Monarch Theatre => Animated Batman => Batman: TAS (1992 - 1995) => Topic started by: HarryCanyon on Wed, 9 Jan 2013, 00:34

Title: On Leather Wings
Post by: HarryCanyon on Wed, 9 Jan 2013, 00:34

Ah yes i remembered when this episode first aired as a pilot sample episode on prime time on Fox when it hit late August and it blew me away.

Such a nice Jekyll/Hyde kind of story that brings Man-Bat to animation and well made episode i should say. Who knew that BeastMaster was Kirk Langstorm's voice?
Title: Re: On Leather Wings
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 9 Jan 2013, 20:16
QuoteWho knew that BeastMaster was Kirk Langstorm's voice?

And in real life, Marc Singer is the cousin of Bryan Singer...who directed Superman Returns, which featured a cameo from Noel Neill...who also made a cameo in Superman: The Movie, starring Christopher Reeve...who attended Julliard with Kevin Conroy...who voiced Batman in 'On Leather Wings'. And thus the circle is complete.
Title: Re: On Leather Wings
Post by: HarryCanyon on Wed, 16 Jan 2013, 20:14

Interesting and i never knew he was Bryan Singer's cousin.

Who thinks the title is kind of crappy but still a great episode?