Monarch Theatre => Burton's Bat => Batman (1989) => Topic started by: Bobthegoon89 on Tue, 5 Feb 2013, 15:52

Title: Movie t shirts
Post by: Bobthegoon89 on Tue, 5 Feb 2013, 15:52
Does anybody have the complete catalogue of t shirts produced for the first two Batman movies? If you remember them you'll know how cool they were. Batman Returns sported comic book styled movie images. I've noticed so many variations including one featuring the Batskiboat. Just wondered what the rest looked like from both movies. Looking to buy a few of them before they become too vintage.

Here are a few examples:$T2eC16Z,!ysE9sy0i2wQBQqV2GeE%28!~~60_35.JPG$%28KGrHqN,!lkFBshCjNkEBQrBWSzUKg~~60_35.JPG
Title: Re: Movie t shirts
Post by: Batman88 on Wed, 6 Feb 2013, 11:39
They're all cool.
Title: Re: Movie t shirts
Post by: KeatonisBatman on Wed, 6 Feb 2013, 19:10
I had this one:

And this one:

And this one is awesome... but I've never seen it before:$(KGrHqJ,!pgFB(VnLF--BQeZ!)zr)Q~~60_57.JPG

Title: Re: Movie t shirts
Post by: DarkVengeance on Wed, 6 Feb 2013, 23:06
Wish there was a way to reprint some of those shirts, I would buy them all over again.
Title: Re: Movie t shirts
Post by: The Joker on Thu, 7 Feb 2013, 00:58
Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Tue,  5 Feb  2013, 15:52

I had that one. I think that was actually my favorite shirt that year as well. Ah, memories!

I also had this one as well when it goes to Batman Returns.

With Batman 1989, I had the '89 oval logo shirt, a comic book styled Joker shirt (that I can't seem to find on google), and the comic style card/gun shirt as well.

Unfortunately, I never had a Joker shirt that was more in Jack Nicholson's likeness. Would have loved this one, but I never knew it even existed until I saw it on the net. *sigh*

Title: Re: Movie t shirts
Post by: KeatonisBatman on Thu, 7 Feb 2013, 03:30
I also had a white t-shirt that *I think* had Brian Bolland art on it.  It featured Joker and Batman facing one another and said "Arch-Enemies" at the bottom.  It wasn't the versions of the characters from the films, but I'm sure I bought it around that time.  :)