Monarch Theatre => Batman (1989) => Burton's Bat => 20 years of 89 => Topic started by: Cocoboloboy on Fri, 5 Sep 2008, 15:53

Title: Theatre showings...
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Fri, 5 Sep 2008, 15:53
I just got word from a theater manager here in Oklahoma that they and other theaters will be showing 1989 Batman on the big screen in 2009. YAY!!!!!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Paul (ral) on Fri, 5 Sep 2008, 15:55

Dates, times, locations?!?!?!!?!!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Paul (ral) on Fri, 5 Sep 2008, 16:03
I wonder if this is organised by WB?
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Fri, 5 Sep 2008, 16:37
I don't have any dates or times yet but just knowing that this is expected to be rereleased next year is great news.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Grissom on Fri, 5 Sep 2008, 21:19
That's absolutely great news!! We should all contact as many theatres, especially those affiliated with festivals and so on, to show this film and get as much support from the public as possible.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Fri, 5 Sep 2008, 22:53
Sure couldn't hurt to start asking around. Maybe some theaters are on the fence about showing this and a little interest might make the difference.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: shadowbat69 on Sat, 6 Sep 2008, 15:52
Just asked my local Regal Cinema, they had no idea what I was talking about.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Sat, 6 Sep 2008, 17:42
Quote from: shadowbat69 on Sat,  6 Sep  2008, 15:52
Just asked my local Regal Cinema, they had no idea what I was talking about.

Too bad. Maybe not all cinemas are showing it. Where  do you live?
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: shadowbat69 on Sat, 6 Sep 2008, 18:30

You would think though, if they are going to be rereleasing 89 in the theatres, WB would make some kind of announcment.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Sat, 6 Sep 2008, 23:18
You would think. I hope the theater manager knew what she was talking about.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: shadowbat69 on Sun, 7 Sep 2008, 00:51
LOL, she was probaby thinking, "watch me have some fun with this fanboy."
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Sun, 7 Sep 2008, 22:44
LOL! I hope not! I think I'm going to contact another local theater and see what they have to say.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DallyWhitty on Fri, 12 Sep 2008, 19:55
Hopefully it gets a worldwide release.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Paul (ral) on Fri, 12 Sep 2008, 19:59
Everyone, if a cinema says they are going to show B89 next year - post their details so others who are able to attend know about it.

It will also raise awareness.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: tomstoyz on Sat, 13 Sep 2008, 07:45
Yeah, post some more detailed info! I live in Oklahoma & this is great news....if the employee knew what he/she was talking about.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DarkVengeance on Sat, 13 Sep 2008, 22:52
I really dont see this happening, but I would love it!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Sun, 14 Sep 2008, 04:26
I emailed Warren theater to see if they were planning on showing it and they said no but would think about the possibility. I'm afraid the theater manager I heard from was either blowing smoke or didn't really know.  :'(I hope somebody shows it next year.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DarkVengeance on Mon, 15 Sep 2008, 05:35
I really do wonder how well this would do if they decided to do it.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Paul (ral) on Mon, 15 Sep 2008, 08:16
The BFI cinema in London showed 89 and Returns as part of a Tim Burton season last December and PJ went to it.

He said the turn out was good and the movies got a good reaction from the audience.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DarkVengeance on Mon, 29 Sep 2008, 23:30
man I wish I coulda seen that, it woulda been great!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: The Dark Knight on Wed, 1 Oct 2008, 02:14
I desperately want to see these two films on the big screen. I can imagine it being an amazing experience.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: batass4880 on Wed, 1 Oct 2008, 02:25
Definitely. When I first saw Returns at the theater, it was freezing cold due to the air conditioning which made the Penguin's lair feel even colder!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: The Dark Knight on Wed, 1 Oct 2008, 08:36
I have heard other people say this. It'd be just like being there!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: batass4880 on Wed, 1 Oct 2008, 15:48
Another great theatrical experience is to see B89 in October on a cold and wet night like I did. When you walk out of the theater it feels like you never left Gotham!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: The Dark Knight on Thu, 2 Oct 2008, 11:03
The best I can get to that is my television set, and that is not as good by a long shot.  :-\
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DarkVengeance on Sat, 4 Oct 2008, 00:19
Ive seen every batman film on the big screen atleast once since I was 5, but I sure would like to see them again!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Sat, 4 Oct 2008, 03:51
I wonder if I hound the local theater enough that they would make sure to show it. I don't know what it takes to be able to replay a 20year old movie in theaters, especially now that everything is going digital.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sat, 4 Oct 2008, 06:29
Quote from: Cocoboloboy on Sat,  4 Oct  2008, 03:51
I wonder if I hound the local theater enough that they would make sure to show it. I don't know what it takes to be able to replay a 20year old movie in theaters, especially now that everything is going digital.
Not sure...I think they could still do it.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sat, 4 Oct 2008, 10:55
Actually, going digital makes it easier for cinemas to play old movies.

There are no expensive reels to hire.  Also some cinemas use a system of digitially downloading movies from distributors.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Sat, 4 Oct 2008, 20:55
Quote from: raleagh on Sat,  4 Oct  2008, 10:55
Actually, going digital makes it easier for cinemas to play old movies.

There are no expensive reels to hire.  Also some cinemas use a system of digitially downloading movies from distributors.

Then maybe the possibility of this happening are greater than I think.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DarkVengeance on Sun, 5 Oct 2008, 02:30
I would give anything to see 89 in the theaters again as an adult!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Sun, 5 Oct 2008, 04:25
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Sun,  5 Oct  2008, 02:30
I would give anything to see 89 in the theaters again as an adult!

I was 13 when I saw it in '89. I'd love to see it in a theater as an adult too.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DarkVengeance on Sun, 5 Oct 2008, 22:52
I was five and to this day it is one of my top 5 experiences of my entire life so far.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Joker81 on Fri, 10 Oct 2008, 22:18
You dont get out much, do you?
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DarkVengeance on Sat, 11 Oct 2008, 00:16
Quote from: Joker81 on Fri, 10 Oct  2008, 22:18
You dont get out much, do you?
Actually I do quite a bit not that you care or anything, sounds like someones trying to be clever but the comebacks sound like they're from a 12 year old girl.

Im sorry you cant handle people not agreeing with your one sided opinion! ;)
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: dk2732 on Tue, 14 Oct 2008, 08:24
I saw it in '89 at my local cinema which had a huge screen, I was 16, it absolutely blew me away, I would love to see it on a big screen again, one of my top cinema experiences too.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DarkVengeance on Fri, 17 Oct 2008, 02:50
Quote from: dk2732 on Tue, 14 Oct  2008, 08:24
I saw it in '89 at my local cinema which had a huge screen, I was 16, it absolutely blew me away, I would love to see it on a big screen again, one of my top cinema experiences too.
That makes me miss the old days!!!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: WingedFreak71 on Wed, 22 Oct 2008, 03:07
i am a union projectionist in manhattan - we get films on occasion that are alot older than the 89 film so there are 35mm prints out there that can be run of the 1st film - most theaters still use 35mm - the biggest in ny only has 2 out of it's 25 screens as all digital which yes are sent over on a hard drive and downloaded onto the projector - the rest is all film

wish i had a 35mm print of the 1st movie - i could run it after hours no problem - the other option is that the commercials shown beforehand these days are through a separate smaller digital projector and you can hook up a dvd player to that and watch anything at all

i do run the trailers i bought on ebay of the 1st 2 films in 35mm sometimes - someone find us the whole movie on 35mm and get it to nyc!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: The Dark Knight on Thu, 23 Oct 2008, 04:06
Hm, didn't know that.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: batass4880 on Thu, 23 Oct 2008, 04:33
Hey WingedFreak71, how did you get to meet Mr. Kilmer?
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: WingedFreak71 on Thu, 23 Oct 2008, 07:09
val's a buddy of mine i'll introduce ya

ok no he's not - he did 2 conventions in ny and nj last yr to promote his cd and poetry book - he was so friendly - had his ipod with him at his table with some speakers and was drumming along on the table and having fun - with michael keaton apparently doing less and less work hopefully he'll show up at one of those shows too - ralph macchio's at the next one this weekend - i will crane kick that punk
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Paul (ral) on Thu, 23 Oct 2008, 07:54
Quote from: WingedFreak71 on Thu, 23 Oct  2008, 07:09 - ralph macchio's at the next one this weekend - i will crane kick that punk

that's an impressive guest list.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Sandman on Thu, 23 Oct 2008, 08:18
Quote from: WingedFreak71 on Thu, 23 Oct  2008, 07:09
val's a buddy of mine i'll introduce ya

ok no he's not - he did 2 conventions in ny and nj last yr to promote his cd and poetry book - he was so friendly - had his ipod with him at his table with some speakers and was drumming along on the table and having fun - with michael keaton apparently doing less and less work hopefully he'll show up at one of those shows too - ralph macchio's at the next one this weekend - i will crane kick that punk

Dude seriously, im so f'in jelous of you >:(.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DarkVengeance on Fri, 24 Oct 2008, 06:45
thats wicked cool!!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: The Dark Knight on Tue, 28 Oct 2008, 00:48
Keaton could turn up to a screening? Alright, I am jealous.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: shadowbat69 on Tue, 28 Oct 2008, 01:06
I dont want to say anything specific right now, but, it may be a possibility Ill get to see 89 in theatres once more next November .
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: WingedFreak71 on Tue, 28 Oct 2008, 18:32
i watched some of the 89 film on the big screen yesterday - hooked up a dvd player to the digital projector that runs the commercials between shows at my theatre - gonna get to work early on thursday and try and run the whole thing -

plus i have to throw on the lightsaber duel at the end of ESB and maybe watch rocky balboa battle ivan drago

and some pornos

hope my manager doesn't show up unexpectedly early
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: kag88 on Mon, 1 Dec 2008, 12:07
"Batman" will be playing at my local theater on March 24th 2009
at The Fremont in San Luis Obispo, CA
Very exciting.
An amazing theater. HUGE screen.
Just in time for that 20th Anniversary DVD/Blu-Ray release......

Here's the theater's blog:

It's known as the "SLO Rewind Series"  where the theater shows classics like, "Ghostbusters" - "Rocky Horror Picture Show" - "Aliens", etc--every month. Always major turnouts.  In digital format, too.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Grissom on Mon, 1 Dec 2008, 12:25
That's great, but I see that they have Batman as tentative, hopefully enough people request it and make inquiries for them to show it. And digital format you say? Impressive.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sat, 6 Dec 2008, 13:01
So jealous now......
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: DarkVengeance on Sun, 7 Dec 2008, 07:06
I think this is something all real bat-fans would be more than excited to see, and I am one of them.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 7 Dec 2008, 09:34
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Sun,  7 Dec  2008, 07:06
I think this is something all real bat-fans would be more than excited to see, and I am one of them.
Without doubt, I hope to see both Burton films at the cinema. One day.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: GuedesGothamKnight on Wed, 7 Jan 2009, 17:45
Hi guys, I'm new in here.
About Batman '89 in theaters in 2009, it would be an amazing experience for me, because I really would like to see Burton's first Bat-movie in the theaters (I'm only 16  :-\). My uncle have seen it in the premiere and he said it was awesome. I really would like to see this classic on the big screen, but who knows? Even TDK will return to the IMAX screen after only 7 months( ;D), what about 89 Bats on theaters again?  ;) Which better way to commemorate its 20th anniversary? 
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Fri, 16 Jan 2009, 02:51
A rerelease of '89 Batman in the Imax would be awesome. I hope that at least my local theater goes thru with showing it.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: GuedesGothamKnight on Sat, 17 Jan 2009, 16:57
Yeah, a re-realese would be epic, in IMAX...  :P oh my god!
But let's keep the fingers crosses, WB sure has some plans for 89Bats, it's the 20th annyversary!  ;D
Oh, and a Hot Toys Keaton Batman would be good too... ::)
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Tue, 20 Jan 2009, 16:50
Quote from: GuedesGothamKnight on Sat, 17 Jan  2009, 16:57
Yeah, a re-realese would be epic, in IMAX...  :P oh my god!
But let's keep the fingers crosses, WB sure has some plans for 89Bats, it's the 20th annyversary!  ;D
Oh, and a Hot Toys Keaton Batman would be good too... ::)

I'd love it if HT would make a Keaton Batman . 8)

Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Azrael on Wed, 21 Jan 2009, 01:22
Watching this in a theater again... Nothing to add to what all of you just said, a part of childhood lived again... Lucky those that manage to do so, where I live it's very unlikely to catch up with such re-releases, they usually save this only for arthouse stuff. The US (of course) & the UK are incomparable when it comes to such things.. :(
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Cocoboloboy on Fri, 13 Feb 2009, 02:36
Closer and closer to the anniversary date and I haven't heard any news of my local theater confirming that they'll be showing it. :'(

Surely somewhere nearby is going to run it.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: kag88 on Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 00:54
Seeing Tim Burton's BATMAN, tonight on the BIG SCREEN!
I will take pictures. 
I will bring a gas-mask
I Will bring 1$ bills, with my face on them
I will be a partyman....

Party by the pale, moonlight!

Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: kag88 on Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 06:46
Just returned from the theater downtown....

Seeing Tim Burton's BATMAN on the big screen, (and I mean this theater is beautifully old-fashioned and has an enormous screen), it was like seeing it for the first time.  From the gothic logo/opening, to the triumphant final shot.... Oh my.... like the DVD cases quote, "Speechless" (haha) I really, really was.  I'm 21 years old, and of course, never had the chance to see it during the original release, seeing it tonight made me feel like a little kid again. Sitting their, in this packed theater.... laughing at 'You're my number one...and I!' and 'Pass the salt' and 'Partyman' along with the packed theater... sigh... amazing. 

Another cool note: the movie was an original print, thus being, very grainy.  The grain, blotches here and there, gave the viewing a "Grindhouse" feel to it, just that little touch, made this 20 year old film even cooler. 

Wow, a dream come true.
I wish all of you Bat-Freaks could've been there....
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Grissom on Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 11:48
That is fantastic! Good for you! I also never saw Batman in theatres and I'm sure one day I will and believe me I'll pay whatever price. This theatre you went to, what's the name of it? Also, do they have schedules for upcoming movies because I'm assuming that it's a theatre that shows older films from time to time.

It's great that you experienced it on the big screen and I hope that many other theatres show it again for the 20th Anniversary in June.

Once again, good for you!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Paul (ral) on Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 14:53
Did you manage to take any photos?
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: kag88 on Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 20:10
Quote from: ral on Wed, 25 Mar  2009, 14:53
Did you manage to take any photos?

Only one.  Didn't want to distract from the movie... my phone has a flash on it.  I seriously wanted to, but, i did snag one...
I'll post it very soon!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: kag88 on Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 20:30
Quote from: Grissom on Wed, 25 Mar  2009, 11:48
That is fantastic! Good for you! I also never saw Batman in theatres and I'm sure one day I will and believe me I'll pay whatever price. This theatre you went to, what's the name of it? Also, do they have schedules for upcoming movies because I'm assuming that it's a theatre that shows older films from time to time.

It's great that you experienced it on the big screen and I hope that many other theatres show it again for the 20th Anniversary in June.

Once again, good for you!


Just click the scrolling "Big Fremont, San Luis Obispo, CA" under 'Locations'

There you'll find their "Rewind Classics" series and times/dates of when they show the classics. 

I wouldn't be surprised if BATMAN plays somewhere (or hopefully a number of places) for it's 20th.
I would definitely go, again.  Sorry you couldn't be there but, oh my... it was so awesome.  Best two parts, and it reminded me of Rocky Horror participation; EVERYONE in the theater cheered, "Lawrence!" along with the Joker and cheered even louder when Batman crashed through the skylight.... So, you can imagine how crazy it got when the credits rolled!
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: Grissom on Thu, 26 Mar 2009, 13:14
Man, to be in your shoes. I have heard alot people say how great it was to watch Batman on the big screen especially with die hard Batman fans. It's an experience that they cherish. Even if you're a bigger fan of the recent films, to see this film on a giant screen really does something for you.

By the way, thanks for the info.
Title: Re: 1989 Batman In Theaters In '09
Post by: The Dark Knight on Thu, 26 Mar 2009, 14:33
Quote from: kag88 on Wed, 25 Mar  2009, 20:10
Quote from: ral on Wed, 25 Mar  2009, 14:53
Did you manage to take any photos?

Only one.  Didn't want to distract from the movie... my phone has a flash on it.  I seriously wanted to, but, i did snag one...
I'll post it very soon!
Can't wait to see it.
Title: Theatre showings...
Post by: Grissom on Wed, 10 Jun 2009, 17:08
Just a heads up to those of us on this forum who may know of show dates for Batman '89 either at a theatre near you or a theatre you may have heard of. There are several theatres that someone wrote down for me where Batman is showing this month but I lost it! Can you believe it?!

Anyway give us a heads up when you can confirm showings, it'll be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: DarkVengeance on Wed, 10 Jun 2009, 18:59
I wish there was a theater here in New York State that would be playing it!
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: Grissom on Wed, 10 Jun 2009, 20:09
I think I recall on that list a showing at a theatre in New Jersey, but I can't remember the details.
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: Paul (ral) on Wed, 10 Jun 2009, 21:05
merged this thread with an older one
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: DarkVengeance on Wed, 10 Jun 2009, 22:25
People lemme know if you know of any showings near NY state.
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: Grissom on Sat, 13 Jun 2009, 12:53
I wonder if there is any website we can go to to find out. I know about fandango and moviefone, but they seem to specialise in the most recent releases. I know sometimes you actually have to go to that theatre's website to find out, especially those that show older films from time to time. I sometimes don't have the time, but an intrepid Batman fan out there can probably do his research and let us know about theatre showings fro this classic film.  ;)
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: Batnar on Thu, 18 Jun 2009, 14:17
I would drop anything just to watch this in a theatre.  :'(
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: DarkVengeance on Thu, 18 Jun 2009, 15:20
Quote from: Batnar on Thu, 18 Jun  2009, 14:17
I would drop anything just to watch this in a theatre.  :'(
Ya Im totally with you on that one, I cant find one place showing the film :(
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: 19BATMAN89 on Mon, 22 Jun 2009, 18:10
Hey Everyone....

Has anyone heard of a theater in the New Jersey area showing BATMAN for it's 20th anniversary? if so, could you please fill us in...I'm sure all of the Jersey
Bat-Fans would love to know and experience it once again on the big screen.

Thank you very much,
Rob :)
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: Grissom on Mon, 22 Jun 2009, 19:28
I recall a theatre in New Jersey was showing this film some time this month, as told to me by a friend, but for the life of me I can't remember the name and time. You might have to actually make contact with those theatres that show older films from time to time and find out.

Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: 19BATMAN89 on Mon, 22 Jun 2009, 22:05

Thanks Grissom!...I'll look into it

Have a great day,
Rob :)
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: TheBatMan0887 on Mon, 22 Jun 2009, 23:33
This would be my only chance to see it in the theatre. Too bad they might not show it in Maryland close by. I won't ever get to see it in theatre.
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: Sandman on Tue, 23 Jun 2009, 00:00
There was a theatre showing Jaws about a month back, But sadly no Batman. But they show random old movies all the time, So i might get so lucky as to watch Batman on the big screen just not on the 20 anniversary.
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: KeatonBat on Tue, 23 Jun 2009, 06:12
I would be cool if they were screening Batman somewhere in NYC. I would leave work early for that. Never had the experience of seeing it on the big screen.
Title: Re: Theatre showings...
Post by: The Dark Knight on Tue, 23 Jun 2009, 07:24
Quote from: Batnar on Thu, 18 Jun  2009, 14:17
I would drop anything just to watch this in a theatre.  :'(
I know how you feel.  :(