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Messages - damiean dark

Misc. Burton / Re: Favourite Death
Wed, 3 Feb 2010, 06:54
What about the big joker goon in Gotham Cathedrals bell tower? he beats the hell out of a weakened Batman then gets completely outsmarted in one of the funniest deaths ever.
Its still strange to think ho good Keaton was just like nicholson as joker it was all in the facial emotes .
Its clear he was Joking Jacks a mature adult actor who played a role 20 years ago he loved playing joker but i HIGHLY doubt he thinks he is the be and end all for the character (though i personally still think he is the best).

And what exactly would they ask him anyway? "mr nicholson how exactly should joker act,talk ect?" Ledger had 60 years of comics and his own imagination anf though im not a massive fan of his creation he at least gave us something interesting.

Only extremem fanboys imo really put any weight behind this silly rumour.
Misc. Burton / Re: the hell?
Tue, 26 Jan 2010, 04:27
Quote from: Catwoman on Sun, 10 Jan  2010, 04:05
i just read that the girl who played alicia in the first movie was married to mick jagger.... :o

Where have you been for the last 30 odd years? its widely known that Jerry Hall and Mick Jagger had a relationship and are still friends.
Quote from: Grissom on Fri,  8 Jan  2010, 13:01
I think all the Batman films had great posters, yes even B & R, but The 1989 Batman poster is still the gold standard, just supremely iconic and one of the best and most recognizable posters in film history.

Exactly just a simple Batsign gold background made history..
Easily Phiffer.

Not only is she one of the best actresses of her generation she was a hottie as well.

The moment when she says "makes me feel"(pause) all dirty" and makes that face before she starts to clean herself i was sold ;D.

Penguins face was a riot to watch they had some great scenes together.
Much  as i love Batman the Matrix movies,especially the first one, are amazing films imo easily one of the best sci fi movies ever.  The storylines are great and the fight scenes are great too okay reeves as neo wasnt amazing but Mopheus and trinity are just super cool characters.

the one shame to me was that they got caught up in a whole load of gobbledegook by the third movie im still not exactly sure what happend in the end.
I still dont see Defoe as Wayne but did any of us think Keaton would have been so good? even if your not a fan you have to admit he was better then anyone expected him to be.

Alec Baldwin would have been my choise in 1989 he had looks and has always been a tremendous actor.

More recently i would have picked Billy Zane in Batman Begins, even if he was pushing it age wise, he is one of those actors who can be dark then revert to humourous charm in an instant something Bale imo is just incapable of doing.
The long barreled gun was great,  the little stagger after joker shoots the gun highlights for me Nicholsons little nuances and quirks that made him so great.
Misc. Burton / Re: Favourite Death
Sat, 3 Oct 2009, 12:07
Its the newsreader/smylex infomercial thats just classic insane joker.