Monarch Theatre => Animated Batman => Batman: TAS (1992 - 1995) => Topic started by: HarryCanyon on Thu, 10 Jan 2013, 16:23

Title: The Cat and The Claw
Post by: HarryCanyon on Thu, 10 Jan 2013, 16:23

An alright 2 parter that was the first premiere episode after that pilot sample episode On Leather Wings and introduces us to the fanboy fave babe besides Harley and Ivy known as the one and only Catwoman. I thought she was hot on this show and she's been my comic dreamgirl since i was 8 and she looked like Michelle Pfeifer on the first 3 seasons and she was voiced to perfection by Adrienne Barbeau who is one of my favorite actresses plus she was in another DC property known as Swamp Thing the movie.

Who else thought RedClaw was a rip-off of Baroness?
Title: Re: The Cat and The Claw
Post by: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 16 Jan 2013, 19:19
Never heard of Baroness myself but I believed at first Red Claw was voiced by former tv Catwoman Eartha Kitt. It turned out to be the lady out of Star Trek Voyager.

This episode puzzles me. I think it's terrific but was this really the very first shown? It's an odd one to start with. I know it was broadcast to coincide with Batman Returns.
Title: Re: The Cat and The Claw
Post by: HarryCanyon on Wed, 16 Jan 2013, 20:07

Baroness is from GI Joe.
Title: Re: The Cat and The Claw
Post by: HarryCanyon on Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 11:29

Oh yes who else thought Catwoman/Selina Kyle looked hot in this show and that Adrienne Barbeau was perfection?