In TDK when Gordan captures the Joker and says "we got you you son of a bitch" when the Joker falls on the ground does anyone think this is a reference to the end of Batman 89 when the Joker is laying at the bottom of the cathedral.
Now you can see all of Jokers body. But the way he is laying from what we can see is identical - the way his right arm and head is.
Maybe I'm looking too deep. But just a thought.
Perhaps you are looking a little too deep ;) but you never know.
Yeah, I don't see it as a reference.
plenty of things are most definitly similar!
there were alot of things that were very similar in both films, the interpretations arent exact polar opposites, so it makes the difference when comparing the two.
There were also tons of references or similarities in BB to 89, I think thats its just thing that are true to the characters and the mythos.
it dosent appear intentional because its not, Nolan said he appreciates 89 for what it is and it was good for its time, but he wanted to make "HIS OWN" Batman, why would anyone want to tread on old ground?
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Wed, 8 Oct 2008, 23:43
why would anyone want to tread on old ground?
To improve on it, maybe? ;)
thats a good idea, but that could also get alot of people angry, its always best to just do your own thing and be original.
I have to agree with the fact that there are various things very similar to that of the 89 film.
For instance...take the scene from DK when Batman is riding his funky cycle towards the joker and he starts firing at him with his gun pods on the bike, although never actually hitting the joker. The Joker is firing his gun, then says "come to me, come on... come it, come on hit me... i want you to do it" etc etc... only so Bale would end up crashing into something.
Im sorry... but that scene totally took me back to 89 when Batman Keaton was flying his batwing towards the Joker, firing at him, never actually hitting him, then the joker says "come on you gruesome son of a ----. Come to me" pulls out his gun, fires at Keaton with one shot, making him crash land.
Very identical scenarios. Almost too identical. And I wasn't even paying attention. lol :P
The crime boss scenes also very identical. He doesn't fry a mobster, but instead he slams his head in a pencil. (great scene btw) Regardless, it too reminded me of 89 Batman.
Other things, I dont really mention because although Im personally reminded of the 89 film, its really not that big a deal to me, like when the Tumble breaks down only to shoot Bale out in a 2 wheel cycle, versus what happened in Batman Returns when Keaton flips the switch to split his Batmobile and turn it into a stick on wheels just to get away from the cops.
Either way, non of these things bothered me much, but I did take notice and thats probably only because im a big 89 batfan. my opinion is pretty much null. :P