In ZSJL, Mera speaks in a British accent in every scene she appears, even in the future Knightmare scene. But in Josstice L, and from what I remember watching the trailers for the first Aquaman movie, her accent was changed to sound more American.
Why the change? From what I understand, the studio douchebags wanted to change Aquaman as much as possible, so he has little in common with Snyder's take on the character. Mera's accent was not the only aspect of the Atlantean movie lore that got changed. I've never seen the Aquaman movie, but from what I heard, the Atlanteans in that movie don't communicate in an air bubble whenever they're underwater, like they do in JL.
Another change is the fate of Mera's parents. In ZSJL, Mera told Arthur his mother Atlanna took care of her after her parents died in the wars, while urging him to take up the responsibility to defend Atlantis and stop Steppenwolf. In Josstice L, her lines were changed, and she says Atlanna adopted her while her parents fought in the wars. In Aquaman, only Mera's father is still alive.
There is even the change in Vulko's costume and hairstyle, but I suppose it's not as drastic compared to other factors I've mentioned.
So with that in mind, in addition to the studio constantly being in denial about the Snyder cut's existence for three years and wanting to stray away from what he was doing, everything to do with Aquaman's world was rebooted, basically. You have to be willfully ignorant to believe this is still somehow connected to ZSJL.
If the deadbeats at Warner Butchers had more time when they were making Josstice L, they definitely would've reshot Mera and Aquaman's scene together so they didn't speak inside an air bubble. Hell, if you ask me, I'm rather surprised they didn't kick up a fuss about Amber Heard restoring her British accent as Mera when she filmed the Knightmare scene. Remember, these are spiteful bastards we're talking about here. If continuity wasn't an issue, Snyder would've been allowed to include Green Lantern in the end of ZSJL. Prohibiting Mera's original accent could've been another way to push Snyder out of the project, just as he nearly came close to doing so after he was prohibited from using GL.
On VERO, Snyder confirmed that Arthur's father died in his continuity, and that's what the urn in the Mother Box trailer was referring to.
That brings a whole new perspective to Arthur's sympathy for Victor losing his dad, doesn't it?
It's yet another example how Aquaman was rebooted after JL. In the Aquaman movie, Tom Curry is alive. Curiously, IMDB states he is expected to return in The Flash.
Arguably off-topic. But the above actress is Elena Satine. She played Mera in the Smallville episode "Patriot". Long story short, the show was working through its final season and many characters were sent off into their future (or into the sunset, in some cases). For Aquaman, the showrunners obviously wanted to set him up as starting to take his rightful place in Atlantis in "Patriot".
Obviously, Mera figures into that pretty heavily.
There was never a chance of Elena Satine appearing in the DCEU. I get that. But rewatching "Patriot" now, it's hard not to dwell on how inoffensive and likeable Elena Satine was as Mera. She took what should've been a forgettable walk-on part and made something pretty enjoyable out of it. And clearly, she looked the part of Mera through and through.
Anyway. There's no bigger agenda going on here. I just rly appreciate Elena Satine in the role in retrospect.
I remember Elena Satine played Lorelei in an episode of Agents of SHIELD once, when she escaped from Asgard and Sif came to Earth to find her, and she played Julia in the Netflix live action version of Cowboy Bebop. Satine definitely has the ability to play as either a femme fatale or a regal character, and I've no doubt she could've been a suitable replacement for Amber Heard as Mera.
Speaking of Amber Heard, I haven't paid too much attention to her public and legal dispute with Johnny Depp. But I have seen some internet trolls trying to argue that Ray Fisher shouldn't be working with Heard if he were truly for accountability over entertainment, he. According to their logic, Fisher is a hypocrite for going along with his Cyborg and Heard's Mera sharing the screen together in the Knightmare epilogue.
I say that's a false equivalence. Fisher can only speak about his own personal experiences. Heard's marriage problems are none of his concern; as far as I know, the problems Heard has are between herself and Depp, and she never brought those problems to the workplace and took her anger out on other people. Depending on who you ask, she might not be a pleasant person at all. But I think it's ridiculous to expect Fisher to give his two cents on a subject that's clearly none of his business, and it's nothing more than an ugly excuse to attack him for speaking out behind the scenes of Josstice League.