I'm taking this with a huge grain of salt, since it's coming from that guy from Batman-On-Film; from what I read he comes across as biased for his views on Batman movies (maybe a studio plant?).
I've never given the show a proper chance, but the concept about an elderly Bruce Wayne training a rebellious kid, who if I'm not mistaken turns out to be Wayne's younger clone, never appealed to me. It would have to take great casting and some vision if a project like this could ever get me on board. And besides, how would this work in a future Justice League movie with the current Superman?
BATMAN BEYOND A Reboot Possibility for Batman on Film?
July 17, 2013
BOF has heard some whispers that an adaptation of the animated TV series BATMAN BEYOND is on the table when it comes to the upcoming Batman on film reboot.
http://www.batman-on-film.com/BATMAN-REBOOTED_rumor_Batman-Beyond-reboot-possibility_7-17-13.html (http://www.batman-on-film.com/BATMAN-REBOOTED_rumor_Batman-Beyond-reboot-possibility_7-17-13.html)
Yeah. I like Beyond as a cartoon series but I'd rather it stay as that, to be honest.
That guy who runs that site also heard Bale was coming back.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 13:40
Yeah. I like Beyond as a cartoon series but I'd rather it stay as that, to be honest.
That guy who runs that site also heard Bale was coming back.
He is not the most reliable source (nor do I take his opinion seriously), so I really doubt that this show will be adapted into a feature film; nevermind it being a reboot. Wasn't he the one who made up that rumour about Bale and Nolan coming back for the Justice League?
I'm trying to imagine how this would look like as a movie. Since the show was based in the future, I'd imagine we would have a lot of high-tech, sci-fi elements e.g. the Batsuit would resemble something like an Iron Man-type of armor. The villains would be nobody from the real Batman's rogue gallery. Meh, not feeling it. ::)
Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 13:57
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 13:40
Yeah. I like Beyond as a cartoon series but I'd rather it stay as that, to be honest.
That guy who runs that site also heard Bale was coming back.
He is not the most reliable source (nor do I take his opinion seriously), so I really doubt that this show will be adapted into a feature film; nevermind it being a reboot. Wasn't he the one who made up that rumour about Bale and Nolan coming back for the Justice League?
I'm trying to imagine how this would look like as a movie. Since the show was based in the future, I'd imagine we would have a lot of high-tech, sci-fi elements e.g. the Batsuit would resemble something like an Iron Man-type of armor. The villains would be nobody from the real Batman's rogue gallery. Meh, not feeling it. ::)
I know a lot of people will disagree with me but I still feel the definitive version of the 'proper' Batman has yet to be done onscreen, so like Laughing Fish, I'm not feeling this.
Plus, like he states the source comes from the 'other' Batman site... ::)
Please let this not be true...
A Batman Beyond movie may work INBETWEEN franchises, but not if you are trying to world build a new larger franchise...unless it ties into past events that we have yet to see.
It seems like another rumour to get Bale back as Batman in some capacity to me...and that doesn't just sit well. Do audiences want to watch another movie where Bruce Wayne either doesn't want to be or isn't Batman? I know I've had my fill.
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 17:39
It seems like another rumour to get Bale back as Batman in some capacity to me...and that doesn't just sit well. Do audiences want to watch another movie where Bruce Wayne either doesn't want to be or isn't Batman? I know I've had my fill.
F-ing eh, Paul, f-ing ehhh!
I'm very skeptical about this. Maybe if it was still 1999 or the early 2000s I'd believe it but too much time has gone by for Batman Beyond to still be important to the people at WB to consider making a movie out of Batman Beyond.
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 18:38
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 17:39
It seems like another rumour to get Bale back as Batman in some capacity to me...and that doesn't just sit well. Do audiences want to watch another movie where Bruce Wayne either doesn't want to be or isn't Batman? I know I've had my fill.
F-ing eh, Paul, f-ing ehhh!
Well said, Paul.
Batman rides off into the night "because he can take it"
He actually went home to chill for eight years.
He comes back to fight Bane.
He is bashed and put in a pit.
He escapes and becomes Batman again.
He retires again.
He's back years later helping out a new Batman.
Nah. I've had enough of that stuff.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 18 Jul 2013, 23:57Well said, Paul.
Batman rides off into the night "because he can take it"
He actually went home to chill for eight years.
He comes back to fight Bane.
He is bashed and put in a pit.
He escapes and becomes Batman again.
He retires again.
He's back years later helping out a new Batman.
Nah. I've had enough of that stuff.
Don't forget that he was looking for an excuse to quit all during TDK.
i'm with you guys. i would prefer a batman where instead of trying to escape the cape at every turn he more sees "normal life" as bruce wayne as nothing more than a waste of time that could be spent even better in his fight against crime. its like i said in another post about chris nolan's way of trying to say anyone could be batman. bruce wayne isn't batman. batman is bruce wayne.
does that make any sense at all or are you all looking at me sideways now? lol.
and a batman beyond movie would be awesome! as long as they went futuristicky and sh*t instead of it just being "oh everything looks like it does today except bruce wayne is retired and this guy named terry mcguiness is wearing the suit now."
QuoteHe is not the most reliable source (nor do I take his opinion seriously), so I really doubt that this show will be adapted into a feature film; nevermind it being a reboot. Wasn't he the one who made up that rumour about Bale and Nolan coming back for the Justice League?
Actually, that was El Mayimbe at Latino Review who first reported it. Jett backed him up on it.
As for the rumor- I doubt it's true (not to turn this into a "Bash Jett" thread, but the last time that I recall his site having a legitimate scoop was the casting of Tim Booth as Mr. Zsasz back in Batman Begins. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).
The closest we may get to a future Batman Beyond movie is another DCAU straight-to-DVD/Blu-ray feature, but this also seems unlikely since DC Animation seems to be more focused on doing adaptations of major comic storylines than on resurrecting any of Bruce Timm and company's old shows.
If they HAD to do Batman Beyond in live action, my favorite idea would be what Silver Nemesis proposed in another thread: have Adam West return as Bruce Wayne. He's the perfect age for it, you wouldn't have to put makeup on him like you would with the other Batman actors, and he's arguably tied to the Batman role in the public consciousness more than anyone else. Tying it into the 1960s show would also fit right in with the current resurgence of the show in the comics and merchandising (with possibly, finally, a release of the series on DVD, if those rumors are true. See that thread for more details).
But of course, this is even less likely to happen than another animated Batman Beyond film, especially with DC plans to build a cinematic universe. With the door officially shut on the Nolan trilogy, it's time to see a new, traditional, contemporary Batman to tie into Man of Steel and the future Justice League movie. Reusing a past Batman actor, from West to Bale, for Batman Beyond wouldn't fit with that and the idea that Jett proposed, jumping forward in time and showing the future of the Batman from the same DC Cinematic Universe continuity, doesn't sound very appealing.
I think, as much as I've come to accept (and enjoyably so) Nolan's movies, what continually frustrates me, and what was probably at the heart of my rampant Nolanphobia, was (and is) what happens around the movies rather than what happens in them. Overzealous fan base killed me during their run, snotty pretentions over did their importance to cinema, now the folly continues with what to do now that the studio, Nolan, and his acolytes refuse to allow the Nolan universe to be touched by outsiders, even for the benefit of a broader world in which other DC properties can thrive. The inability to use the already established character will once again stagger and cripple DC's ability to compete with Marvel. Hence this Beyond concept. Smart yes, to try and distance yourself from Wayne so that the audience might assume that it takes place in the Nolan universe without committing high treason against the almighty one by outwardly establishing a connection. It takes some of the pressure off those who deem it unfathomable that Bale Wayne might have to coexist with lesser creations.
But, even assuming it goes full reboot, does anyone think for one second that the faithful aren't going to slash this BATMAN BEYOND idea (or any other) to bits if it gets passed formula. These are the same people that wanted Joker retired forever. Nolan is God. Batman is dead (we all know that was the intention. Alfred's eyes are going bad from acute alcoholism) and this martyrdom is not at all pretentious its art house and its the best thing ever, forever, not to be tarnished by cohabitation or reinvention. You aren't going to get the Spider-Man reboot fast track here. If anything any JLA movie will only vaguely reference Batman to keep harmony. You might see him represented by one of the bat clan. But don't look for any major Batman outings for a long while.
I once said in a post a long time ago on here: Congratulations DC. BATMAN and SUPERMAN; all you'll ever have. Now I guess it's just Superman. DC has shot itself in the foot. It's one good leg stands on a man of steel. Hope they find a way. And I hope it was all worth indulging a gang of psychopaths.
This BB thing is just the first of what I'm sure will be many ideas to find a way to get the Batman identity into a JLA concept.
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Fri, 19 Jul 2013, 14:38
I think, as much as I've come to accept (and enjoyably so) Nolan's movies, what continually frustrates me, and what was probably at the heart of my rampant Nolanphobia, was (and is) what happens around the movies rather than what happens in them. Overzealous fan base killed me during their run, snotty pretentions over did their importance to cinema, now the folly continues with what to do now that the studio, Nolan, and his acolytes refuse to allow the Nolan universe to be touched by outsiders, even for the benefit of a broader world in which other DC properties can thrive. The inability to use the already established character will once again stagger and cripple DC's ability to compete with Marvel. Hence this Beyond concept. Smart yes, to try and distance yourself from Wayne so that the audience might assume that it takes place in the Nolan universe without committing high treason against the almighty one by outwardly establishing a connection. It takes some of the pressure off those who deem it unfathomable that Bale Wayne might have to coexist with lesser creations.
But, even assuming it goes full reboot, does anyone think for one second that the faithful aren't going to slash this BATMAN BEYOND idea (or any other) to bits if it gets passed formula. These are the same people that wanted Joker retired forever. Nolan is God. Batman is dead (we all know that was the intention. Alfred's eyes are going bad from acute alcoholism) and this martyrdom is not at all pretentious its art house and its the best thing ever, forever, not to be tarnished by cohabitation or reinvention. You aren't going to get the Spider-Man reboot fast track here. If anything any JLA movie will only vaguely reference Batman to keep harmony. You might see him represented by one of the bat clan. But don't look for any major Batman outings for a long while.
I once said in a post a long time ago on here: Congratulations DC. BATMAN and SUPERMAN; all you'll ever have. Now I guess it's just Superman. DC has shot itself in the foot. It's one good leg stands on a man of steel. Hope they find a way. And I hope it was all worth indulging a gang of psychopaths.
This BB thing is just the first of what I'm sure will be many ideas to find a way to get the Batman identity into a JLA concept.
Open mouth and insert foot. Batman Vs Superman is on.
Hey, GK, if it makes you feel any better- Jett, who got the "scoop," probably feels the most embarrassed out of anyone right now...
Quote from: BatmAngelus on Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 00:58
Hey, GK, if it makes you feel any better- Jett, who got the "scoop," probably feels the most embarrassed out of anyone right now...
Heheh, exactly.
A Snyder designed Batman, especially based on his MOS Krypton and such, does excite me.
hah thanks. And yeah, the idea that the MOS sequel will be used primarily as a team up is great. Now if only they go for an established, older Batman. The slickery 30 somethings are getting on my nerves.
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 17:24hah thanks. And yeah, the idea that the MOS sequel will be used primarily as a team up is great. Now if only they go for an established, older Batman. The slickery 30 somethings are getting on my nerves.
Superman is just a rookie in MOS. Batman therefore should be even newer.
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 19:51
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 17:24hah thanks. And yeah, the idea that the MOS sequel will be used primarily as a team up is great. Now if only they go for an established, older Batman. The slickery 30 somethings are getting on my nerves.
Superman is just a rookie in MOS. Batman therefore should be even newer.
Sure if you go by the literal chronology...everybody knows that, but who says that has to be case in every iteration? Just thought I put forward an alternative idea considering the idealist versus realist might be more interesting if we have a fresh less worldy Superman and a grizzled hardened Batman suffering from experience.
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 21:44Sure if you go by the literal chronology...but who says that has to be case in every iteration? Sorry..I guess
As there's never been a shared live action universe on screen before,
I'm saying it.
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 21:46
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 21:44Sure if you go by the literal chronology...but who says that has to be case in every iteration? Sorry..I guess
As there's never been a shared live action universe on screen before, I'm saying it.
I'm not arguing with you. Sorry for having a point of view
I'm not arguing either. Just imparting my own.
Who is to say that Batman hasn't been operating in Gotham during the period of time that Clark was soul-searching?
The events of MOS happen so fast that not even Batman would have been able to respond to the magnitude of them.
Sorry for the knee jerk, but if I might elaborate..
The only reason I suggest an older Batman is I'm afraid that any new Batman movies might not get much traction in a post Nolan world, and I was hoping to see more that a re genesis. I guess I'm just jumping the gun, really. I want things to move quicker now that we've had the 'Year One concept explored thoroughly, for better or worse. Anxious I guess... once again sorry for snapping.
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 22:44Who is to say that Batman hasn't been operating in Gotham during the period of time that Clark was soul-searching?
Because canonically Superman is usually either the first ever superhero or else he's the first in a really long time.
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 22:44The events of MOS happen so fast that not even Batman would have been able to respond to the magnitude of them.
Then set MOS II/WF a year later.
Since this Batman is a reboot-Batman, my prediction is that he'll be in a similar stage of his career as Superman and the two heroes will, through their interactions, learn from each other and both develop into the "heroes we know and love" by the end, ala Kirk and Spock in the Abrams Star Trek films.
I also think that having Batman as a rookie, like Superman, puts the two of them on more equal ground, which is more likely to happen in the MoS sequel than Superman working with a seasoned veteran crimefighter.
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 22:54
Sorry for the knee jerk, but if I might elaborate..
The only reason I suggest an older Batman is I'm afraid that any new Batman movies might not get much traction in a post Nolan world, and I was hoping to see more that a re genesis. I guess I'm just jumping the gun, really. I want things to move quicker now that we've had the 'Year One concept explored thoroughly, for better or worse. Anxious I guess... once again sorry for snapping.
I actually think a rookie Batman in World's Finest (what I'm calling it for the time being) would help separate it further from the Nolan films. Yes, we've seen a young Batman, but the last time that was really explored on film was in Batman Begins, which will be a decade old by the time the time WF is released. Thanks to The Dark Knight Rises showing "the epic conclusion" to the story, general audiences feel like they've seen the whole course of Batman's career by now. And with Nolan and Goyer (plus a Hans Zimmer score) still involved with the Man of Steel franchise, they need to clarify, more than ever, that this is a separate take. So, having a young Batman in this next film would cement that this isn't just a new actor in a new Batsuit, like replacing Kilmer with Clooney- this is a new Batman entirely.
It also allows us to see the full development of this new take on the character, rather than meeting him after he's already been fighting crime for years and years. This new Batman will get to develop over the course of World's Finest and it's likely that the next time we'll see him will be in Justice League.
So, by the time this Batman gets his own standalone movie after that, he will no longer be a young rookie, he'll have encountered things no other onscreen Batman has encountered before, and audiences would've had two team-up movies to warm up to him and feel comfortable seeing him in standalone Gotham adventures.
Overall, I predict that this new Batman won't just develop due to his battles with villains, like in the previous movies- he'll be developing thanks to interacting and working with his fellow superheroes. This could be a more DC Universe-centric Batman, along the lines of what we've seen in Justice League/JLU and The Brave and the Bold. That might not be everyone's favorite take, but it's certainly something that hasn't been explored in live action on the big screen before.
^As much as I like that idea, I've actually been hearing that this will be an older late 30's-early 40's Batman. To me that sounds really cool.
IGN is reporting the rumour of the older Batman for the Man of Steel sequel.
My own personal choice, Caviezel, is said to be one of the frontrunners under consideration. Which is interesting, as he and Cavill have previously worked together on The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
They even have a bit of a fight scene towards the end of the film.
However it seems the source of the rumour is Batman-On-Film, so take it with a pinch of salt.
So...I wasn't completely a nozzle for putting forth the idea? :P
^ Indeed.
While I outlined the benefits of having a younger Batman in the film, I must admit that all the actors I like best for the role are in this older late 30s-early 40s range.
Still, keep in mind that this is mainly coming from Jett's sources, who also told him that they were rebooting Bruce Wayne through Batman Beyond, which started this thread...
Quote from: ElCuervoMuerto on Thu, 1 Aug 2013, 05:35
^As much as I like that idea, I've actually been hearing that this will be an older late 30's-early 40's Batman. To me that sounds really cool.
Quote from: BatmAngelus on Fri, 2 Aug 2013, 20:18
^ Indeed.
While I outlined the benefits of having a younger Batman in the film, I must admit that all the actors I like best for the role are in this older late 30s-early 40s range.
Still, keep in mind that this is mainly coming from Jett's sources, who also told him that they were rebooting Bruce Wayne through Batman Beyond, which started this thread...
I'm torn too BatAngelus. I'd prefer a younger Batman (ideally someone the same age as Cavill) but like you I can't think of many actors in the late 20s-early 30s range I'd take over more 'seasoned' actors like say Jon Hamm.
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 2 Aug 2013, 10:12
IGN is reporting the rumour of the older Batman for the Man of Steel sequel.
My own personal choice, Caviezel, is said to be one of the frontrunners under consideration. Which is interesting, as he and Cavill have previously worked together on The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
Off-topic, but I found this fan-edit of a fictional Aronofsky-directed Batman trailer with Caviezel starring, alongside Forest Whitaker and Bryan Cranston. If this was the sort of style that many people were saying that Aronofsky was going for, then I'm glad this cringeworthy attempt at arthouse cinema never happened.
Batman walking depressingly down the stairs... :-[
www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBKezcOfy2M (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBKezcOfy2M)
Having read the supposed script for it, I feel that even Nolan's Batman would seem "comic booky" compared to the version of Bruce and Gotham that Aronofsky and Frank Miller were planning.
That said, I'm not sure if a bunch of Person of Interest and Breaking Bad clips, mixed with Batman fan film footage, is the best way to judge how Aronofsky would've directed it.
I remember Snyder saying his dream project was to adapt The Dark Knight Returns once Nolan had concluded his Batman trilogy. It looks like he's using Man of Steel as a stepping stone towards that goal. Unless of course these rumours turn out to be false, which is probably what will happen.
But if this really is the direction they're going in, there are a few points I think we should keep in mind.
Firstly, I agree with colors that Superman should be the first hero to appear in the shared cinematic universe. And on the surface, casting an older actor as Batman would contradict that by suggesting the Dark Knight has been around for longer than Superman has. But that might not necessarily be the case.
Frank Miller has always been a proponent of the idea that Superman doesn't physically age beyond his early thirties. And since they appear to be using Miller's writing as a starting point, it's perfectly feasible that the Superman in this film will also be in his forties. The new film might take place ten or twenty years after the events of Man of Steel and yet Superman would appear unchanged by the passing of time.
We should also remember that the Superman in Man of Steel is already meant to be older than Henry Cavill. Cavill was only 29 when he shot the movie, but the character was meant to be 33. If we assume three years have passed between the first and second film, then the character will be 36 in the new movie. Now supposing they went with Jim Caviezel as Batman. He's currently 44 but would be 45 when they start filming next year. If they dyed his hair jet black he could easily pass for a guy in his late thirties, which would mean a potential age difference of less than five years between Batman and Superman. Alternatively they could dye his hair completely grey and make him up to look older so he could pass for a Batman in his early fifties. The film could start with Superman aged 36 and Batman aged 38, then in the second half of the film we could see Batman aged 50 and Superman still looking like he's 33. That would be an interesting way of emphasising Batman's human frailty as a counterpoint to Superman's state of ageless grace. It would also suit the demands of a Dark Knight Returns-type scenario.
Even if they do have a 10-15 year age gape between the two characters, the disparity would still be smaller than that between the actors in The Avengers. They've got Jeremy Renner (42), Mark Ruffalo (45), Robert Downey Jr. (48) and Samuel L. Jackson (64) at one end, and at the other end they've got Chris Evans (32), Chris Hemsworth (29) and Scarlet Johansson (28). A 10-15 year age gap between Batman and Superman doesn't seem so bad by comparison.
It's also worth remembering that the physical age difference between Superman and Batman is something writers have explored several times in the comics. The most obvious example – and the one Snyder is clearly drawing inspiration from – would be The Dark Knight Returns, where you've got a 55 year old Batman taking on a Superman who still looks like he's in his early thirties. Mark Millar inverted this in Superman: Red Son by having a middle-aged Superman in his fifties face off against a young Batman in his mid thirties. And then there's Kingdom Come, in which both characters appear to have aged and yet Bruce looks like he's got a good fifteen years on Clark.
People have certain expectations of Batman. They want him to be tough, manly and grizzled. They want Bat
man, not Bat
boy. One of the reasons I think Keaton looked best in the cowl was because he had an older face which made him look more rugged. Compare this...
...to this:
I can only speak for myself, but I prefer the more rugged, manly looking Batman over the fresh-faced pretty boy version. And it's hard to find an actor below the age of 35 who has that tough look about them. Now if they do end up going with a younger actor, then that's fine. It's the more obvious approach to take. But if these rumours are accurate, and they really are going with an older Batman, then I think we should be prepared to give that a chance too. It could turn out better this way.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling now. I just wanted to throw a few thoughts out there on the subject.