Monarch Theatre => Burton's Bat => Batman Returns (1992) => Topic started by: Batman on Tue, 5 May 2015, 12:05

Title: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Batman on Tue, 5 May 2015, 12:05
The line was announced in 2012, then a year ago they presented the prototype at SDCC only last year. But since then went awfully quiet. Many believed the line was completely cancelled, but today they finally revealed the figure in his full glory! It won't be a deluxe figure as previously speculated, but a single figure with the option of buying a two-pack with Bruce Wayne in tux that will come with exclusive torn cowl.

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Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Catwoman on Tue, 5 May 2015, 12:17
I wish they would do Catwoman. Maybe her undamaged costume with a costume that is damaged (I vote Selina unmasked, either before or after Max shoots her) and/or Selina at the ball.
Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Batman on Tue, 5 May 2015, 13:23
Until then, there's the custom KUMIK Catwoman, that while not 100% accurate with the boots and gloves, is rather nice.
Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Slash Man on Tue, 5 May 2015, 22:29
Looks good, glad HotToys are keeping the original series alive and putting out quality figures for the fans.

People can nitpick it to death, but it's a really good sculpt for Batman. Though literally all comments on Bruce Wayne are complaining about the face. Looks passable to me, but I guess for the amount of money, some people expect more. The two-pack option is pretty smart. I imagine they won't sell too many Bruce Waynes alone, but it's cool that they have the option.
Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Tue, 5 May 2015, 23:31
Nice idea to toss in Bruce Wayne. I think this is the first "proper" Keaton figure I've seen in years. He always had a face that was an action figure designers dream. His sculpts for both the Beetlejuice and Batman lines of the past turned out rather brilliantly for the time. Consider Kenner's work on other film projects like Jurassic Park, Aliens or even Star Wars. The likenesses of the actors weren't always that great, though we were grateful to have them. I think their work of adapting Keaton was their greatest success of all. Thank goodness for his striking face.  Chances are though it's going to be quite expensive to buy that 2 pack. But that's the one I'd encourage people serious about buying to go for.

I'll be passing on this myself. Back when Hot Toys unveiled their Burton line in 2011 I hadn't bought one of their expensive products in my life. It certainly didn't seem that was ever going to happen. But the figures looked so good I swiftly made plans to make the dream of buying (what I think will forever now be) the greatest movie Batman figures. I planned on getting just the one. Expecting Batman himself to be the easy one next to Nicholson. How wrong I was! He was in such demand. I almost lost money in fact attempting to buy it on Ebay from a swindler in the U.S. Thankfully saved my cash before it was too late. Just 2 Batman's came into my local comic stores and I bought one very quickly in summer 2012. When the other eventually sold I have yet to see another come back into stock. Plenty of Christian Bale's left over though (so this is how I know the notion Keaton isn't a popular Batman anymore is utter nonsense). I'm disappointed my dad didn't get to see how brilliant these are but a strange thing happened when I was buying the Keaton figure. On the radio in the store one of Prince's songs (either U Got The Look or Alphabet St) was playing as the guy was packing it away for me. I'd like to think it was him, sending out a little joke from "beyond" as a congratulation. A great moment lol

I was lucky enough in the end to get Nicholson's Joker for Christmas 2012 (spying on it's display case for 6 months, praying it wouldn't end up being bought lol). I nearly passed on the opportunity to buy him, thinking the overdue Batman Returns line was coming out and I'd have the choice of picking one of the three major villains. A cooler head prevailed and I decided it'd be better to get "Uncle Bingo" to appropriately complete my 1989 set. Then the following Christmas one I really never expected to sanely get, the giant Batmobile. Getting that was just plain weird. It was in my local comic store window all through that Christmas (with regular people on the street actually stopping to take in it's detailed glory for a minute). Never did I seriously think I'd be the one who would end up owning it. It was hilariously like that great festive movie "A Christmas Story" where Ralphie spies his out of reach Red Ryder BB Gun in the window store.

Managed this last Christmas to acquire both Adam West and in January for my birthday, Burt Ward too. Think I'll be giving Hot Toys a much needed rest for now....until they finally release Devito and Pfeiffer.

Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Wed, 6 May 2015, 03:31
Great to see Batman Returns getting attention in 2015 with new products.

Unfortunately, I don't like their Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne head sculpt. The batsuit looks amazing, though.

Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Catwoman on Wed, 6 May 2015, 04:09
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Tue,  5 May  2015, 23:31
Just 2 Batman's came into my local comic stores and I bought one very quickly in summer 2012. When the other eventually sold I have yet to see another come back into stock. Plenty of Christian Bale's left over though (so this is how I know the notion Keaton isn't a popular Batman anymore is utter nonsense).

To me it proves that the Mikey/Tim fans are real fans. The Baleman fans talk a good game and I know he has some real fans but when it comes time to put their money where their mouth is most of them are conveniently MIA. If Ben does a good job the same ones will beating the same drum for him. I hate fair weather posers.
Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Batman on Wed, 6 May 2015, 14:15
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed,  6 May  2015, 03:31
Great to see Batman Returns getting attention in 2015 with new products.

Unfortunately, I don't like their Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne head sculpt. The batsuit looks amazing, though.

Jin Cheol Hong showed of pictures of the sculpt because he wasn't happy with the way it looked in the production pictures. Looks perfect now.


Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Catwoman on Wed, 6 May 2015, 17:53
It's borderline creepy how damn realistic these things are! ???

When I clicked on this post it went to the newest post I hadn't read, and I could only see from the eyes up of the figure. I thought it was a real person in one of The Joker's gifs or pics he posts as responses sometimes lol.
Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Thu, 7 May 2015, 04:48
Quote from: Catwoman on Wed,  6 May  2015, 17:53
It's borderline creepy how damn realistic these things are! ???

When I clicked on this post it went to the newest post I hadn't read, and I could only see from the eyes up of the figure. I thought it was a real person in one of The Joker's gifs or pics he posts as responses sometimes lol.

When you turn Nicholson's eyes using the eyeball rolling system to look at "you"'s the scariest thing an action figure has ever done! lol It felt like I'd gotten to star in the latest Chucky sequel or something it was so wrong. Please Hot Toys, don't make a Tim Curry Stephen King's IT figure next, I'm not sure my heart could take THAT lol
Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Thu, 7 May 2015, 05:01
Quote from: Catwoman on Wed,  6 May  2015, 04:09
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Tue,  5 May  2015, 23:31
Just 2 Batman's came into my local comic stores and I bought one very quickly in summer 2012. When the other eventually sold I have yet to see another come back into stock. Plenty of Christian Bale's left over though (so this is how I know the notion Keaton isn't a popular Batman anymore is utter nonsense).

To me it proves that the Mikey/Tim fans are real fans. The Baleman fans talk a good game and I know he has some real fans but when it comes time to put their money where their mouth is most of them are conveniently MIA. If Ben does a good job the same ones will beating the same drum for him. I hate fair weather posers.

I do think the guys running the store weren't all that happy I was buying them lol They tend to swipe unsold stuff for themselves after a while. Yet I wouldn't be surprised if they go online and rant about Christian Bale being a lot better. I hear them moaning about a lot of franchises when I usually come in.

I was quite proud to also see the Nicholson and Heath Ledger figures side by side and of course....Nicholson sold first lol I mean what's going on here? It just doesn't make sense. It's "stuffy old, uncool, Jack" after all.

It could be a testament to how beloved Jack is just on an actor level. Ledger is talented but Jack's a movie icon, a legend. A figure like that quality of him as The Joker will always just look cooler in your display cabinet.
Title: Re: 1/6th scale BATMAN RETURNS BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE by Hot Toys officially revealed!
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Mon, 23 Nov 2015, 01:46
This Batman Returns line is really pissing me off now. 3 years we've been waiting and still counting.

I was wondering is it possible for Hot Toys to lose their granted license on the film if they don't deliver after a certain time? You see they lost the rights to produce a Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal figure that had previously been scheduled. Can it be they put out the new Michael Keaton Returns figure (scheduled to come into my local store on either 1st or 30th December next month) only to extend their licence or something?

It seems there are still no plans whatsoever to fulfill their promise to fans. Yet, once again, wave after wave of Marvel Iron Man and Captain Jack Sparrow's continue to be farted out at an alarming rate. It seems Hot Toys are endlessly booked up with licence's for new blockbusters and so the beloved "classics" have to pay the price.