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Messages - BatSocks

Graphic Novels / Re: Graphic Novel Collection
Sat, 29 Nov 2008, 01:27
Wow BatmAngelus!  I'm jealous.

Ones I own:

Batman Black and White 1-3
Batman: Year One
Robin: Year One
Batgirl: Year One
Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper
Catwoman: Defiant
The Killing Joke
Arkham Asylum
Arkham Asylum: Living Hell
Tales of The Batman (Tim Sale)
The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told 1-2 (the older ones)
Batman: Strange Apparitions
The Long Halloween
Dark Victory
Haunted Knight
Catwoman: When in Rome
Batman: Vampire
Batman: Manbat
The Batman of Arkham
Batman: Night Cries
Batman: the Doom that came to Gotham 1-3
Four of a Kind
Batman: Ego and other Tales
The Forensic Files of Batman
Tales of the Batman (older book)
Adventures of the Batman
Batman: TAS (1992 - 1995) / Re: The Batman
Sat, 11 Oct 2008, 00:09
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Fri, 10 Oct  2008, 20:50
I didnt mind it, but it just didnt sit well with me. How can you go from such an amazing portrayal of The Joker by Mark Hammil in BTAS, and then get that? Pretty far below it I should say.

Plus I dont know how anyone can say this show was NOT for kids, it was very watered down and the animation was just as crappy as watching dragonballz or pokemon.

I don't think anyone will argue that it wasn't for kids, or that is wasn't below BTAS in quality.  I just personally thought it was a lot of fun to watch despite it's flaws.

Batman: TAS (1992 - 1995) / Re: The Batman
Fri, 10 Oct 2008, 01:01
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Thu,  9 Oct  2008, 23:29
Joker-ish what like an ape hopping around and making weird sounds?

Other then jumping a lot while fighing I don't really recall him acting much like a monkey, though I could be mistaken.  You obviously didn't like the interpretation and I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise.  Different strokes, etc.  :)
Batman Returns (1992) / Re: Coming in 2009...
Thu, 9 Oct 2008, 22:32
I am quite intrigued.  :)
1. Returns

2. 89

3. Forever
Batman: TAS (1992 - 1995) / Re: The Batman
Thu, 9 Oct 2008, 21:52
*jumps out of lurking*

Overall I enjoyed this show quite a bit, personally.  It was fun and really liked the look of it.  It's no BTAS, but it was different enough that I never really felt like I had to compare the two.  I found their Joker super weird at first, but after several episodes I came to like it. He still felt "Joker-y" (to me, anyway).
