Who's all in and what's your best time to do it?
Any time is fine right now.
Even on the 23rd?
I have my DVD ready. what do I have to do? I'm in pacific time. Usually evening hours is good for me but I would so like to try whenever you decide to rock it out man. :)
I'm thinking about aiming towards the afternoon hours CMT.
I should be free on Monday and during the evenings next week.
any time next week
any time for tuesday set yet?
im in if i can manage to set my pacific time. :)
So far, I'm eyeing at 4 PM CST (5 PM EST, 2 PM PST, 10 PM GMT). You all know the drill, the first ten minutes of the show will be the gathering of everyone who wishes to participate in the commentary by either calling in at phone number (718) 506-1334 or connecting a microphone to your computer and visiting the show?s main page, www.blogtalkradio.com/DarrellKaiser and clicking "Click to Talk." As soon as everyone is set, set your own personal copies of the film, preferably a DVD, we are commenting on set at 0:00:00 and I will give the word to begin playing. As the film goes on, we will make our comments and hopefully we will have time for afterthoughts after the film ends. At the end of the show, a recording of the show will be available to download at the end. If you plan on commenting, let be know if you have a DVD copy of the films on hand so I know what we can start with. If you don?t have a copy, I hope you?ll be able to rent a DVD copy, because each and every one of you will make this commentary special.
coolio ;)
I'll set my time schedule.
excellent. I especially hope to hear from Batnar.
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sun, 21 Jun 2009, 20:15
excellent. I especially hope to hear from Batnar.
Are you in Ral & Gotham Knight? I'm gonna need more than Batnar.
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Mon, 22 Jun 2009, 09:00
Are you in Ral & Gotham Knight? I'm gonna need more than Batnar.
(in Jack Palance's voice)
Ral, YOU are my number-one guy!!!
you can be my wingman any day
I am trying to see if I can get the text-based live chat to run on my server here.
how about a live audio/text chat - a global event!!
Looking forward to it!
I am... honored, ral.
I'm also looking forward to this because I'll be watching it on Blu-ray!
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Mon, 22 Jun 2009, 09:00
Are you in Ral & Gotham Knight? I'm gonna need more than Batnar.
It'll be a hot time in the cold town that night. Of course I'm in.
have we got a time agreed yet? the people need to know ;)
yes, i'd like to know ;D
You can move it back an hour if you want, i'm fine with an 11pm (GMT) start
I'd actually wouldn't mind having it at 2 PM CST (3 PM EST, 12 PM PST, 8 GMT). That way after the movie, we can take a short break and then have a 2 hour retrospect show at 4:30 PM CST (5:30 PM EST, 2:30 PST, 10:30 GMT). Can everyone who will call do that instead? I've actually got it set it up like that now.
No problem
so it's 4 PM CST (5 PM EST, 2 PM PST, 10 PM GMT)?
i have my computer mic ready. So its 3pm for me then. I will be hovering over the site about an hour before just to make sure I don't miss this.
Had to clean my DVD too because it was skipping towards the end. :)
Did you set up an account on BlogTalkRadio, like ral, Batnar?
I'm doing it right now. ;)
im all set and with reminder even. ;)
Good deal, man. I look forward to hearing from you. ALL of you.
Quote from: Batnar on Tue, 23 Jun 2009, 09:27
Had to clean my DVD too because it was skipping towards the end. :)
cripes - if it keeps skipping and looping we could be there for hours!!
Yeah, I've had some good shows get messed up because of that.
lmao..dont worry guys, its brand new. Just had a finger smudge on it. XD
Roughly how many hours until this thing begins?
9, by my count.
9 hours from now, it would be 4 in the morning where I am. Not sure if I'll be able to join in. :-\
check your time zone. Remember they differ depending where youre at. 9 hours for him is like 12 hours or less for me.
The commentary is at:
2 PM CST (3 PM EST, 12 PM PST, 8 GMT).
The 2 hour retrospect show is at:
4:30 PM CST (5:30 PM EST, 2:30 PST, 10:30 GMT).
I'll be there with bells on.
I probably can't make the audio commentary set for 2:00 pm cst , but I will try to make it for the retrospective show at 4:30. I really would like to be part of this. It's really a shame that today of all days I am engaged in family activities, but none the less I am going to celebrate this 20th Anniversary proudly and publicly. I would like to know if there will be more than one commentary planned for today despite the live chat?
I'm also doing it proudly and publicly, I told anyone who would listen to me about this anniversary and also about this website. Told my fellow bat-fans over at imdb and other movie message boards. You might actually be suprised at how many people visit this website but don't join. I've encouraged a few friends to join because they are also huge Burton Bat fans. I actually was coming to this site for over a year before I joined.
Shame on me :-\
Text chat room is open
Click here (http://www.batmanmovieonline.com/20th)
bugs should be sorted - everyone should have access
Long live BATMAN 1989 ;)
It was great chatting with all of you. We must do this again soon. :)
Hope everyone enjoyed the text chat.
Thanks to Darrell for the audio chat - despite me holding things up and other technical problems it was great fun...as always! GK - a pleasure to talk again. Batnar - nice talking to you in person.
i will have a transcript of the text chat tomorrow.
thanks again and happy 20th to all ;D
A happy 20th again to you Ral, hope you enjoyed it, it seemed alot of other people did, not only on this site but others (believe me I looked) 8)
Darrell or Ral, will the commentary be available to listen to some time?
By the way, I enjoyed last night's text chat. Thanks guys!
Hello Ral, any chance of getting a transcript of the commentray please? :)
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Tue, 30 Jun 2009, 05:03
Hello Ral, any chance of getting a transcript of the commentray please? :)
yeah, should have it up by tomorrow at the latest
Looking forward to it. I watched Batman again on Saturday night after 11 pm. Talk about a great late night movie! I enjoyed it immensely once more and want to reiterate what some of the posters some time ago were saying about Jack Palance. His role was small but he was brilliant. You could tell he was an arrogant and wicked SOB, that got his due by his own number on guy.
Jack Palance is probably was and is (RIP) the only guy that could play Jack Napier's boss. A thrill ride of a film, the darn thing never gets old.
P.S. I was reciting the lines and singing "Trust" the following day to the annoyance of my family. ;D
Quote from: Grissom on Tue, 30 Jun 2009, 18:03
Looking forward to it. I watched Batman again on Saturday night after 11 pm. Talk about a great late night movie! I enjoyed it immensely once more and want to reiterate what some of the posters some time ago were saying about Jack Palance. His role was small but he was brilliant. You could tell he was an arrogant and wicked SOB, that got his due by his own number on guy.
Jack Palance is probably was and is (RIP) the only guy that could play Jack Napier's boss. A thrill ride of a film, the darn thing never gets old.
P.S. I was reciting the lines and singing "Trust" the following day to the annoyance of my family. ;D
Palance was perfect as Grissom, Grissom. ;D Like you say, he was probably the only guy who could actually play Jack's boss. He towered over him both literally and figuratively, and this part is one of the few characters who leaves such a massive impression on a film within the space of only two scenes.
P.S. I love 'Trust', so I doubt I'd have a problem hearing that song all day. :D
Well said Johnny, in my opinion all the smaller roles left an impression on me than any other smaller roles in all the other bat-films. They were just brilliantly cast.
Quote from: Grissom on Tue, 30 Jun 2009, 21:13
Well said Johnny, in my opinion all the smaller roles left an impression on me than any other smaller roles in all the other bat-films. They were just brilliantly cast.
Exactly, although I also like a lot of the supporting characters in Batman Returns. However, as memorable as they were they probably felt more like 'types' than real people. The first Batman film got the balance perfect between realistic and memorable characters.
True, I think it's one of the few superhero movies that does balance the different aspects of the film out.