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Messages - hunterbat

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 14 Jan  2011, 08:15
The title is unimaginative.

Agreed! The whole knight/night play on words thing, "The night is darkest just before the dawn" and Gordon calling him a "Dark Knight" etc.... I understand it's thematic, maybe Nolan's pandering to people who will undoubtedly think they're brilliant for figuring out that wordplay is one of the small successful nuances to Nolan's franchises? Heh.... or maybe he just has a very remedial creative-dialog streak....
Ikea always has Swedish cpies on their shelf! My girl scored me one (forgot it fell into her purse etc ;)
I would say that if the role is to be reprised, it should be someone fresh and new. I think the only way we'll be able to swallow a new Catwoman (Halle Ber... bleCH BLARGH BLAAAARGLGGHH) it needs to be someone whom we won't relate to one role or another from her earlier repetiore. I still don't think the role should be touched, as Nolan's "realistic" ideas will likely dull or water-down the acrobatic, devious seductress the comics so faithfully and lovingly portray as our (well, my) favorite femme fatale.

Good luck with Angelina Jolie as Catwoman.... I'd expect her to wear khaki shorts and waaaaay too much lipstick. Her schtick got old a few years back- the stress of her seventywhatever adopted babies is putting bags under her eyes ;)