Monarch Theatre => Batman in the DCEU => Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) => Topic started by: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 4 Dec 2013, 18:10

Title: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 4 Dec 2013, 18:10
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Thu, 5 Dec 2013, 01:04
That is also suggesting that Flash is appearing in a cameo.

As for the news, I must admit I'm not that excited. The reason is because I was under the impression this would be about Superman and Batman meeting for the first time, but now that they're throwing Diana/Wonder Woman and into the picture there is a strong chance this could get bloated. Then again, perhaps Wonder Woman isn't actually in the film but her alter ego is if that makes sense. It makes me wonder if the other rumours about Flash, Nightwing, and even the Bat drones have a lot more credibility than I thought.

This depends on how it's written of course, but then again I'm not exactly sure with David Goyer. I enjoyed Man of Steel, but it had some problems that stopped it from being great. To be fair though, some of the problems I had with Goyer's story didn't bother me like a lot of his work on the Batman trilogy. We'll wait and see.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: Furstmobile on Thu, 5 Dec 2013, 17:11
I guess this is why they won't call it World's Finest. I think everyone's reaction is pretty much "I thought this movie was about Batman and Superman?"

Still yawning and waiting for the first pic of Batman.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Thu, 5 Dec 2013, 20:39
Throwing these sort of characters into the mix while trying to establish a new Batman AND Robin/Nightwing, while also developing further Henry Cavill's Superman is turning into a recipe for disaster. And given the reaction to Affleck I'd hate for them to turn away their attention to sodding Wonder Woman and The Flash when they really need to make this Batman as great as they possibly can to prove naysayers wrong.

As for "World's Finest" that title is about as awful as the other horrendous titles I've heard for it.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: The Joker on Fri, 6 Dec 2013, 16:34

Really not familiar with Gal Gadot, at all, but it appears like Justice League Origins is shaping up to include quite a few DCU characters. Cameos or not. Which just comes across as a little too much, too soon. As it would be nice to get some more stand alone films before jumping into a Justice League film. But whatever. Guess we'll see how rushing into something like that works out for WB...

Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: phantom stranger on Sun, 22 Dec 2013, 19:15
Quote from: The Joker on Fri,  6 Dec  2013, 16:34

As it would be nice to get some more stand alone films before jumping into a Justice League film. But whatever. Guess we'll see how rushing into something like that works out for WB...

I think it's clear by now WB doesn't want to take a risk with solo films. They'd rather go with the "sure thing" of a Batman/Superman movie. And the way they see it, they can't lose by throwing in a few other heroes, even if it's just a glorified cameo.

Not exactly a bold move, but it's certainly a safer approach, from a business perspective.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: johnnygobbs on Sun, 22 Dec 2013, 21:14
Quote from: phantom stranger on Sun, 22 Dec  2013, 19:15
Quote from: The Joker on Fri,  6 Dec  2013, 16:34

As it would be nice to get some more stand alone films before jumping into a Justice League film. But whatever. Guess we'll see how rushing into something like that works out for WB...

I think it's clear by now WB doesn't want to take a risk with solo films. They'd rather go with the "sure thing" of a Batman/Superman movie. And the way they see it, they can't lose by throwing in a few other heroes, even if it's just a glorified cameo.

Not exactly a bold move, but it's certainly a safer approach, from a business perspective.
What they consider to be a 'sure-thing' could turn out to be a critical and therefore commercial mess over-stuffed with characters.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: phantom stranger on Sun, 22 Dec 2013, 22:42
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Sun, 22 Dec  2013, 21:14
Quote from: phantom stranger on Sun, 22 Dec  2013, 19:15
Quote from: The Joker on Fri,  6 Dec  2013, 16:34

As it would be nice to get some more stand alone films before jumping into a Justice League film. But whatever. Guess we'll see how rushing into something like that works out for WB...

I think it's clear by now WB doesn't want to take a risk with solo films. They'd rather go with the "sure thing" of a Batman/Superman movie. And the way they see it, they can't lose by throwing in a few other heroes, even if it's just a glorified cameo.

Not exactly a bold move, but it's certainly a safer approach, from a business perspective.
What they consider to be a 'sure-thing' could turn out to be a critical and therefore commercial mess over-stuffed with characters.

I wish you were right but the reality is that no matter how bad or overstuffed the film is, it will be a hit. Even Spider-Man 3 made over 300 million domestically.

Personally, I trust Snyder more than the Marvel guys (which make lightweight films) so I'm remaining an optimist.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: The Joker on Mon, 23 Dec 2013, 07:32
Quote from: phantom stranger on Sun, 22 Dec  2013, 19:15
I think it's clear by now WB doesn't want to take a risk with solo films. They'd rather go with the "sure thing" of a Batman/Superman movie. And the way they see it, they can't lose by throwing in a few other heroes, even if it's just a glorified cameo.

Not exactly a bold move, but it's certainly a safer approach, from a business perspective.

Well sure. If WB/DC's past history has taught us anything, is that they are much more prone to go with just Batman/Superman on pretty much anything, rather than chancing on a potential new and fresh superhero or superheroine. It's a shame WB clearly don't see much worth in the DCU outside of Supes/Bats (guess you can throw in Justice League, but only because it's featuring the big two), and perhaps the failure of Green Lantern justified that thinking for them. However, the warm reception of a lesser known property like Arrow should be indicative to the notion that people are indeed interested in the DCU beyond Superman/Batman, but only if it's done in a fairly satisfying manner.

I think the point Johnny was making, is that you can have a financial success of a movie, but if it's not warmly received by fans/general audiences, the overall anticipation on going forward with future films takes a hit. How severe of a hit, is anyone's guess? But there are indeed examples of films making mega bucks, however due to a poor execution/reception, it either resulted in the studio getting cold feet on a further sequel, or the decision was made for a, sometimes, dramatic change in tone/style (which typically means reboot these days).

Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: zDBZ on Sun, 29 Dec 2013, 17:08
A certain someone at BOF is certain that the "Amazons" of this film are going to be descendants of Kryptonians, not mythological figures.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sun, 29 Dec 2013, 20:53
Heard that a few weeks ago, but not from BOF. The idea is that it would tie into the prequel comic from MOS.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: johnnygobbs on Sun, 29 Dec 2013, 21:53
Quote from: zDBZ on Sun, 29 Dec  2013, 17:08
A certain someone at BOF is certain that the "Amazons" of this film are going to be descendants of Kryptonians, not mythological figures.
I know it goes against the comic-books but I somewhat prefer this idea.  I never liked the idea of Wonder Woman being a 'princess'.  She's meant to be a tough, strong woman after all.  The notion of her being of royal blood doesn't seem to sit well with that.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Sun, 29 Dec 2013, 22:26
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Sun, 29 Dec  2013, 21:53
Quote from: zDBZ on Sun, 29 Dec  2013, 17:08
A certain someone at BOF is certain that the "Amazons" of this film are going to be descendants of Kryptonians, not mythological figures.
I know it goes against the comic-books but I somewhat prefer this idea.  I never liked the idea of Wonder Woman being a 'princess'.  She's meant to be a tough, strong woman after all.  The notion of her being of royal blood doesn't seem to sit well with that.

What on earth do you mean Johnnygobbs? Aren't you forgetting characters such as Princess Leia? Sure the ladies of royal blood can be tough lol
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: johnnygobbs on Mon, 30 Dec 2013, 00:03
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Sun, 29 Dec  2013, 22:26
What on earth do you mean Johnnygobbs? Aren't you forgetting characters such as Princess Leia? Sure the ladies of royal blood can be tough lol
I never really cared much for Princess Leia or Padme either even though I count myself as a Star Wars fan (at least Episodes IV to VI anyway).
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: The Joker on Mon, 30 Dec 2013, 15:02

I guess I like the idea that despite being a Princess, Diana was raised very much as a warrior, and thanks in large part to her wit during a tournament, received the privilege of being Wonder Woman. I also dug her role as an Ambassador for the Amazons of Paradise Island/Themiscyra, which (i think) was an element brought forth only during the Post-Crisis era....
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: greggbray on Thu, 2 Jan 2014, 05:56
I'd rather Wonder Woman not by a kryptonian...if they're going to bring the characters to the screen, they should at the very least respect their origins. 
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: ElCuervoMuerto on Sun, 12 Jan 2014, 01:31
^At this point all if this is just rumor and speculation nothing confirmed. However, the theory is not that Wonder Woman will be a Kryptonian like Kal and Kara. I believe the theory is that the greek gods the Amazonians worshiped where actually alien beings that could be those ancient Kryptonian explorers shown in MOS, so the Amazons would be descended from ancient aliens/Kryptonians but would still be earthlings. If this is the way they go it's actually all not that dissimilar to how Marvel handled Thor in the MCU and I wouldn't have a problem with it. You could still have all the awesome mythology stuff from the comics, just now the gods are aliens as opposed to actual supernatural beings (again, just like Thor).
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: greggbray on Thu, 16 Jan 2014, 00:32
Turned out to be nonsense.  Jett was speculating and the web went wild. Meh.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: zDBZ on Tue, 21 Jan 2014, 00:49
Quote from: ElCuervoMuerto on Sun, 12 Jan  2014, 01:31
^At this point all if this is just rumor and speculation nothing confirmed. However, the theory is not that Wonder Woman will be a Kryptonian like Kal and Kara. I believe the theory is that the greek gods the Amazonians worshiped where actually alien beings that could be those ancient Kryptonian explorers shown in MOS, so the Amazons would be descended from ancient aliens/Kryptonians but would still be earthlings. If this is the way they go it's actually all not that dissimilar to how Marvel handled Thor in the MCU and I wouldn't have a problem with it. You could still have all the awesome mythology stuff from the comics, just now the gods are aliens as opposed to actual supernatural beings (again, just like Thor).
Suppose I should've made that clearer.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: The Dark Knight on Tue, 21 Jan 2014, 06:44
Quote from: greggbray on Thu, 16 Jan  2014, 00:32
Turned out to be nonsense.  Jett was speculating and the web went wild. Meh.
Title: Re: Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Sat, 6 Dec 2014, 22:02
'Wonder Woman' Movie: Production Moves Forward As Superhero Movie Lands Another Important Piece

The Wonder Woman movie already has its lead in Gal Gadot and a high-profile television veteran for a director, and now the superhero film has another major piece in place.

Jason Fuchs, the writer responsible for the Warner Bros. movie Pan, is reportedly in negotiations to write the screenplay for the upcoming Wonder Woman movie.

Fuchs appears to be the final piece needed to move forward on the movie, part of the Warner Bros. series based on DC Entertainment characters. Gal Gadot has been in place for months as Wonder Woman, and Michelle MacLaren has been picked as its director. MacLaren was behind some of the most popular episodes of Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones.

Fuchs will reportedly be working with MacLaren on screenplay drafts.

Though Warner Bros. has not commented on the content of Wonder Woman, I Am Rogue shed some light on what is likely to be involved.

"Exactly what the story consists of is a mystery, but a recent rumor asserted that 'Wonder Woman' takes place largely on Paradise Island. About halfway through in this rumored version, Diana of Themyscira leaves the Amazonian island to explore the world of men, at which it's revealed that 'Wonder Woman' takes place in the 1920s, allowing Diana to witness in the women's suffrage movement.

"A sequel would then move the action to WWII and a third entry would finally bring Diana into the modern day.

"Of course, audiences will meet Wonder Woman in a contemporary setting. She's a big part of 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,' which introduces Gal Gadot as Diana in March 2016. Then she'll participate in WB's 'Justice League' movies."

Gal Gadot has been in some intense preparations for her work as Wonder Woman. This summer, she talked about her strict regimen to prepare for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice:

"It's the physical preparations that I'm starting now," she said. "A very serious training regime — Kung Fu, kickboxing, swords, jujutsu, Brazilian... 1,000 and one things... I'll gain body mass."

With its major pieces in place, Wonder Woman is now moving full speed ahead and set to hit theaters on June 23, 2017.


A Wonder Woman movie set in the early 20th century? It's an interesting rumour, but the issue I have with it is could mean that Wonder Woman announced her presence to the entire world long before Superman did. This would mean a retcon of what was established in Man of Steel because it was made very clear that people like Kal-El weren't known to exist before Zod's attack on Earth. Of course, another possibility is that Wonder Woman fought under a covert identity and the world didn't know about her.  :-\

Nonetheless, I'm not too concerned about the rumours right now. A while ago, I said that WB wouldn't have the vision to look for other directors and writers to develop their DC based movies, but now I'm happy to say that I'm wrong. With a new director doing Suicide Squad, a new creative team behind Wonder Woman, and Chris Terrio writing Justice League (which hopefully it means the BvS script will knock it out of the park), it looks like the days of Nolan and Goyer are long behind us. Thank god.