Monarch Theatre => Batman in the DCEU => Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) => Topic started by: BatmAngelus on Sat, 16 Mar 2013, 20:58

Title: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: BatmAngelus on Sat, 16 Mar 2013, 20:58
Which of the JLA members would you bring on board to the movie?

The George Miller JL lineup was Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, John Stewart's Green Lantern, and Barry Allen's Flash, with Wally West as Kid Flash (and taking over the mantle as The Flash at the end).

I'd say the DC Trinity- Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman- are definite.  I have a feeling we'll seeing a shorter lineup than what Miller had and I wouldn't be surprised if Green Lantern is the Ruffalo/Hulk of this movie, reintroducing the character through a different actor/potentially different GL (again, I'll bet on Stewart).
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: thecolorsblend on Sat, 16 Mar 2013, 21:12
EDIT- Originally I said I'd prefer Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash and Green Lantern (John Stewart) to start with. I take it back. I say start with only Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. The other characters can be brought in later.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: riddler on Sat, 16 Mar 2013, 23:50
i'm kind of thinking for movie purposes Hal Jordan as the green lantern may work better. He's better known and for better or worse the movies and comics are separate entities so it would be strange to have a second green lantern when he's only been on screen once.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Tue, 2 Apr 2013, 06:25
I have no idea what software do people use to mesh Green Lantern and Iron Man 2 together, but this is a rather creative fan-made trailer. (
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: Catwoman on Tue, 2 Apr 2013, 06:27
batman, superman, wonder woman, green lantern, flash, and the huntress.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: gordonblu on Thu, 4 Apr 2013, 17:17
I'd go with the lineup from the Justice League Cartoon minus Hawkgirl (nothing against her, just to ensure better screen time for the others). I could go either way with Green Lantern, Hal or John I mean.

I would also get Bruce Timm to oversee production as he's lived with these characters for a long time and knows them pretty well.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: BatmanFanatic93 on Thu, 4 Apr 2013, 19:04
Batman,Superman,Wonder Woman,Flash,Green Lantern (John Stewart),And Aquaman.
Btw here's a poster i made a couple mins ago
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Fri, 5 Apr 2013, 07:05
QuoteBradley Cooper Tapped Up As The Man To Save Justice League Movie? - Silver Linings Playbook star set to be The Flash?

Bradley Cooper could be the man to save The Justice League movie, according to sources close to the production.

The Silver Linings Playbook star is the hottest property in Hollywood at the moment, and it seems that the troubled superhero team-up movie could call on Brad to take up the role of The Flash to capitalise on his popularity. (
Pffft. If this is true, Bradley Cooper will never be endearing to me as John Wesley Shipp was as the Flash.  ;)
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Mon, 8 Apr 2013, 21:30
QuotePffft. If this is true, Bradley Cooper will never be endearing to me as John Wesley Shipp was as the Flash.   

Shipp was awesome in the role. He managed to capture the upright seriousness of the Barry Allen from the comics while also injecting an element of self-deprecating humour into the role. But he didn't resort to playing him as a cheesy Ryan Reynolds-style wiseass, which would've been an easy trap to fall into. Physically he was perfect for the part too, with a 6'1 muscular build and a chin that would make Bruce Campbell blush.   

Regarding these early casting rumours about the JLA movie, I don't give them much credence. Warner Bros should be worrying about getting a decent script ready before they even start to think about casting.

Once they do get to the casting phase, I think it's generally better if they select unknown actors. That way their established onscreen personas won't overshadow the characters they're playing (like Ryan Reynolds in Green Lantern). It's better to reserve the established 'big name' actors for the supporting roles. But for now they should just concentrate on getting the script right.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: The Dark Knight on Tue, 9 Apr 2013, 00:50
I would like to see Batman and Superman team up in live action one day. Think The World's Finest animated movie, which is darn excellent. I'm not the biggest fan of the other DC heroes to be honest. If I had to pick another to join the pack it would be Wonder Woman.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Tue, 9 Apr 2013, 01:08
@ Silver Nemesis

Good point about how WB/DC should hire unproven, young actors like Kenneth Branagh hired Chris Hemsworth as Thor. But I doubt they have the vision or the courage to do that. I can just imagine if this unlikely rumor about Cooper coming true, he'd probably play the same douche like he was in that awful Hangover.  >:(

@ The Dark Knight

I'm starting to agree with a few people that maybe it would be safer to have a 'Trinity'-type movie instead of a JL one. :-X
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: The Dark Knight on Tue, 9 Apr 2013, 04:23
Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Tue,  9 Apr  2013, 01:08
@ The Dark Knight

I'm starting to agree with a few people that maybe it would be safer to have a 'Trinity'-type movie instead of a JL one. :-X
It's also best to get what you present on screen right. It's all well and good to have 5, 6, 7 heroes on screen - but if they're shortchanged and in the vein of Ryan Reynolds...I'll give it a miss.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: Edd Grayson on Wed, 19 Jun 2013, 06:07
Batman, Supes, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman and Zatanna.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: Batman88 on Tue, 25 Jun 2013, 09:31
Quote from: Edd Grayson on Wed, 19 Jun  2013, 06:07
Batman, Supes, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman and Zatanna.

Totally off-topic : Ed, who's the gal in the Batman bathing suit ? She looks great !
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Tue, 25 Jun 2013, 09:37
^ I think that's Jerry Hall, who played Grissom's girl Alicia back in '89.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 25 Jun 2013, 15:27
QuoteShe looks great !

She didn't ask.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: johnnygobbs on Tue, 25 Jun 2013, 17:46
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 25 Jun  2013, 15:27
QuoteShe looks great !

She didn't ask.


It' a great sig because it combines Batman '89 apparel with a character from the film in a presumably unrelated context, and of course a hot woman in a bathing costume which rarely needs an excuse. :P

As for a JLA movie I agree with those posters calling for unknowns to play the main team.  Even if Warners must cast 'stars' I just hope it's not smirking, semi-ironic, cheese-monkeys like Bradley Cooper and Ryan Reynolds, who I personally think has done a pretty poor job in all three comic-book movies he has so far appeared in (Blade Trinity, Wolverine and Green Lantern), although admittedly he wasn't to blame for the poor script and direction that afflicted all three of these films.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: phantom stranger on Fri, 5 Jul 2013, 03:01
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern -- Preferably Hal, but I think they'd end up using Stewart, both for diversity and because the Reynolds film underperformed.
The Flash

Admittedly, it's a small list but that's because I think the first film shouldn't be overcrowded with characters. Plus, it gives the franchise room to grow, by adding Aquaman and Martian Manhunter to the sequels before inevitably getting to second-stringers like the Atom, Red Tornado, etc.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: johnnygobbs on Sun, 7 Jul 2013, 22:24
Quote from: Edd Grayson on Wed, 19 Jun  2013, 06:07
Batman, Supes, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman and Zatanna.
For an initial JLA film that's a decent line-up.  No Martian Man-Hunter though?  And how about Green Arrow who I always think adds an interesting dynamic with his more liberal philosophy.  He makes a decent contrast against the more reactionary Hawk-Man who should also be part of a future line-up.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: Edd Grayson on Sun, 7 Jul 2013, 22:45
I like J'onn but I think he's too difficult to be properly shown in live-action.

If we have Green Lantern, I think Green Arrow would be in surplus.

And I've never been the biggest fan of Hawkman or Hawkgirl, I much prefer characters like Aquaman and Zatanna.  :)

Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: johnnygobbs on Mon, 8 Jul 2013, 07:42
Quote from: Edd Grayson on Sun,  7 Jul  2013, 22:45
I like J'onn but I think he's too difficult to be properly shown in live-action.

If we have Green Lantern, I think Green Arrow would be in surplus.

And I've never been the biggest fan of Hawkman or Hawkgirl, I much prefer characters like Aquaman and Zatanna.  :)
I enjoy the dynamic between Hawkman and Green Arrow in the comics.  Hawkman is the hardcore reactionary string 'em up with no trial type whereas Green Arrow is the cosmopolitan silver-spoon liberal.  Perhaps the subject-matter is too dark and complex for a blockbuster movie and would certainly not suit an early JLA movie but one of my favourite JLA stories is 'Identity Crisis' where following Dr Light's horrific assault on Elongated Man's wife the various, mainly secondary, JLA members discuss the respective merits of using Zantanna's magic to effectively give the villain a lobotomy.  The JLA are pretty much split fifty-fifty on the extremely controversial measure with Hawkman and Green Arrow in particular encapsulating the respective sides of the argument.

I suppose in a around-about way my argument is this: whatever members of the JLA are chosen for a big-screen movie the emphasis should be on picking a dynamic team that compliments one another with a range of different personalities and perspectives as well as different powers and backgrounds.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: Edd Grayson on Fri, 12 Jul 2013, 04:48
I think you're right. I can't wait for this movie to finally happen, I've always liked the JLA more than the Avengers.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Tue, 30 Jul 2013, 15:41
Deadline is reporting that the Flash will not only have another TV series, but he will be introduced in the second season of Arrow. It's unlikely that WB are planning to introduce the other Justice League members on TV before going onto film, right? How will this affect the prospect of a future JL film?

QuoteCW Eyes 'Flash' Series With 'Arrow's Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg & David Nutter

Nellie Andreeva

EXCLUSIVE: Another DC Comics male superhero is looking to join the CW's lineup. I've learned that the network is fast tracking Flash, a drama project based on the DC character from the Arrow team of co-creators Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg and director David Nutter. The CW is expected to discuss the project at today's TCA presentation. I hear there is an idea is to introduce The Flash on Arrow next season before spinning it off into its own series. I hear Flash will be written by Berlanti, Kreisberg and DC Entertainment's Geoff Johns who also has written for Arrow. Nutter, who helmed the Arrow pilot, will direct the potential pilot, while Berlanti and Kreisberg are expected to run the potential series. Marc Guggenheim, who developed and executive produces Arrow with Berlanti and Kreisberg, is not involved in Flash as he busy with Arrow, now heading into its second season.

Source: (
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: Edd Grayson on Tue, 30 Jul 2013, 16:41
Flash TV series sounds good to me.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 30 Jul 2013, 17:13
I hope this isn't true. I love the Flash. He's my third favourite DC hero. But haven't we got enough teen-oriented CW superheroes-who-aren't-superheroes shows? It's encouraging to know Geoff Johns is involved, but I expect he'll be an occasional contributor like he is on Arrow rather than a major creative influence.

They won't call it 'The Flash' because that would be too comic bookey. They'd have to call it just 'Flash' or 'Speed Force' or something like that. And he won't wear his classic costume. Yes, it's one of the coolest costumes in the DC universe, but it's too campy for the sophisticated tastes of the CW crowd. They need something more realistic, like a nondescript red hoodie. And none of his classic rogues will appear. Captain Boomerang, Mirror Master, Captain Cold, Pied Piper, Gorilla Grodd, Professor Zoom, the Trickster, Weather Wizard, Abra Kadabra – please, those guys are far too campy. No, all the villains will look and act like ordinary people in leather jackets and suits.

>:(  ::)

Actually, I wouldn't mind if they made a TV show based on the Jay Garrick Flash. Think about it. His costume consists of blue pants and a red top with a tin hat and boots. That could just about fit in with the CW statute of low budget blandness. And some of his enemies like Shade, Rag Doll and Fiddler could easily be reinterpreted in a more realistic Nolanesque context. And if they focus solely on Jay, then they won't have to address outlandish concepts such as the Speed Force or the Cosmic Treadmill.

Make a show about Jay and save the Barry Allen Flash for the Justice League movie and creative minds that can actually do the character justice.
Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: thecolorsblend on Tue, 30 Jul 2013, 19:27
The Jack Knight Starman is ready-made for a TV show (esp one determined to avoid costumes)... so of course it's going to languish in relative obscurity.

Title: Re: What's your JLA lineup?
Post by: BatmAngelus on Wed, 31 Jul 2013, 02:38
Opened up a Flash thread so it can be discussed there:

As a sidenote, I kinda like how this was announced on the same day that the Flash-centric Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox animated movie gets released (There was also a nice synchronicity with the Batman/Superman movie being announced on the same day that Magpie, the first villain that Batman and Superman faced off together in the Post-Crisis Byrneera, appeared on Beware the Batman).

Does this rule out a Flash movie?  Hollywood Reporter says that Berlanti, who will be doing the Flash show, is also trying to get a movie going:
QuoteFor his part, Berlanti is also developing a Flash movie for Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment, with sources telling THR that the feature is being eyed for 2016. Pedowitz also noted that there is no conflict with the movie studio or DC when it comes to the TV series and feature film, as previous efforts have proven troublesome when there's such an overlap.

It's interesting that the latest developments with DC have been to introduce/reboot characters, like Batman and Flash, by immediately crossing them over into their current franchises, like Man of Steel and CW's Arrow.