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Messages - reedj927

It's on the second disc in the Shadows Of The Bat section and it is in part 3 The Legend Reborn at about 6:51 in it says on my DVD player. 
If you want to listen to some of the songs that were written you can go here
The songs "Wonderful Toys", "(Vespers)Angels Arise/Graveyard Shift", "In The Land Of The Pig The Butcher Is King", "Catwoman's Song" and"We're Still The Children" are demos for the musical.
Here's some info from too...the title of the page really cracks me up. You can check it out at .
I think I spoiled Begins probably (seeing as how I read the leaked script), but I was still excited to see a new darker batman movie, and I liked the movie up until he actually put on the suit and then I couldn't see what the hell was going on when he was fighting and then I see him pull Falcone out of the roof and I got excited again and he says "the line" and then follows it up with "nice coat" and I just groaned.  Then at the end he tells Ras "I don't have to kill you but I don't have to save you either" which I'm sorry your still killing someone if you have the ability and can save them and you don't...and it wouldn't bother me that much that he did that if Nolanites would admit that that is the same thing as Batman killing in Batman89, but of course they won't.

TDK has not held up to repeated viewings with me and I think part of it is that Nolan tries to make it so real that I then pick apart everything that is not real, such as Gordon faking his own death.  I really don't think that in the real world a lieutenant could get away with faking his own death seeing as how that is highly illegal.  There is also of course as Raleagh has pointed out the whole deal with him saying he wants to move his head, I mean seriously Nolan was really trying to please the fanboys with that comment, but in my opinion it made him look foolish as he and Goyer stated many times before Begins came out that they had finally made a suit where Batman could finally move his head and made fun of the other movies b/c he couldn't.