Hey Reevz,
loving your behind the scenes pics from Batman man! Looking forward to seeing more. Where did you get them? ;D
Shawn has a list of every person who worked on the 89 film. On his weekends off, Shawn travels to where those poeple live and harrasses them until they hand over any Batman photos they may have in their possession.
Once, there was this guy who refused to give up his photos, so Shawn followed the guy home dressed in his 89 Batsuit and told the dude that he was Batman and those photos were his property.
True story.
Chuck Norris is afraid of Shawn.
he really has good pics, but why he put that horrible mark on it??? that really ruin the pic. i'm very very glad he struggle to show us that material but do he really need to put a enormous mark on it???
Guess I missed these. Where can I view the pics at?
Start here and click on the next icon to browse through them
those pics are amazing!