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Messages - bat28

Quote from: silenig on Fri, 23 Apr  2010, 21:04
Quote from: Cocoboloboy on Mon, 19 Apr  2010, 09:06
Early stages of my Mime Joker and goon.

They look like some stage actors in costume, rehearshing their parts, LOL. Simply great.
very cool

Quote from: Cocoboloboy on Mon, 19 Apr  2010, 23:47
Quote from: GBglide on Mon, 19 Apr  2010, 18:53
Very nice! How do you make them?

*Sees how long the thread is and goes to read*

Nevermind!  ;D

LOL! ;D Hope you found what you were after, GB!

So here's the display as of today but things are gonna change. I'll be building one large, enlosed case to hold everything soon.

The Mime Joker is awaiting his pants, feather and flower I'm getting from another customizer in Belgium. I'll probably have to make the top hat myself.

I'm working on a court house steps Wayne too. I need to get a gray suit and paint the sculpt then I'll be done.

Thanks for all the comments, guys!  8)

Most impressive.

That little ToyBiz "cabrio" Batmobile at the top of the pic makes me want to cry :) I had one of those.
If there is some love to see it.