Monarch Theatre => Burton's Bat => Batman (1989) => Topic started by: Batman on Tue, 22 Nov 2016, 12:22

Title: Wardrobe question during Vicky's second visit to the Batcave
Post by: Batman on Tue, 22 Nov 2016, 12:22
Does anyone know what shoes Bruce Wayne wore to his black turtleneck and jeans outfit? You can't tell from the way the scene was staged, but are there any stills or behind the scenes clips that show his shoes?

I'm considering making a 1/6 custom 1989 Bruce Wayne I'd like to make as accurate to the film as possible.
Title: Re: Wardrobe question during Vicky's second visit to the Batcave
Post by: Batman on Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 18:50
Anyone? Reevz? ;)