Monarch Theatre => Batman Returns (1992) => Burton's Bat => 20 years of Batman Returns => Topic started by: Bobthegoon89 on Mon, 1 Oct 2012, 00:12

Title: Catwoman vs the mugger
Post by: Bobthegoon89 on Mon, 1 Oct 2012, 00:12
Strangely that scene with Catwoman and the mugger I've always found quite a violent moment in any superhero movies. Y'know the way she slashes his face and apparently then stabs him through his eyeballs! Ouch  :P That guy is certainly dead.

Not too much "bloodshed" in the Keaton into Kilmer and beyond series of the 90's. Keaton gets a bit battered and The Penguin's black goo doesn't exactly count. The only scene for me that came close to this sort of violence is the scene in The Dark Knight between The Joker and Gambol. And even in that you never see him actually carve the guy's cheeks.

Could this moment have been a focus for that 1992 uproar?  ;D

On the same subject was that guy a rapist? They don't delve on it but it seems he's after more than just that lady's purse. In the comic adaptation they toned the tone down. Similarly I've seen the guy from that scene in sooo many movies: Predator 2, Under Siege 2 (lot of sequels). Think he's a stuntman.
Title: Re: Catwoman vs the mugger
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 4 Nov 2012, 13:00
The guy had his face mutilated, but I don't see him fatally injured. The moment does stand out as one of the more confronting moments of the film, for sure. Blood has that effect.
Title: Re: Catwoman vs the mugger
Post by: Azrael on Sun, 4 Nov 2012, 19:28
This scene was one of the reasons I loved the film as a kid. Catwoman scarring a guy's face seemed edgy, and since he was probably about to not just rob, but also rape that woman, he had it coming.

The actor's name is Henry Kingi, and yeah, he's probably a stuntman.
Title: Re: Catwoman vs the mugger
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 11 Nov 2012, 06:07
Quote from: SilentEnigma on Sun,  4 Nov  2012, 19:28
This scene was one of the reasons I loved the film as a kid. Catwoman scarring a guy's face seemed edgy, and since he was probably about to not just rob, but also rape that woman, he had it coming.
Indeed. It's a very sexy scene, visually and thematically. This seemingly 'big strong man' getting owned by this smaller woman who can take care of herself and isn't prey. The tables turned.
Title: Re: Catwoman vs the mugger
Post by: Bobthegoon89 on Sun, 11 Nov 2012, 15:30
Catwoman's claws always gave me the creeps. I think this was a big issue with Anne Hathaway. I know she's meant to be a different kind of character but I found her less a threat for both the good guys or even bad. She had no danger about her. One of the big mistakes they made was to deny her having claws. That might have been a cool weapon as you can see from Batman Returns. Why the strange spiky high heels instead?

But this scene is the reason why I still think Michelle Pfeiffer is light years better still than Hathaway. I'm not sure if fan reaction has now shifted around, I certainly hope not. Her closeup where she announces "I'm Catwoman..." is still a stunning visual moment. Her face is great and the costume "pops" on screen in it's visual excitement with those white stitches. At no point watching Dark Knight Rises was Hathaway ever given a moment where she left an audience stunned by her image like this.
Title: Re: Catwoman vs the mugger
Post by: Azrael on Sun, 11 Nov 2012, 21:01
Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Sun, 11 Nov  2012, 15:30
Why the strange spiky high heels instead?

High/Spiky Heels. This aspect of the film Catwomen always made little sense to me (if you notice in most modern comics, she has flat footwear or even boots), and even though one can justify it for BR (fantasy film, the "dominatrix" look they wanted for Michelle's costume), I cringed with the Hathaway version who is supposed to exist in a more "realistic" universe.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Sun, 11 Nov  2012, 15:30
But this scene is the reason why I still think Michelle Pfeiffer is light years better still than Hathaway. I'm not sure if fan reaction has now shifted around, I certainly hope not. Her closeup where she announces "I'm Catwoman..." is still a stunning visual moment. Her face is great and the costume "pops" on screen in it's visual excitement with those white stitches. At no point watching Dark Knight Rises was Hathaway ever given a moment where she left an audience stunned by her image like this.

No argument.