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Messages - thebat75

Quote from: GBglide on Wed, 16 Mar  2011, 06:10
The announcer sounds like Peter Cullen. Anyone else think so?

I Believe it is

This vid has quite a lot of info to for you to take in, It gives me a headache thinking about it. Has anyone seen this?
Quote from: Catwoman on Thu, 15 Apr  2010, 23:47
Quote from: thebat75 on Thu, 15 Apr  2010, 22:54
She would have killed him, and he would have died when the bat got there.

On a side note, the shots Max gave Selina would not have taken 3 lives away anyway. Maybe one, and the electrocution would bring it up to two.

it was four.

It's Fixed
She would have killed him, and he would have died when the bat got there.

On a side note, the shots Max gave Selina would not have taken 4 lives away anyway. Maybe one, and the electrocution would bring it up to two.