessive amount for? I don`t mind you asking Gobs, the crowd were very good they clapped at all movies, I counted Returns getting quite a few espically at the end. The whole crowd were into all the movies espically 89 I would say. Overall a fantastic exprince I rewatch these movies quite a bit on DVD every year but nothing compares to seeing it on the big screen with loads of people and some were even hardcore Bat fans, some came dressed up. I just wore my Batman 89 logo t-shirt.
I went with the GF and it was really awesome seeing all the movies most notebably Batman 89, seeing that on the big screen with the orginal print was fablous so many great moments heighted by the big screen such as Descent Into Mystery/Drive back to the Bat Cave, Joker`s first apprance and the first scene with Batman`s intro. Seeing Returns was awesome and in the orginal print to was great, hardly any of the colours were amplified which made me think of it more as a Germen Expressonism film. Begins same as before always wowed by it but seeing TDK in IMAX was a totally driffrent experince despite this being my 8th viewing of the movie. The action in the middle was awesome and the last scene in IMAX just made you feel closer to the action and the emotion of the end of TDK. Overall a very great exprince and the Batman trivia contest was fun to, lol not to many people knew their stuff some thought Robin made his debuit in 1997.
Batman Forever (1995) / Re: BF poll
Wed, 11 Nov 2009, 16:49
The best way to sum this movie up is in an analogy. This movie for me is like a juicy McDonolds burger, you enjoy it while you eating and you know its bad for you but hours later you think nothing of it.
I most deft will be going, just trying to persuade the GF or a couple of friends to go with me, thats why its awesome to study in London in order to go to events like this.
Misc Comics / Re: Favorite Batman artist
Sat, 17 Oct 2009, 09:34
Neal Adams is my favourite Batman Artist because when ever some asks me whats your image of Batman I just show them Neal Adams`s Batman. Its that iconic for me, everything is right about how he draws him from the costume, height, weight and look. My second favourite would have to be David Mazzucchelli`s Batman from Batman Year, for the 80s and changing decade of The Dark Knight it was a perfect fit and suited the gritty, dirty, noir and corrupt Gotham City that Frank Miller portrayed in Batman Year One. My third favourite would have to be Brain Bolland espically with his art on Batman The Killing, to me apart from Adams he draws the defintive Joker. And the way he drew and described Batman was intersting on the Batman 89 documentry, Legends of The Dark Knight, "Batman to me has always been a 2D, shodowy figure" And those panels when you see Batman like this are just spectacular. Some of my other favourite Batman Artists in no order, Bob Kane (Particually the first Year of Dectective Comics), Dick Sprang, Jim Lee, Lee Bermejo, Frank Quietly, Tim Sale, Alex Ross, Andy Kubert and Jim Aparo.
Awesome scenes there ral. Some of my favourites are the first meeting and talk between Batman and the Penguin. This is perfect as it establishes the stakes Bats and Penguin are fighting for, and the dialogue was great, short snappy and subtle it suited the mood perfectly. My other favourite scene is when Bruce and Selina find out each identities, the music was perfect and the emotion was all there plus great acting from Keaton and Pffifer. Its so tragic when Selina says "Does this mean we have to start fighting?"