Monarch Theatre => Movie Fan Fiction => Topic started by: Catwoman on Sun, 2 Jun 2013, 07:15

Title: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 2 Jun 2013, 07:15
excited to announce a new fanfic project. its meant as like a finale for the burton/schumacher era and takes place after the four movies and what would have been batman: triumphant. there are a lot of homages to all four movies. i'm thinking it is set close to when batman begins was released. middle of the last decade.
Title: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sun, 2 Jun 2013, 13:53
Do you have a plot or just making it up as you go along?
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 2 Jun 2013, 16:09
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun,  2 Jun  2013, 13:53
Do you have a plot or just making it up as you go along?

i have a plot but its kind of a mystery story. i may spoil it later but right now i want it to be surprise filled lol
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 07:09
Batman: Revelation

"Boss, are you sure you don't want me to go in there with you?" the bodyguard said as he drove through the rain. "No, no," came a raspy reply from the backseat. "I gave explicit instructions to the heads of the other families. Just us. They won't think much of me going back on my word. We're trying to ease tensions, understand?"

"Yes, I understand," said the bodyguard, "but Mr. Martini, I-" "It's fine, Leo," the aging mobster said. He leaned forward and patted the hulking driver's shoulder gently. "I know, you just want to protect me. You've always had my best intentions in mind. And I want you to know, I have come to love you like a son." Simply nodding in acknowledgement, the bodyguard continued their trek.

The life of a Gotham City mobster had become increasingly hard. Not only had the city's police force - with the aid of Batman, of course - managed to capture or destroy many of the mafia's assets, but infighting among the families for control of what remained had caused a brief but bloody civil war that wiped out many gangsters. The turmoil had ceased for a while, but the recent deaths of several enforcers of the various gangs had renewed the hatred within the mob. With the infrastructure of organized crime already on life support, another conflict would have caused its complete and total collapse.

Boss Vincenzo Martini sought to save the only life he'd known. Growing up in Gotham, the son of Sicilian immigrants had joined the ganglife in his mid-teens. He progressed to the top of the Domani family, surviving the various strifes and even a pair of assassination attempts. Having witnessed its unceremonious fall, he dreamed of a day when the mob would regain its totalitarian control of the city, with men like Leo Basilli carrying on long after Martini and the other mafia heads had passed. For that dream to be realized, however, the families would have to reunite in the face of more infighting. And so he had called a meeting among only the dons of each family remaining in Gotham, hoping they could resolve their differences once and for all and work for their greater good.

"We're here," Leo said as he parked in front of the dock warehouse. "Good, good," Martini replied, scanning the handful of luxury cars sitting in front of the old building. As Leo opened the door, he reached inside his coat. From it he withdrew a small pistol. "Just in case," he said. Martini smiled and slipped it into his pocket. Then, using a cane for support, the old gangster propped himself upright and slowly made his way towards the warehouse.

Fearing a tense, potentially violent atmosphere, Martini was relieved when he opened the door and walked right into the outstretched arms of Sean Larini, a fellow don. "Welcome, Vinny, welcome!" he said, kissing Martini on each cheek. He then helped his onetime brutal rival to the table where the other five mob leaders were assembled. The also greeted Martini warmly as he took his seat at the head of the table. "Where's Chucko?" Martini asked, noticing one empty seat. "I don't know, maybe he didn't get the memo," Larini replied as he sat down. Martini just shrugged and popped open his suitcase.

"Well, gentlemen," he said. "Let's get right down to business. You see, all this violence among ourselves, it's just too much. My uncle thought the mafia could stand anything, but we test that belief further and further every time we turn on one of our brothers in arms. We have run ourselves into the ground, almost. But I believe. Oh yes, I believe. I believe we can build it back up. We can take back this city, run it as our own kingdom. Everyone gets a fair share. Checks and balances keep everyone honest. It's right there before us, but we have got to stop this senseless killing first."

"He's right," said Alfonzo Torre. "I'm not sure who has been killing my men, but I'm willing to shake hands and start fresh. Now, who's hand do I need to shake?" He looked around the table. His fellow dons followed suit, but none would take responsibility for the slayings. "Look," Martini said. "The only way this will work is with honesty. Now, who took out Alfonzo's men?"

"I did," came a voice from the shadows.

"Who's that?!" Martini cried as the other gangsters jumped up and gathered around behind him. "Is it Batman?" one of them asked?

"Batman? Heh. You insult me."

Without further warning, a series of silenced gunshots dropped each of the gangsters to the floor, save Martini, who trembled with fear. "What...what do you want?" he asked. "To deliver a gift, the voice replied. The figure to which it belonged began to approach the table. Martini's heart began to beat harder and faster, sweat streaming down his face.

"Ol' Chucko told me to tell you that he regretted he couldn't make it to your little group therapy session and give it to you in person" the figure continued. "But he lost his nerve." He then stopped and tossed a duffel bag before Martini, who apprehensively reached for the zipper. He tugged on it slowly, not taking his eyes off the shadowy intruder until it was completely opened. Then he looked inside. His eyes widened and he covered his mouth as he began to wretch.

"Not to mention his head."

The figure snickered as Martini vomited onto the floor near one of his dead colleagues. Gasping for air, he sat back upright, his hands on his chest. "So you're the one that's been killing all of our men," he panted. "Yup," came the sinister reply. "And there's about eight or nine more of them laying outside."

Martini's thoughts turned to Leo, his chosen heir. He could feel his heart almost literally break as the figure stepped closer. Finally, it completely emerged from the shadows. It was a man, athetically built, dressd in a traditional enforcer attire from his neck down but wearing a featureless red mask that covered his entire head.

Martini's heartbreak turned to horror. "Who are you?" he asked. The man snickered once more.

"I'm the angel of death." he replied. Then he raised his pistol and fired a single shot into the gangster's forehead. As Martini toppled to the floor, the mob fell with him, its collapse finally completed.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: johnnygobbs on Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 07:18
This is very well-written Catwoman, although at the risk of sounding ungrateful I must admit I was rather hoping for some Batman movie-orientated fanfiction.   :(
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 07:49
it IS movie oriented. this is just setting the stage for what is going on (the red hood killing people lol). batsy, the commish, knox, vicki vale, they all first appear in the next chapter or so and there are more characters introduced and more cameos and stuff along the way.

like i said, it is like a conclusion to the burton/schumacher franchise. a lot of "wonder what happened to so and so" questions get answered as the story plays out. chip shreck, the ice princess' family, dr. chase meridian, julie madsen, so on, so forth. i'm just hoping it is easy to read and not convoluted.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 08:35
lol, rereading that post with my catwoman avatar and signature, i heard myself saying "it IS movie oriented, you moron!"

not that gobbsy is a moron, mind you. :-\

Title: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Paul (ral) on Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 08:47
Good stuff. More. More.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 08:50
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Mon, 10 Jun  2013, 08:47
Good stuff. More. More.

:o :o :o

omg. the boss man read it.

Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: The Joker on Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 15:07

You want my reaction? Here it is.

Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 21:00

thanks for the feedback boys :)
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: johnnygobbs on Thu, 13 Jun 2013, 04:39
I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.  :)
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Thu, 13 Jun 2013, 21:58
so am i. lol. it will be done sooner or later. i have it in my head. just a matter of making the words pop out.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Sat, 15 Jun 2013, 09:01
"Let's see if this damned thing still works," Gotham City Police Commissioner James Gordon said. "Hang on, Commish," Detective Harvey Bullock spoke up. "We don't need that outlaw on this case. Me and Montoya can handle it." "Bullock, nobody knows how the mind of one of these madmen works better than him. This is above us, beyond us. It isn't mob infighting. This is systematic extermination. The quicker we can find out the hows and whys, the quicker we can put an end to this."

"It's been five years!" the gruff detective protested further. "We don't even know if he's still alive or not." "Well," Gordon replied, "there's only one way we're going to find out." With that, the old commissioner flipped the power switch on the beacon that had long rested atop Gotham City Police Headquarters. Then he stepped back alongside Detective Bullock. A slight smile creased Gordon's face as the Batsignal shone in the sky once more. Bullock merely crossed his arms in disapproval.

For several minutes, they stood side-by-side, awaiting the arrival of Gotham's one-time savior. Bullock uncrossed his arms to check his watch. Then he grunted, shoved his hands in his pockets, and tapped his foot impatiently. After a few moments, he repeated the process. Gordon, meanwhile, simply stood in silence, unfazed by the drizzle of rain falling upon him or Bullock's incessant grumbling.

"Face it, Jim," Bullock finally said. "He ain't comin'." "Just give him a little longer," the commissioner replied. "Sorry," Bullock retorted, "but I ain't catching pneumonia waiting for a ghost to show up. I'm going back inside."

He then turned, just in time to see Batman's arrival.

Taken aback, Bullock instinctively stepped behind Gordon as the Dark Knight approached them. "Yes, Commissioner?" Batman asked in a low, gravelly tone. Gordon smiled. "We were starting to think you weren't coming, old friend," he said. "Car trouble," Batman replied. Gordon chuckled. "So, where's The Boy Wonder?" he asked. "Retired," was the gruff reply.

"Look, vigilante," Bullock interjected. "What do you know about all these gangsters getting bumped off lately." Batman cast a steely glare upon the rotund, unshaven cop, who returned the unfriendly gaze, and then turned back to the commisioner. "Is there anywhere we might speak alone," he asked cooly. "Oh no, Freak," Bullock spat angrilly. "Anything you need to say in front of the commisioner, you can say in front of me. I ain't playing these hush-hush games with you, you gruesome son of a-"

"Bullock!" Gordon snapped. "That's enough." He then motioned for Batman to follow him so they could converse without the grouchy detective for an audience. "Quite pleasant," the Dark Knight said once they were out of Bullock's earshot. Gordon chuckled once more. "Yeah, he won't be winning any man of the  year awards anytime soon," he replied. "He's a hell of a cop though. And you better get used to working with him, because he's going to be taking my job soon."

"Oh?" Batman inquired. Gordon nodded. "I'm 66-years-old," he said. "I'm a grandfather now, did you know that? Yep, my daughter, she had a little boy just before Christmas. I'm ready to bounce him on my knee while I still can. I'm ready to spend nights with the people I love instead of with thugs, scoundrels, and miscreants." The caped crusader remained silent, so Gordon continued. "I'd planned on retiring months ago, but then these mob murders started. I figured that that would be a decent last chapter of my book, so I decided to stay on until it was taken care of. What the hell, you know? I figured it was another civil war. After a month or so, we'd haul in what was left of them, I'd blow out the candles on the cake, and that'd be it."

He sighed and shook his head. "Then this dockyard thing happened, and we realized it wasn't quite so simple. That's why I called on you. Bullock didn't want me to. He has a bit of an ego, you know, and bringing you back would have meant admitting that he hadn't rid the city of the need for you after all. But I had to turn to you. It might have taken months, or even longer, with just my people on the case. I can't wait that long. I need to be able to close the book." To Batman's surprise, the old cop swallowed hard, as though he were trying to hold back tears. "You've saved my ass so many times," he continued with his voice now cracking. "I'm just asking you to do it one more time for me, and that'll be it. Just one more time. Then you won't have to worry about me anymore."

Batman stood silently for a moment, seemingly pondering the commisioner's request. "Maybe we can go out together," he whispered as he outstretched his hand. Gordon smiled as he clasped it. "Sounds like a plan," he said. Then he turned and led them back to Bullock, who had been eyeballing their conversation the entire time from alongside the Batsignal.

"Oh, finished already?" Bullock said, feigning disappointment. "I was just about to bring you some tea and cookies." "Enough, Bullock," Gordon replied, having returned to his normally stoic, no-nonsense self. He then reached into his coat and withdrew a yellow folder and passed it to Batman. "Surveillence photos from the dock. That last one might interest you." Heeding Gordon's words, Batman flipped to the final photo in the stack. It featured the masked man, just after he had killed Boss Martini, surveying his handiwork."Looks like we have a lone ranger on our hands," Gordon added.

"I'll run an analyisis of it," Batman replied, taking the photo and slipping it into his utility belt. He then turned and headed for the ledge from which he had arrived. "Hey!" Bullock shouted. "He can't just walk off with evidence like that!" "You want to stop him?" Gordon asked. "Be my guest. I need a cup of coffee." Bullock watched until the commisioner had disappeared back inside the headquarters, then turned to confront Batman.

He was nowhere in sight.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Sat, 15 Jun 2013, 22:45
rave reviews. i'm flattered.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: The Joker on Sat, 15 Jun 2013, 22:57

Not bad. Classic Bullock, BTW. Fun, easy read.  8)
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 16 Jun 2013, 00:25
thanks :)
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: johnnygobbs on Sun, 16 Jun 2013, 02:05
Great stuff Catwoman.  Keep it up please.  :)
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 16 Jun 2013, 03:31
thank you gobbsy.

i'm trying to find a balance between introductions and furthering the story along. i don't want the first 10 chapters to be "here's so and so, here's their story" so that's one thing that is taking a little more time than i would like. i want to introduce everyone that is a major player and give backstory and stuff but not at the sacrifice of moving along the plot. like for instance selina kyle (yes, spoiler alert, she appears. you're all shocked, i know) comes up in the next chapter or so and i want to kind of touch on where she's been since she made a crispy critter out of max and the things she's gone through physically and mentally without stalling the story out. i know i can flesh it out further later but i want to make sure you all know how i'm approaching her right from the start.

make sense or am i just blabbing?  :-\
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: johnnygobbs on Sun, 16 Jun 2013, 03:36
Quote from: Catwoman on Sun, 16 Jun  2013, 03:31
thank you gobbsy.

i'm trying to find a balance between introductions and furthering the story along. i don't want the first 10 chapters to be "here's so and so, here's their story" so that's one thing that is taking a little more time than i would like. i want to introduce everyone that is a major player and give backstory and stuff but not at the sacrifice of moving along the plot. like for instance selina kyle (yes, spoiler alert, she appears. you're all shocked, i know) comes up in the next chapter or so and i want to kind of touch on where she's been since she made a crispy critter out of max and the things she's gone through physically and mentally without stalling the story out. i know i can flesh it out further later but i want to make sure you all know how i'm approaching her right from the start.

make sense or am i just blabbing?  :-\
You make sense.

Will things be tied up to the other Batman films and characters reintroduced or referenced?
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 16 Jun 2013, 04:34
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Sun, 16 Jun  2013, 03:36
Quote from: Catwoman on Sun, 16 Jun  2013, 03:31
thank you gobbsy.

i'm trying to find a balance between introductions and furthering the story along. i don't want the first 10 chapters to be "here's so and so, here's their story" so that's one thing that is taking a little more time than i would like. i want to introduce everyone that is a major player and give backstory and stuff but not at the sacrifice of moving along the plot. like for instance selina kyle (yes, spoiler alert, she appears. you're all shocked, i know) comes up in the next chapter or so and i want to kind of touch on where she's been since she made a crispy critter out of max and the things she's gone through physically and mentally without stalling the story out. i know i can flesh it out further later but i want to make sure you all know how i'm approaching her right from the start.

make sense or am i just blabbing?  :-\
You make sense.

Will things be tied up to the other Batman films and characters reintroduced or referenced?

yes. like i've been saying it is like a finale to the burton/schumacher franchise. lots of people reintroduced or referenced in flashbacks. for instance, for selina what i meant what she'd gone through mentally, her sorting out the things she did as catwoman in her mind.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: johnnygobbs on Fri, 21 Jun 2013, 08:00
This is another great fanfic from Catwoman.  I hope there are more chapters soon.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Fri, 21 Jun 2013, 11:12
i hope so too
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: JokerMeThis on Fri, 21 Jun 2013, 22:51
Great story so far Catwoman. I look forward to reading more.  :)
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: johnnygobbs on Sat, 6 Jul 2013, 03:56
This fanfic is great but has it already ended?  :(
Title: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sat, 6 Jul 2013, 09:12
Good so far
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Sat, 6 Jul 2013, 10:28
no it isn't ended. it is just on hiatus with my writing ability lol.

like i told gobbsy the other night, i have it mapped out but putting the map into words is such a pain. i am a terrible writer :(
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sat, 6 Jul 2013, 12:30
Quote from: Catwoman on Sat,  6 Jul  2013, 10:28
i am a terrible writer :(
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: johnnygobbs on Sat, 6 Jul 2013, 12:52
Well, if that's what Mike thinks it must be true... ::)  Does Mike even know how to read? :-\

PS:  I almost though that I was looking at a clip of Jamie Foxx as a goofy pre-Electro Max Dillon from the upcoming 'Amazing Spiderman' sequel for a moment.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Sat, 6 Jul 2013, 19:01
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat,  6 Jul  2013, 12:30
Quote from: Catwoman on Sat,  6 Jul  2013, 10:28
i am a terrible writer :(

f*** you.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: johnnygobbs on Sat, 6 Jul 2013, 19:04
Hey there, I'm sure DK was only joking Catwoman.  No need for the bad language.  :-\
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 7 Jul 2013, 00:37
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Sat,  6 Jul  2013, 12:52
Well, if that's what Mike thinks it must be true... ::)  Does Mike even know how to read? :-\
Mike cannot read but he's thankful. Though he's rather adept with oversized crayons.
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Sat,  6 Jul  2013, 19:04
Hey there, I'm sure DK was only joking Catwoman.  No need for the bad language.  :-\
Gobbs is right but there's no harm done.
Title: Re: Batman: Revelation
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 7 Jul 2013, 07:49
i'm sorry. under a lot of stress and i just snapped. please forgive me.