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Messages - kag88

Misc. Burton / BATMAN in HD (USA)
Thu, 22 Apr 2010, 07:01
Beginning May 1st, 2010 HD-Net Movies in the USA will be showing Batman, Returns, and Forever in full HD, all month long.

Here's their monthly line up:

and check out their month of May movie montage: (click HDNET Movies Monthly-Promo)

Burton's classics in full 1080 HD!
Enjoy them if you don't feel like buying the BluRays...
Quote from: Grissom on Wed, 25 Mar  2009, 11:48
That is fantastic! Good for you! I also never saw Batman in theatres and I'm sure one day I will and believe me I'll pay whatever price. This theatre you went to, what's the name of it? Also, do they have schedules for upcoming movies because I'm assuming that it's a theatre that shows older films from time to time.

It's great that you experienced it on the big screen and I hope that many other theatres show it again for the 20th Anniversary in June.

Once again, good for you!


Just click the scrolling "Big Fremont, San Luis Obispo, CA" under 'Locations'

There you'll find their "Rewind Classics" series and times/dates of when they show the classics. 

I wouldn't be surprised if BATMAN plays somewhere (or hopefully a number of places) for it's 20th.
I would definitely go, again.  Sorry you couldn't be there but, oh my... it was so awesome.  Best two parts, and it reminded me of Rocky Horror participation; EVERYONE in the theater cheered, "Lawrence!" along with the Joker and cheered even louder when Batman crashed through the skylight.... So, you can imagine how crazy it got when the credits rolled!
Quote from: ral on Wed, 25 Mar  2009, 14:53
Did you manage to take any photos?

Only one.  Didn't want to distract from the movie... my phone has a flash on it.  I seriously wanted to, but, i did snag one...
I'll post it very soon!
Just returned from the theater downtown....

Seeing Tim Burton's BATMAN on the big screen, (and I mean this theater is beautifully old-fashioned and has an enormous screen), it was like seeing it for the first time.  From the gothic logo/opening, to the triumphant final shot.... Oh my.... like the DVD cases quote, "Speechless" (haha) I really, really was.  I'm 21 years old, and of course, never had the chance to see it during the original release, seeing it tonight made me feel like a little kid again. Sitting their, in this packed theater.... laughing at 'You're my number one...and I!' and 'Pass the salt' and 'Partyman' along with the packed theater... sigh... amazing. 

Another cool note: the movie was an original print, thus being, very grainy.  The grain, blotches here and there, gave the viewing a "Grindhouse" feel to it, just that little touch, made this 20 year old film even cooler. 

Wow, a dream come true.
I wish all of you Bat-Freaks could've been there....
Seeing Tim Burton's BATMAN, tonight on the BIG SCREEN!
I will take pictures. 
I will bring a gas-mask
I Will bring 1$ bills, with my face on them
I will be a partyman....

Party by the pale, moonlight!

"Batman" will be playing at my local theater on March 24th 2009
at The Fremont in San Luis Obispo, CA
Very exciting.
An amazing theater. HUGE screen.
Just in time for that 20th Anniversary DVD/Blu-Ray release......

Here's the theater's blog:

It's known as the "SLO Rewind Series"  where the theater shows classics like, "Ghostbusters" - "Rocky Horror Picture Show" - "Aliens", etc--every month. Always major turnouts.  In digital format, too.