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Messages - Grissom

Movies / MIB International Trailer 2
Thu, 25 Apr 2019, 20:31
New trailer released, gotta say it looks good:

Thought it will be great on the 10th Anniversary of this great film, to hear people's experiences in watching this film at the cinema. Unfortunately I missed it at the time, but my brother went to see it and when he got back, he looked me straight in the face and said, " That is one of the best movies I've ever seen".

I knew then that it was special...

What about you? How was the theatrical experience? How did the rest if the audience react?
Movies / Infinity War Trailer 2
Fri, 23 Mar 2018, 17:31
Movies / Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Fri, 23 Mar 2018, 17:27
Movies / Superbowl trailers
Mon, 5 Feb 2018, 00:52

Can you believe it has been 25 years since this film was released in theatres? It was released today November 20th, today and became a huge box office success. It's a great film with a great "feel-good" component that everyone should enjoy.

How do you guys feel about this film?

You can discuss every spoiler, moment, scene, line etc from Justice League in this thread:

Fire away!

What did you guys think about the post credit scenes?
Gotham (2014 - 2019) / Solomon Grundy!
Fri, 13 Oct 2017, 01:21
Yeah, I wanna see that. 8)

Next week should be good.
Awesome! I'm loving what I see.

Movies / Jumanji Official Trailer
Fri, 30 Jun 2017, 02:08