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Messages - Bat-Wing

Batman 89 had the effect on me that it seems the original Star Wars had on people who saw it in theaters. I was only one when SW debuted, and while I grew up watching it countless times (along with its sequels), I was thirteen when I first saw Batman.

I'd grown up knowing about Batman, mainly from my brother's comics and Super Friends. But when the hype for Batman hit, I started reading comics myself. Batman 89 got me into the comic shop, into comics, and made The Batman my favorite hero.

I didn't see Batman in a showy multiplex. Living in a small town and being too young to drive, I was just thrilled to be seeing it. My mom dropped me off and I waited in the first of many movie lines I'd find myself in. I had my Batman t-shirt and had finished the novelization the night before.

I was floored by the movie. The opening theme and title sequence was epic, and I don't think I moved other than to breathe during the entire movie. I must have seen it in theaters at least six times, a feat considering I wasn't driving.

I voraciously read more Batman comics and when Batman 89 was released on VHS, I received it for Christmas. I think I watched it every day or every other day once I got it on VHS. My mom and dad got tired of it after a while, but it still mesmerized me.

I eventually learned that it wasn't a "true" adaptation of the comics, but it didn't matter. The spirit of The Dark Knight was there in every fiber of the film, and it was probably the first film that I'd be honest in saying engaged and grabbed me and fired my imagination.

Are BB and TDK awesome? Heck yes, and faithful in different ways. But they lack that magical, wonderful quality Batman 89 had. But I love 89 and the Nolan films, and they are probably my favorite films of all.

I ordered the Rubies cowl, labeled "adult mask," and damn near killed myself getting it half way over my face. Unbelievable that Rubies would produce something so damn small for adults.

Anyway, I have a limited budget but was hoping to find a true adult sized cowl in the Batman/Batman Returns style.

If not, has anyone tried the BB/TDK full cowl from Rubies? I've heard that fits better.

Please help!

I didn't like the new suit at first, but this pic has finally sold me on it:

Would like it even more if the whole suit was as black as those gloves and boots...with modern coloring, we don't have
to fear an all black costume.

Thanks again!
My screen is 1024X768. So whatever size would be good to fit that resolution without stretching or blurring.

Thank you so much!

That's the one! Do you have it in a larger size?
I looked through the galleries (all of them, twice) but couldn't find it.

I think the photo is seen most in the doc on the Batsuit and the doc on the Joker.

It's similar to the scene of Batman landing inside Axis (right before he nabs the guy with the grappling gun) but it's a different take. It's a wider shot and the wings are spread open, not unlike the first time we see Batman earlier in the film.

There's fog in the scene, so I'm guessing it could be a still from when Batman ascends his zipline out of Axis in a cloud of smoke. Still, I couldn't find a pic from that scene, either.

...what would you go with?

A return to the look we've had since "New Gotham," a return to the oval and capsule belt, or something else entirely?

I'd want to go bring the black costume back, but this time, not just in a halfhearted way. No blue boots or cowl/cape/gloves. My changes:

*Full black costume

*A return to the oval, but the yellow is now gray

*A belt with pouches AND mini-canisters. Color: dark khaki or gray.

I found a pic from "No Man's Land" that pretty much nails the look. You'll notice the capsules/pouches on the belt. I just made the belt and oval gray.

Nicholson would never do this, mainly because of ego. I'm not bashing him, but he's the kind of actor who wants to be on screen and on screen a great deal.

I could see Keaton doing this very readily. My dream would be that Andrea Romano asks him to voice Bruce Wayne/Batman for either a "The Dark Knight Returns" animated feature or an adaptation of "The Killing Joke" or "Knightfall."

Any of these would be the pinnacle of epic.

Ral, I gotta agree with you there.

For years, I was upset that even Batman 89--a watershed moment in my life--fell short in some key ways. Specifically, too great a focus on the Joker, and a Bruce Wayne/Batman who wasn't physically a match for the comic book character.

Batman Begins and The Dark Knight have corrected those two problems, yet brought new ones. The focus on realism is welcome, but it's pushed out the Gothic atmosphere that is integral to the character and his world.

I think the definitive on-screen version of The Batman remains Batman: The Animated series. If that could be adapted to live-action (ironically enough, it was inspired by Batman 89/Returns) then I think we'd have the definitive Batman on film.

Maybe they'll let Bruce Timm and Paul Dini have a shot at live action after Nolan is done.