UPDATE!!!! (3/21/09) Since alot of you are asking for certian things on here, this is what I have done. I have broken this up into lots. So what you see is what you get. I hate to be that guy, but this is the best i can do. Spring simester is comming up and I NEED to pay for my classes. So either you take your chance here, or you can compeate with the rest of the world on ebay. each lot is a flat price, plush shipping to your area. Best i can do. Sorry guys.
Hey Bat fans! So I have a bunch of stuff I need to get rid of. And rather than ebay it, I'd like to see it go to a fan who really would like it. So I have quite a bit of a collection here. I'm trying to sell it all together. Enjoy
Misc Toy Lot - $20
Candy Medallions (30 Mint Candy filled Medallions) - $15
Lithoprints - $20 (set)
Folders & Buttons (Set) - $20
Mugs (2) - $20 (WB Store Exclusive)
Questions? Please feel free to PM me and I'll answer anything you have.
Thanks Bat Fans!
[ral (from the site rules) - Any trading is done AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY! What you do in personal emails, PM's, etc. is your own private business. Do not ask or expect Batmanmovieonline administration to act as arbitrator to any dispute that comes up as a result of private transactions. Do NOT bring disputes about private trades gone wrong onto the forum. You entered into an agreement on your own terms, you must be responsible for the consequences.]
Great stuff man! I really wanna buy them, but unfortunately I can't now... :-\
But good luck!
So i updated the stuff guys. See first post for details! Thanks
wish I had the cash!