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Messages - batz1989

All the images are now "unavailable". I hoped someone saved them because otherwise that's a lot of lost media.
Customs / Re: My Lego Gotham
Wed, 24 Aug 2022, 11:25
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 22 Aug  2022, 10:08
I'm interested in what's under the veneer of the Art Deco beauty. Burton captured the dreary hopelessness of how I imagine Gotham would be if it existed in real life. Grey during the day, a sense of emptiness on streets inhabited by lonely souls and rubbish strewn everywhere. It's a dead place that normal people abandoned long ago. Stores have shut their doors, the economy is shot and the place only comes alive at night. For all the wrong reasons.

At night the main city square has homeless looking people milling around on the grass settling in for the long haul, and generally there's a sense of seedy energy. Thugs looking for anything to steal and anyone to harass or kill. Away from that area the sadness of the day transforms into something scary. It's the last place you'd want to be but to those who inhabit the street it's home. This is it's true soul.

It wasn't until I saw that fan made Batman 1989 game that WB removed that i realized how profoundly
depressing of a place Gotham must be.
Customs / Re: My Lego Gotham
Fri, 19 Aug 2022, 05:50
Cool. If you look at images of downtown NYC in the 30s-60s it looks very similar to burton's Gotham, obviously it's not as exaggerated but even the layout is eerily similar. So it could be useful for filling in the gaps.
(I was gonna prove my point with some comparisons but this site was being annoying. Honest!)
Just wondering. He was up against 2 men and at least one of them was armed. Even if he didn't notice the gun before Jack started shooting, he should've at least inferred the possibility, I mean it is Gotham after all and he seems like a smart guy (being a surgeon and all).
Don't get me wrong I LOVE this film!
Customs / Re: My Lego Gotham
Sat, 23 May 2020, 18:16
Despite the lack of continuity in the film (something I'm sure the comics theoretically could have fixed) it still annoys me that the Burton Gotham never became the "one and only" Gotham from then on. I mean Gotham looks completely different in every deception! Even Bob Kane said "I envisaged Gotham the way I see it now at Pinewood. They've got it, every building, every trash can, every brick". Unless, it was some legal thing where they couldn't copy the buildings exactly, Burton gave the us the one true Gotham and we didn't take it. (At least for very long, I know they somewhat copied the design of the film in the comics in the 90s until it conveniently got destroyed in an earthquake or something). To me  the Gotham in the '89 film and it's sequel is the only "true" Gotham. Just as much as New York has the Empire State Building or Paris has the louvre, Gotham has its cathedral and the flugelheim. The only thing that comes even close is the Arkham Knight Gotham.
Customs / Re: My Lego Gotham
Thu, 21 May 2020, 20:43
I wouldn't worry about it. Close analysis of the film shows little continuity in the design and layout of the city. If they didn't care, why should you?
I'm asking this because the newspapers have events political events of 1947, but Jack Napier's police report says date prepared 6/23/1989. obviously in our reality historical events of 1947 didn't happen 1989, with fashion styles from both  decades mixed into '89. So this movie must be in a different universe, which it's pretty cool if you think about it, especially since some scientists believe there's actually different universes. but i'm probably looking to much into it, it's just a movie.
:( :'(