Monarch Theatre => Batman (1989) => Burton's Bat => 20 years of 89 => Topic started by: batass4880 on Wed, 25 Feb 2009, 19:43

Title: Best '89 video game
Post by: batass4880 on Wed, 25 Feb 2009, 19:43
What would you argue is the best game based on '89 and why? There were games produced for:

- Nintendo/NES
- Sega Genesis/Megadrive
- Atari (arcade)
- Commodore 64
- Amiga
- TurboGrafix-16
- Gameboy
- ZX Spectrum
- Atari ST
- Amstrad CPC
- GX4000
Title: Re: Best '89 video game
Post by: DocLathropBrown on Wed, 25 Feb 2009, 20:52
Atari's arcade version.

It uses a wonderfully translated Elfman score, authentic graphics, level design, and voice clips.

It's like playing the movie. At least, it's as close as we'll get to a really immersive game based on B89.
Title: Re: Best '89 video game
Post by: Dark Knight Detective on Wed, 25 Feb 2009, 20:53
Well, it would be nice to have games based on the Burton films for the current consoles. One could only dream (sigh).
Title: Re: Best '89 video game
Post by: Batnar on Wed, 25 Feb 2009, 20:54
I've only managed to play The Arcade Batman, Sega Genesis Batman and the Nintendo Batman.

If we're talking clearly graphics and sound, the arcade takes the lead IMHO.
However, for everlasting memories, my vote goes to my classic NES Batman 89 game.
The reason why though, is because of its nostalgic energy. It wasn't necessarily the best 89 game of it's time, but it was surely the most popular of it's time. Everyone had it in junior high and we played it religiously, completely ignoring it's graphics and non canon, film to game port.
In other words, it actually kinda sucked. lol.  :P
BUT I do recall having great times with it regardless and we talked about it for weeks.  ;)

I never got the chance to play any other console Batman 89 game though. I wish I did.  :)
Title: Re: Best '89 video game
Post by: Batnar on Wed, 25 Feb 2009, 20:55
Quote from: The Batman Returns on Wed, 25 Feb  2009, 20:53
Well, it would be nice to have games based on the Burton films for the current consoles. One could only dream (sigh).

So totally AGREED.
Title: Re: Best '89 video game
Post by: DocLathropBrown on Wed, 25 Feb 2009, 21:13
Quote from: Batnar on Wed, 25 Feb  2009, 20:54
I've only managed to play The Arcade Batman, Sega Genesis Batman and the Nintendo Batman.

If we're talking clearly graphics and sound, the arcade takes the lead IMHO.
However, for everlasting memories, my vote goes to my classic NES Batman 89 game.
The reason why though, is because of its nostalgic energy. It wasn't necessarily the best 89 game of it's time, but it was surely the most popular of it's time. Everyone had it in junior high and we played it religiously, completely ignoring it's graphics and non canon, film to game port.
In other words, it actually kinda sucked. lol.  :P
BUT I do recall having great times with it regardless and we talked about it for weeks.  ;)

I never got the chance to play any other console Batman 89 game though. I wish I did.  :)

Well, the game didn't "suck." Although it took heavy liberties with the film, it's still one Hell of a game. Hard as Hell, but not impossible. But tight play control really makes it a joy to play. Best NES soundtrack, also.
Title: Re: Best '89 video game
Post by: batass4880 on Wed, 25 Feb 2009, 23:11
Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Wed, 25 Feb  2009, 21:13Well, the game didn't "suck." Although it took heavy liberties with the film, it's still one Hell of a game. Hard as Hell, but not impossible. But tight play control really makes it a joy to play. Best NES soundtrack, also.

Agreed. I say the Nintendo version is the best one because I find the tone and music to be just as dark, haunting and atmospheric as the movie. Even if some of the stages were not in the film, I regard them as ?Easter egg? locations.
Title: Re: Best '89 video game
Post by: Azrael on Thu, 26 Feb 2009, 01:39
I think the NES game is loved so much because in its time it was big (the NES in 1989 was the most widespread console in the US just before the launch of the more expensive Genesis, and combine this with the hottest licence) and most guys that are now in the range of 25 years old played it back in the day. Nostalgia plays a major factor here. It's not a bad game, far from it, but it simply can't hold a candle next to the Genesis version.

The prolbem this Genesis Batman had was that it was released a bit late: due to the agreements between Nintendo and its third party publishers, Sunsoft was not allowed to release a title BOTH for NINTENDO and an antagonist (i.e. SEGA), so they released the game two years later (in 1991, in Europe it came in 1992!) By 1989 standards, the game is an excellent 16-bit title with crisp graphics, rocking soundtrack and smooth gameplay, but by the time it came out there were more interesting options.

Now, the perfect 1989 game would have been made by the Yoshimoto Team from Konami, responsible for Batman Returns and Batman Animated for SNES! If you ever saw these two SNES titles, you agree... ;)
Title: Re: Best '89 video game
Post by: WingedFreak71 on Thu, 26 Feb 2009, 16:28
wow you're right the genesis game did come out 2 years later - i remember how i was calling the store up at the mall to see if it had come in yet - then when i got it i told my girlfriend she wasn't going to see me for a while

that was a great game - love how it started to rain as you side-scrolled the 1st board

i probably loved the commodore 64 game more though - shooting the cables from the batmobile to make turns - clipping the wires from the poison balloons - figuring out the ingredients to smylex - and of course whipping the batarang at napier and watching him fall into the vat of chemicals - covered all bases!

think i still have sega and c64 in boxes somewhere - time to put away the playstation 3 and have some real fun!
Title: Re: Best '89 video game
Post by: batass4880 on Thu, 26 Feb 2009, 17:05
Was the Genesis version already to be put out on the shelves in 1989 or was it not developed until ?91?
Title: Re: Best '89 video game
Post by: WingedFreak71 on Thu, 26 Feb 2009, 18:26
i think sega only debuted in the u.s. in the summer of 1989 - maybe they weren't in full gear yet when batman 1st came out - they were probably still in sonic the hedgehog/joe montana football territory

so cool though 2 years later to have a game come out based on that movie - just when i thought all the bat-fun was over