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Messages - ShadowSculptor

Well this one Im much happier with. I learned a lot bout the 89 suit from this experience. I've tried to include all the small details, the nike logos, palm grips, certain wrinkles, cowl nose holes, all that good stuff. Hope you guys like it, Im very happy with this one.

Ill probably upload cooler and better pics soon, but for now heres some WIP pics. No hydroshrinking here, just scupting this from scratch.

Im not sure if i can reach a top ten, but here goes

1. Of course will obviously go to the fact that I took part in The Dark Knight Rises shoot as an extra, and got to see it film live in my home city of Pittsburgh. Not only the greatest Bat Moment of 2011, but the greatest moment of my life so far. I got to see Bane Facing off Against Batman, I got to see Nolan and Bale and many others in person. I couldn't have asked for much else!

2. Arkham City. Pretty self explanatory. The Best Batman video game ever made. It was a fun release, my girl dressed as Harl and we went to the midnight launch. Good times.

3. the Official TDKR trailer release. I went to the theater just for this, and later i found out I was actually in the trailer as an extra for a split second! (hopefully featured more in the actual film!) How friggin amazing.

4. Arkham City Hype and lead up. It was crazy and very exciting prepping for this for a solid 2 years. But the final month was awesome. I still have all of my Arkham city swag hanging up that I acquired through the hype period. Replaying Arkham Asylum in full the night before was awesome.

5. I was able to finally complete a few new Batman Movie custom figures of mine that were able to get me good business for months to come! Very grateful for all of that!

6. Hot Toys 1989 Batman figure announcement/pictures. how friggin awesome to finally have Keaton getting some love from major toy companies!

7. Thats all I got haha. I havn't been keeping up with the comics, bleh. If I think of anything else ill add it!
Batman (1989) / Re: Batman de-masked?!
Wed, 24 Aug 2011, 20:40
Yup the white flashes of her camera, thats what makes the scene so damn cool! I've noticed those things through out my several viewings of the film in the past couple of years. I also Noticed when he's falling into the garbage after letting go of the grapple he gave to viki, that he comes completely unmasked while falling! hahaha. its a one or two frame thing, but its there.

Quote from: CarterOfMars on Tue, 16 Aug  2011, 13:57
It's one of those things I'd always noticed.

What I didn't get, until the other day, is that there are constant white flashes during that fight scene.  It's Vicki taking photos the entire time.
Thanks guys!

Heres some more pics!

Dead End Batman

Let me know what ya guys think!
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun, 14 Aug  2011, 21:18
Outstanding! Those little question-marks must of had you in tears by the time you finished.

Haha Thanks. and yes absolutely. They were a pain!

Here are quick pics of my new 6 inch 89 Keaton and Dead End Batmen. More pictures to come soon!

If anyone wonders, that Isnt real water, Its a paint technique I used, so it is quite permanent!


More pictures and I have a new Keaton and Dead End Batman to come tomorrow!

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Fri, 29 Jul  2011, 00:20

Id hope they are working out all the obvious errors with their keaton figure. That picture is VERY disappointing. The cape doesn't even connect at the emblem. The ab armor is all wrong as well. The gold belt color is obviously wrong too. (too copper colored)

Jack Joker needs a bigger body and the Keaton needs reworked a bunch, The head isn't ideal either, it resembles Returns too much instead of the rougher, looser 89.

Thats going from those leaked pictures though, heres hoping some official pictures show that its a lot better! id love to be able to buy this and not feel ripped off! Loving the accessories, and it will be interesting to see if HT puts the Nike Logos on this batman!

Ill nit pick this to death I tell ya haha.
Quote from: SilentEnigma on Mon, 25 Jul  2011, 22:48
"Ridiculously awesome"... couldn't agree more

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 24 Jul  2011, 01:29
Hot Toys - please do the same treatment for the Batmissile, Batwing and the Batskiboat.

And a Bruce Wayne/Batman figure from Batman Returns, with the iron maiden!

Oh god no...... please. I have to be able to eat!!!!
Its simply amazing, But I still dont see how it will be able to fit 2 12 inch figures in that thing without them conkin heads. Its a tad undersized Id say.