I stumbled across this photo on The Academy's Twitter page commemorating Batman Day. It's taken from the the alley scene.
Has anybody seen this before, or is it rare? It's a great shot of Keaton posing in costume.
Hard to be sure but the lighting setup looks very similar to other photos taken from that alley set. Based on precisely nothing, I'll go ahead and assume that this picture was taken at the same time as other more well known alley pics.
What remains a mystery is why this photo is such a rarity. It shows off the production design of the film, implies Batman's awesomeness as a brawler and @$$-kicker and it also is a pretty good tease of his outfit, showing enough to whet one's appetite to see the movie but it doesn't give away the store. All in all, it's a pretty good publicity photo for use in magazines and the like.
I can only assume that other publicity photos were considered to be technically better overall so this one never got much use. And honestly, B89 is an embarrassment of riches in terms of visuals so I guess there was plenty to choose from.
Great photo though, no doubts there. Good find!
Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Mon, 23 Sep 2019, 03:05
I stumbled across this photo on The Academy's Twitter page commemorating Batman Day. It's taken from the the alley scene.
Has anybody seen this before, or is it rare? It's a great shot of Keaton posing in costume.
Nope never seen this one. Thanks for bringing it to attention.
LOVE that photo.
Has anybody else ever seen these Polaroid photos of the production before? These were at an auction last year. They're pretty cool!
Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Mon, 2 Aug 2021, 12:50
Has anybody else ever seen these Polaroid photos of the production before? These were at an auction last year. They're pretty cool!
Jesus Marimba!What a collection. 🤩👍😎
I saw this photo of Jack Nicholson and Jerry Hall on the set of the Flugelheim Museum scene, and I had to save it.
"Nice outfit". 8)
Looks like Keaton and Nicholson are either listening to instructions, or reviewing the cathedral footage on camera off-screen.
^This is a better pose than the other photo of Keaton leaning a little bit to the right.
89 is still the gold standard to lighting a Batman film
Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Sun, 20 Mar 2022, 22:23
89 is still the gold standard to lighting a Batman film
Other Batman films may be technically better in areas, but B89 has an unforgettable iconic power that is hard to replicate. Burton really knew the power of image and sound, with the descent into mystery and cathedral finale being two key examples. In terms of lighting, it's hard to go past Batman inside the cave with Vicki. Atmospherically it's perfect. Batman in close proximity but shrouded in darkness with a low whisper voice. A lot from that era
still stands the test of time.
Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Sun, 20 Mar 2022, 22:23
89 is still the gold standard to lighting a Batman film
While I don't entirely agree with that, this is still an interesting point.
And that's gotten me to thinking. B89 was shot by Roger Pratt while BR was shot by Stefan Czapsky. I've wondered if one reason BR looks so separated from B89 is because of the change in cinematographer. While I adore BR, I do miss the shadow and mood of B89. The scene with Batman and Vicki in the Batcave where the secret of the Joker's poison is revealed is swallowed in darkness and I wish BR had a similar atmosphere going for it.
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Mon, 21 Mar 2022, 02:24While I don't entirely agree with that, this is still an interesting point.
Other eras have merit. But after seeing The Batman four times in cinemas I feel comfortable enough to say it's the best shot film in the franchise. Greig Fraser has indicated he'd return for the sequels if asked - and I don't see why he wouldn't be. This Gotham doesn't just look scary and atmospheric, but feels lived in and alive. Having all the supporting characters like Penguin, Falcone, Gordon, Selina and the like also helped amplify Fraser's cause.
Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Sun, 20 Mar 2022, 12:56
Nice photo. Thanks for posting.
Going purely off the expression on Nicholson's face, they might be looking at dailies. To which this image reminds me of a comment Jack made on the SE documentaries, where he mentioned that he really wasn't a fan of viewing film dailies due to, from there on out, being cognizant of what he saw, and thus possibly affecting his performance in the film. However, with Batman, Jack stated that the crew were pretty adamant that he see the dailies due to how unique the film was coming across, and it was at that point, Jack reminisced, he didn't think, he
knew this was going to be huge.
Michael Uslan has been posting photos taken behind the scenes on Twitter in anticipation for B89's 35th anniversary. I thought this thread is a good place to share them because nearly all of these I've never seen before.
Here are four photos of Nicholson and Keaton having make-up applied to their faces. I believe the man at work is Nick Dudman.
The late Anton Furst appears in this photo collage, you can see him overlooking Keaton in costume while shooting a scene with the Batmobile.
The Batwing model. I didn't realise it was that big.
The 200th Gotham anniversary parade set. Judging by the depth of this photograph, this might be a miniature set.
Uslan also posted this:
QuoteHoly Moley! How many of these petitions did I get sent or copied on back in 1988-1989?! (They ceased overnight on June 23, 1989.)
^ That illustration of Batkeats from the petition is just too good not to be someone's avatar one day. ;D