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Messages - Pantallica78

Ok guys. I have seen my Batman Returns blu-ray and it looks phenomenal. A far superior transfer than the 89 Batman. Crisp sharp picture, inky blacks and beautiful colors. This is like watching it for the first time. Bravo, Warner.
Your order is identical to me. Bravo. DallyWhitty.
Very cool. It seems that great minds think alike.  ;)
Very astute description.  It truly is the superior film. Now here is MY order of favorite Bat-films in countdown fashion:

7) Batman & Robin
6) Batman Forever
5) Batman the Movie (1966)
4) Batman (1989)
3) Batman Returns
2) Batman Begins
1) The Dark Knight
By the way, just to spark up debates, here's my number-ordered countdown of all the actors who have played Batman throughtout the years:

7) Robert Lowery
6) Lewis Wilson
5) Val Kilmer
4) George Clooney
3) Adam West
2) Michael Keaton
1) Christian Bale
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue, 13 Jan  2009, 23:51
Returns would look even better if anything I think.  Be sure to tell us how that one looks, Pantallica78.

Will do, Dark Knight. Should be arriving very soon.  I am anxious to see that one especially. More Tim Burton visuals and in retrospect, and in my older years, I have grown more fond of 'Returns' over the original.
The Sound is presented in either Dolby TrueHD 5.1 of Dolby Digital 5.1. Since I don't have a receiver capable of transmitting Dolby TrueHD or DTS-HD, the Dolby Digital 5.1 was very nice. However, one thing the standard DVD has over the blu-ray is the inclusion of a DTS 5.1. DTS kicks the ass Dolby Digital. But it's a much better picture (and Jack Nicholson's reveal as the Joker is very unsettling in 1080p)!
Well guys, I finally got my Batman 1989 blu-ray in the mail today and watched it in full 1080p glory. I will say that while it is certainly not the clearest, crispest blu-ray out there, it certainly shows the film in a whole different light, and I for one have fallen in love with it all over again. The scenes that really counted looked marvelous. I can only imagine Batman Returns (which I have on the way) looking even superior in its transfer.
Well, I put in an order for the first 2 Batman films on blu-ray, and I have been put through the ringer, boy! First I ordered from, then all of a sudden they were out of stock! Then tried, they were out of stock till after Xmas. Then finally, they were in and out of stock. They FINALLY just shipped the first one, now I am awaiting them to send Batman Returns. Either these are selling like hot-cakes, or Warner UK did not make enough copies. These were the best Batman films (until the Nolan-Bale series. Sorry guys, but they ARE better films in both acting, writing and dialogue. :P Christian Bale is bit closer to the letter of Batman than Michael Keaton<even though Keaton is still awesome!>) Here's to hoping the blu-rays have impressive transfers. I live in US, so I am excited as hell to have these before any of my friends "tee-hee". I will not re-purchase the first one for the 20th anniversary either. I feel the special features on the special edition are awesome enough. Nor will the transfer be any better, I'm sure. Just more features and deluxe packaging.
I definitely love Batman (1989) as one of my all time favorites. But, as I got older, I started to realize I enjoy Batman Returns more. While neither Danny DeVito as the Penguin nor Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman are as stand-out as Jack Nicholson's Joker, I feel that it was a darker film and Michael Keaton seemed to "fit" Batman and Bruce Wayne a little more easier. (However, I now recognize Batman Begins and especially The Dark Knight as superior films. Sorry, Jack. I still love ya, but Heath Ledger is KING! And Christian Bale fits the mold of Batman perfectly.  ;)
Catwoman headbutting Batman? I didn't even know that wa sin jeopardy of being edited out! Sheesh, are they strict. I may just wait and see till they are released and reviewed first to determine whether I get them early from the UK, or wait till the US releases them. But I'm such a Bat-fan, I hope they are all completely UNCUT!