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Messages - Vexation

Misc. Burton / Re: The Best Burton Batcave
Tue, 28 Oct 2008, 23:47
The 89 Cave for me because it had the darkest feel to me.^^
This Batman was campy and I kinda liked it when I was a child,but now I
don't really care for it although it did have it's moments. XD
I'd agree with Joker89.^^ The original has that chemistry that you can't
really get over.
Misc Comics / Re: My first Bat-comics
Wed, 13 Aug 2008, 23:50
My first bat-comics are "The Killing Joke" & "A Death In The Family".
I felt sorry for Jason and his mother....and Barbara...

My Favorite would have to be "Scandalous".
Well I have to say "The End Is The Beginning Is The End" By The Smashing
Pumkins. When I hear that song everytime for some strange reason, I
always think of the old-days....
These are some very awesome mods.^^ Hopefully WB Interactive will make
a GTA Batman game where we can run free in Gotham.^^
I have no idea Joker89. I guess some people in WB thought Kilmer had
more potentaial than Keaton,but they were very wrong.
I mean both Burton and Nolan's versions of Batman each have something
great to offer. I don't understand why people of both fandoms can't have
a reasonable discussion without hurting eachother.
Misc. Burton / Re: 89 vs. 92..Favorite Batsuit
Fri, 25 Jul 2008, 10:50
I love the Returns suit is more sleeker,but 89 suit for me.^^ It brings out
the darkness more...