Who else thought it was cool that they fought and became friends in DC vs. Marvel, Captain America/Batman and JLA/Avengers?
Who thinks Captain America is similar to Batman in some way? i mean does anyone think both are highly skilled combat artists who are non-powered and are the most unique member of their universes's teams and have cool weapons plus who thinks Bucky and Jubilee are like Robin, RedSkull is like Joker and all that? we all know Avengers are like JLA.
I liked that 90s crossover and the "Amalgam Universe". But then, back in 1996-97 I was a kid.
(https://www.batman-online.com/forum/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fen%2Fthumb%2F6%2F63%2FDC_Versus_Marvel_1.jpg%2F250px-DC_Versus_Marvel_1.jpg&hash=17cbe0e52d8c36624cf6b88a35f7d1625c35100d) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC_vs._Marvel)
The realm I love these meet-ups today is that of games (like Marvel Vs. Capcom 3), because the plot does not
have to make sense, but merely be an excuse for these popular characters to meet and fight together. My ideal fighting game would be Marvel Vs. Capcom Vs. DC Vs. Tekken (I exclude MK because Marvel, DC, Capcom and Namco would never allow for graphic fatalities on their characters). Of course this sounds like a licensing nightmare.
What strikes me about both characters is how they are the antithesis of their respective universes. Over at DC the characters are more like ideals, something one aspires to be, while at Marvel the characters are flawed, tortured and insecure.
Captain America however is an ideal, while Batman is flawed and tortured. I think that is what makes them stand out in the companies' lineups.
Cap feels like a blend of Superman and Batman, I think. The patriotism and morals in the form of a non-powered being. Batman can be presented as such as well, but he is commonly not a public, inspiring figure. He inspires fear. Both have morals but present them differently. I'm sure Cap can become melancholy at points, but I don't see him being the type who has reclusive tendencies, being happy to brood away alone for long periods of time in a pitch black room. As gordonblu said, the tortured soul separates them.
Both chose this life – Cap volunteered for the serum and Bruce trained. But with Bruce it becomes a destiny type thing. An obsession and concession that this is who he really is. Biding his time as Bruce, waiting for the moment to come alive as Batman. You feel in the cave is where he's meant to be, where he's at home.
A mix of Superman cause he is patriotic? a bit but different in powers. I always thought Hulk was like Superman as much as Thor is like Captain Marvel (Shazam), Superboy (90s) is like Spider-Man, Lobo like Wolverine, Steel like Iron Man and all that.
Who agrees that Jubilee/Bucky are like Marvel's Robin? as much as RedSkull and GreenGoblin are like Joker with Catwoman influencing Elektra and BlackCat as BlackCat is also like KnockOut?
Quote from: HarryCanyon on Tue, 22 Jan 2013, 07:19
A mix of Superman cause he is patriotic? a bit but different in powers.
As I stated, yes. In the form of a non-powered being.
And what did you think of the Captain America/Batman crossover comic?
Quote from: HarryCanyon on Wed, 23 Jan 2013, 00:09
And what did you think of the Captain America/Batman crossover comic?
Haven't read it. CA doesn't interest me all that much.
Well, this crossover is a product of its era and, like some other mid-90s comics, it doesn't hold up very well IMO. For the record, the "Amalgam" spin-off was not Batman and Cap but Batman and Wolverine ("Dark Claw"), and the villain was a mishmash of Joker and Sabretooth (called "Hyena") It's interesting that they mixed Batman with the two Marvel characters that sport a slightly similar cowl.