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Messages - Panathinaikos Bear

Batman (1989) / Re: BATMAN COOKIES
Thu, 18 Jun 2009, 00:40
LOL. As a kid I fancied "Batman" bread. Can't remember/know why.

20 years of 89 / Re: June 23rd, folks.....
Wed, 17 Jun 2009, 00:06
Man, Batman 89 is the only movie which I simply cannot remember how many times I saw in a theater. Even one year after its release here, some tiny cheap theaters were showing it somehow and there I was, buying my ticket and enjoying the ride once again. And not once could I achieved some degree of weariness feeling about it.

20 years of 89 / Re: June 23rd, folks.....
Mon, 15 Jun 2009, 23:45
For me it'll be later than that.

Back in 1989 some movies were released around the globe much later than in USA, sometimes to match the south hemisphere summer.

That's why my 20 years of Batman 89 celebration will be in December 25th.

I cannot express how those 6 months of waiting were. Me, knowing it was all over the States but I had to wait from June to late December to see it. Plus there was no internet so I had to check newspapers with the hope of finding a little picture or piece of information about the movie.

I remember I went to see it with a friend of my school and we stayed and watched it 3 times in a row (you could do that back in the day).

Hey Kyle. Can't thank you enough for these.

An absolutely excellent cowl and suit man!
Misc. Burton / Re: Favorite Final Shot
Sun, 7 Jun 2009, 00:35
Batman 89 for me too.

That was as Batman as anything could be. Magnificent last shot, music etc.

Batman (1989) / Re: Why?
Sun, 7 Jun 2009, 00:34
Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Sat,  6 Jun  2009, 09:27
It actually makes a fair amount of sense.

*They're already causing enough of a commotion, and the Joker's goons don't give a damn about hurting innocent civillians. Better to draw them into an alley, away from the bystanders who, in true comic book fashion, would probably just stay in the way and get themselves hurt by gawking. Instead, they're left gawking at the Batmobile, not following them into the danger.

*Had things gone smoothly, they could have double-backed via the roofs to elude the Joker's thugs and get back to the car, without risking confrontation. Yes, Batman won, but he's no fool, he's skilled, but sh*t could have happened. If the thugs hadn't been lousy shots, they would have hit Vicki when they fired up at her. See? Big risk, luck that the bullets missed her. Avoiding confrontation at all would have been safer/more logical.

*The bulldozer probably wasn't going to move. As I said before: commotion. The guy running the thing is gonna be too tripped out by the Batmobile to get enough brainpower flowing to move in time for Batman and Vicki to safely get away. The guy running the bulldozer ain't just gonna cotinue as-usual while the Batman is right there.

*Bulletproof glass isn't totally invincible, it's just really damn resiliant. It's meant to keep you safe while you GET AWAY. Enough impacts, and it shatters. I'll bet that the shields cut off all oxygen, so you probably wouldn't want to be inside while it's sealed. An oxygen supply? Maybe. But enough to stay in the car while the Goons tried continuously to get in, with no way out because of all the commotion around? Bale's Batman would just blow sh*t up to get a clear path, I guess, but that ain't Keaton's Batman.

*Not to mention the fact that if they stay in the car, as sitting ducks, unable to go anywhere, the police would try to remove the Batmobile (in the novel, it's mentioned that during the alley fight, the Police brought in a Tow Truck to try to remove the shielded Batmobile), and it's better for the car to be lost by itself than to be towed away inside the car, thus unable to get away and being taken right to the police.

In the book, Batman, in a way, prettymuch sums all this up with three words. Right when they stop, Vicki starts to suggest something (which we're left to imagine): "Couldn't we...?"

Batman replies: "Too many people!"

There, that says it all. To try anything else would have put the gawkers around at risk. Not to mention make them sitting ducks, logically, for either the Joker's men or the police. Better to take the fight away from the populated areas, and that way, you have more options, you're not backed into a corner. The Batmobile clearly had no way out once they did stop, as there would have been traffic around it.

Logic, man. Logic!

Brilliant Doc. Good to see you again.

Batman (1989) / Re: Batman image
Thu, 4 Jun 2009, 20:31
Excellent picture man.  :)
Misc. Burton / Re: 89 vs. 92..Favorite Batsuit
Thu, 27 Dec 2007, 18:43
I love both, but the original one from 89 gets the first place for me. :)