Ah yes i remembered when this episode first aired as a pilot sample episode on prime time on Fox when it hit late August and it blew me away.
Such a nice Jekyll/Hyde kind of story that brings Man-Bat to animation and well made episode i should say. Who knew that BeastMaster was Kirk Langstorm's voice?
QuoteWho knew that BeastMaster was Kirk Langstorm's voice?
And in real life, Marc Singer is the cousin of Bryan Singer...who directed Superman Returns, which featured a cameo from Noel Neill...who also made a cameo in Superman: The Movie, starring Christopher Reeve...who attended Julliard with Kevin Conroy...who voiced Batman in 'On Leather Wings'. And thus the circle is complete.
Interesting and i never knew he was Bryan Singer's cousin.
Who thinks the title is kind of crappy but still a great episode?