The Batcave => General Bat-chat => Topic started by: Bobthegoon89 on Mon, 11 Feb 2013, 22:58

Title: Superman Comic to Movie Comparisons?
Post by: Bobthegoon89 on Mon, 11 Feb 2013, 22:58
I expect somebody on here already has plans for something like this but with a new Superman movie fast approaching (and with a recent stab at the Flash Gordon movie adaptation) how about a comic to movie comparison for the Christopher Reeve movies in the style of the Batman articles? Or at least Superman and Superman II for the time being? While this would be an usual place I think the quality of them should be by the same guys who made the Batman pieces. So on here seems to be right. What do you think?

On another note I have another idea for the Batman articles, a kind of sequel series. How about showing how the comics have reflected each of the movies and their ideas? We know they adopted Harley Quinn from the cartoon and surely some movie elements too. I hit on this idea when reading a Batman story called "Terror" drawn by Paul Gulacy. It features Catwoman and The Scarecrow and Catwoman especially looks a damn sight like Michelle Pfeiffer. There's even a panel at the end of Part 3 which looks like a spitting image of the memorable closeup of Pfeiffer saying "I am Catwoman...hear me roar!". Plus the Batman of that story has a dash of Keaton about him and a Batmobile with a definte homage to the Anton Furst design.
Title: Re: Superman Comic to Movie Comparisons?
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Mon, 11 Feb 2013, 23:10
Thecolorsblend and myself have already made a start on the Superman series.

Superman: The Movie:

We've talked about doing more of these later in the year. But since the Smallville analysis was only just posted a few days ago, it might be a while before the next one is up.

As for the Batman movies influencing the comics, there's an old thread about that here: There are some panel comparisons for The Terror in there too, including the one you mentioned.
Title: Re: Superman Comic to Movie Comparisons?
Post by: thecolorsblend on Tue, 12 Feb 2013, 06:52
Once I regain my senses, I might tackle (or at least contribute to) Superman III. There's a lot more resonance with the comics going on than is generally recognized. Yes, even with Richard Pryor (in the abstract anyway). Much as DocLathropBrown is among the royal elite of Schumacher defenders, I feel confident enough to take on anybody when it comes to arguing the merits of Superman III.

I could see contributing a few nuggets to Superman II and IV as well. Superman IV would be esp easy as I can think of two major things some people complain about that are token almost note for note from the comics.
Title: Re: Superman Comic to Movie Comparisons?
Post by: The Dark Knight on Tue, 12 Feb 2013, 10:05
I've had a look at the Smallville references article, and it's excellent. Bravo.

I'd be interested in reading anything that's covered in this sort of detail, really.