Monarch Theatre => Burton's Bat => Batman (1989) => Topic started by: Grissom on Tue, 20 Oct 2015, 16:39

Title: Knox...newspaper author
Post by: Grissom on Tue, 20 Oct 2015, 16:39
So watched Batman '89 again this past Sunday night and noticed something I never did before. When Grissom hit the paper on his desk, in the meeting with Jack and his other cronies, Alexander Knox was the author of the article. I've actually never noticed that before. I'm not sure in the Joker's "Wait till they get a load of me" scene also had that article (where he wiped off the blood), written by Knox.

It's acool that after 26 years, I can still catch things afresh which I didn't notice before.

Title: Re: Knox...newspaper author
Post by: Edd Grayson on Tue, 20 Oct 2015, 18:28
That's great, I never paid attention to the newspapers in those scenes.
Title: Re: Knox...newspaper author
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Sun, 22 May 2016, 04:25
Yes, I remember seeing his name on the front page too.

What do people think of Alexander Knox around here? I've heard of some people online complaining about how annoying he is. If I recall, Daniel Waters really hates him and wanted to kill him off in Batman Returns.

But I don't mind Knox because he has this cocky, happy-go-lucky personality that made him more memorable than most supporting characters in the entire film franchise.

He was the only journalist who was investigating the Batman myth until Vicki Vale got involved, who was the only other person in town who took him seriously. Though you can see his disappointment when he has some affection for her but she's seeing Bruce Wayne, and dismisses him as a rich vain fool. But at the same time, he doesn't take the opportunity to tarnish Bruce out of jealousy when he discovers his backstory and figures out he must be Batman, and shares this information with Vicki out of concern. 
Title: Re: Knox...newspaper author
Post by: Batman on Thu, 1 Dec 2016, 12:53
Never noticed that either.

Good observation, bad tie.
Title: Re: Knox...newspaper author
Post by: thecolorsblend on Thu, 1 Dec 2016, 13:45
Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Sun, 22 May  2016, 04:25Yes, I remember seeing his name on the front page too.

What do people think of Alexander Knox around here? I've heard of some people online complaining about how annoying he is. If I recall, Daniel Waters really hates him and wanted to kill him off in Batman Returns.

But I don't mind Knox because he has this cocky, happy-go-lucky personality that made him more memorable than most supporting characters in the entire film franchise.

He was the only journalist who was investigating the Batman myth until Vicki Vale got involved, who was the only other person in town who took him seriously. Though you can see his disappointment when he has some affection for her but she's seeing Bruce Wayne, and dismisses him as a rich vain fool. But at the same time, he doesn't take the opportunity to tarnish Bruce out of jealousy when he discovers his backstory and figures out he must be Batman, and shares this information with Vicki out of concern.
Knox is the point of view character. He's the only one in the movie who can comment on how bizarre everything is. Considering how extreme B89 was in its day, that's a useful job. He's the anchor for the audience who can joke about all the weird BS going on without being affected by it. We can sympathize with the other characters in the movie but Knox is the only one we can really relate to.

Without Knox, you're basically left with a relatively nihilistic movie filled with bizarre characters and a plot with some occasional holes in it. Knox is B89's secret weapon that allowed normies a gateway into the film. His perceptions are their perceptions and vice versa. He can be level-headed and crack jokes at the same time.

I can see how he annoys some fans but he's not really meant for us. We're the true believers who don't need to be initiated. We are initiated. Knox is there to be the surrogate for soccer moms and portly fathers whose clearest memories of Batman began and ended with Adam West. "Man, this is a weird movie," they think to themselves. And here comes Knox. "Oh good, he notices it too so it's not just me."

I can't help thinking Batman Returns might've been better received if Knox or someone like him had been around to serve as the viewer's curator. He could've been their Guide to Hell and cracked wise about how awesome Catwoman looks in her outfit. There's a strong argument that losing Billy Dee Williams didn't hurt BR as much as losing Robert Wuhl.

But I could be wrong.
Title: Re: Knox...newspaper author
Post by: Azrael on Thu, 1 Dec 2016, 14:41
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu,  1 Dec  2016, 13:45
Knox is the point of view character. He's the only one in the movie who can comment on how bizarre everything is. Considering how extreme B89 was in its day, that's a useful job. He's the anchor for the audience who can joke about all the weird BS going on without being affected by it. We can sympathize with the other characters in the movie but Knox is the only one we can really relate to.

Without Knox, you're basically left with a relatively nihilistic movie filled with bizarre characters and a plot with some occasional holes in it. Knox is B89's secret weapon that allowed normies a gateway into the film. His perceptions are their perceptions and vice versa. He can be level-headed and crack jokes at the same time.

I can see how he annoys some fans but he's not really meant for us. We're the true believers who don't need to be initiated. We are initiated. Knox is there to be the surrogate for soccer moms and portly fathers whose clearest memories of Batman began and ended with Adam West. "Man, this is a weird movie," they think to themselves. And here comes Knox. "Oh good, he notices it too so it's not just me."

I can't help thinking Batman Returns might've been better received if Knox or someone like him had been around to serve as the viewer's curator. He could've been their Guide to Hell and cracked wise about how awesome Catwoman looks in her outfit. There's a strong argument that losing Billy Dee Williams didn't hurt BR as much as losing Robert Wuhl.

But I could be wrong.


Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Sun, 22 May  2016, 04:25

What do people think of Alexander Knox around here? I've heard of some people online complaining about how annoying he is. If I recall, Daniel Waters really hates him and wanted to kill him off in Batman Returns.

I discovered that some people hate Knox only when I first visited fan message boards. Before that, I always thought that Knox is a fun side character and Robert Wulh very likeable - yet I've seen people talk about Knox like he's fn Gossip Gerty.
Title: Re: Knox...newspaper author
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Fri, 2 Dec 2016, 06:26
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu,  1 Dec  2016, 13:45
Knox is the point of view character. He's the only one in the movie who can comment on how bizarre everything is. Considering how extreme B89 was in its day, that's a useful job. He's the anchor for the audience who can joke about all the weird BS going on without being affected by it. We can sympathize with the other characters in the movie but Knox is the only one we can really relate to.

Fascinating answer. A good example for how Knox serves as an avatar to the audience would be him telling Vicki "I think your friend [Bruce] is really screwed up". That line would resonate particularly well for any adult who knows that a Batman-type vigilante would have to be mentally unsettled if they were to exist in the real world. Most fans, especially nowadays, would take issue with it, and try to argue otherwise.

Quote from: Azrael on Thu,  1 Dec  2016, 14:41
I discovered that some people hate Knox only when I first visited fan message boards. Before that, I always thought that Knox is a fun side character and Robert Wulh very likeable - yet I've seen people talk about Knox like he's fn Gossip Gerty.

I'm sure there are people who genuinely couldn't stand the guy, but I wouldn't be surprised that groupthink had an influence. It is the internet after all.