Cool, sexy, violent and fun not for the kiddies animated sci-fi horror fantasy anthology based on the adult comic magazine of the same name and from the makers of Ghostbusters/Animal House. Nice voice cast like John Candy, John Vernon, Eugene Levy, Harold Ramis, Susan Roman, Alice Playten and Richard Romanus with different style in each segment plus from the makers of Raggedy Ann and Andy a Musical Adventure.
Loved this since i was 12 when i saw it on cable with other cool adult animated cult faves like Vampire Hunter D, American Pop, Rock and Rule, Hey Good Lookin' and Robot Carnival and they all became instant faves of mine. I even bought R&R (a used copy) with VHD, HGL and RC when i was 13 plus HM on video with the CD soundtrack (still own it) when i was 15 and AP when it finally came out on video at 17. I did replaced some of them with DVDs and blus over the years.
This movie is kind of like Creepshow meets The Fifth Element, Playboy, the Neverending Story and Akira. And Taarna is by far one of the sexiest toons ever besides Jessica Rabbit and this is one of my fave comic based movies and one of my fave animated movies.