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Messages - cm95

For the Batman figures, I think they were using old Dark Knight Collection molds. They probably thought that it would be easier to cut corners with the penguin figure as well. The reason the catwoman was accurate was because I don't think there had been a catwoman figure in the U.S. before, so they had to create a new mold anyway.
I'd love to see this. Commercials should've been included on the 2005 box set.
Is that choice hotel ad included in the commercial thread? That batwing actually looked pretty cool for a commercial.
BTAS was actually the first incarnation of Batman that I saw. My five year old self thought it was the coolest thing around, simply because I had never seen anything like it. This was right before Forever came out (very underrated), in the summer of '95. My brother rented MOTP around that time,and I finally saw the live action films when BF came out on vhs. Believe it or not, B89 was my favorite even at that young age.

Damn, I'll be 19 in a month and this all feels like yesterday.
Misc. Burton / Re: Batman Tribute (89-92)
Sat, 7 Feb 2009, 22:48
Was this song from the B&R soundtack?
I've been watching it more these last few months, but before last summer, it had been about ten years since I'd seen it al the way through. I've watched Returns and Forever a lot more during these past few years though.
I would love to sign the petition, but I can't find it.  In the past year or so, there has been a trend of releasing "throwback" figures meant for collectors and kids alike. Power Rangers started a new line last year and I hear T.M.N.T. will do the same. Even more promising are the aforementioned Superman movie masters rumors. S.E. figures for ALL FOUR Batman films would most likely be a success with the 20th anniversary, blu-ray release and growing popularity of The Dark Knight. However there is strength in numbers, so if the petition was highly publicised. I think we would have a better chance at getting the Mattel execs. attention.