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Messages - Rebel

Quote from: Catwoman on Mon, 23 Jul  2012, 21:15
either a returns sequel (i'll write the script!!!) or a complete reboot without batsy's origin.

I'll help you develope the story if we could honestly find a way to get it to Burton!

Thanks for sharing!!
Are there any videos documenting the "batmania" of '89 and '92 online?
Saw it opening weekend, and was awestruck! Batman '89 is my 2nd greatest cinema experience ever.

Check it this topic here on the '89 nostalgia/memories from "Batman."
Are there any videos documenting the "batmania" of '89 and '92 online?
Great interview. I for one can't wait to see him as the villan in the Robocop reboot. I only wish he was asked if he'd reprise his role as Batman... like from The Dark Knight Returns...
Keaton's age would not be an issue if Burton took another page from The Dark Knight Returns. Keaton is actually at the perfect age to play a retired Bruce Wayne who, because of new major threats to Gothom, becomes Batman one last time. The idea of an old legend coming back for one more goaround is not a new idea, but it is a welcomed one (e.g. Clint Eastwood in "Unforgiven" or Harrison Ford in "Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull). Think about it, the story could open with Alfred's and/or Gorden's funeral (think about the scene in Indy 4 when an old Indy remmenises about losing his father and Marcus Brody)... Bruce is old, tired, sad... suddenly Gothom faces the threat of... let's say Scarecrow and Two-Face... a perfect chance for Billy Dee Williams to reprise his role, and for Scarecrow (whom Burton would do right, btw) to use his hallusinagines on Batman; offering a great possible cameo for Jack Nicholsen as the Joker. They could even have cameos from Vicky Vale and Knox. Batman, not being is physically strong as he was 25 years before, could enlist the help from a younger hero ( kind of like the Batman Beyond concept)... and a welcomed suprise would be a resurfacing of Catwoman, in which her romance with Bruce could finally be resolved. Michelle Pfeifer has already expressed her desire to play Catwoman again.

Warner Bros. needs more time to create a Batman reboot so soon after Nolan's reboot... especially if it is going to be clever creatively. In the meantime, what better chance for Burton/Keaton/Elfman to complete their own Bat-trilogy with one more film. If they had a really good script, this could be very special... it could be extraordinary. Just imagine sitting in a darkened theater and hearing Danny Elfman's amazing score haunt the surround sound one more time ;)
Tim Burton's "The Dark Knight Returns" - starring Michael Keaton. With Billy Dee Williams, Michelle Pfeifer, and a cameo by Jack Nicholson (depending on whether or not Burton makes the Scarecrow a villan in the film).

Check out an older post of mine on why now is the perfect time to develop a direct sequel to Batman Returns here:

Also... check out and like my FB page! :D
Check out and like this new Batman 3 facebook page!

Also, if anyone else has a Burton Batman 3 film page/site, please post it here, so that we can all network.

I feel that now is the perfect time to start generating interest and hype for a potentiel third Batman film from Tim Burton and Michael Keaton! Please spread this to all your friends, and suggest that they do the same! :)