Monarch Theatre => Misc. live action Batman onscreen => Movie/TV Series (1966 - 1968) => Topic started by: BatmAngelus on Tue, 18 Sep 2012, 18:52

Title: Kevin Smith's Adam West Interview
Post by: BatmAngelus on Tue, 18 Sep 2012, 18:52
Posted from the Comikaze 2012 thread.

This was a treat to watch, despite the fact that the show started 30 minutes late and was cut short.  Some interesting insight on West's time with the role that I had not known about before:

You can hear the recording for yourself at Kevin Smith's site here:
Title: Re: Kevin Smith's Adam West Interview
Post by: thecolorsblend on Sat, 22 Sep 2012, 22:55
I can't be the only one digging his Fat Man on Batman podcast. His BTAS-related episodes are especially good. First off, I have a new pity/sympathy for Kevin Conroy. And then there's Mark Hamill, who's an anecdote with feet. I guess it shouldn't be too surprising considering the guy's resumé even before Star Wars was kind of insane. And then the Bruce Timm and Paul Dini episodes were a hoot too.

But as far as the West episode is concerned, I like him and I like his point of view on the character. No, it's not the "dark" knight but it's still enjoyable. Plus, it's nice to know that even when he was doing it, it wasn't "just another job" to him. He knew what he was up to in making that show and I appreciate that (within the framework of the series) he took the show and the character seriously. Plus, let's face it, he's got that seriously dramatic voice and so I'd bet he's got some serious presence in person.

So yeah, thank you Ral for turning me on to this podcast.
Title: Re: Kevin Smith's Adam West Interview
Post by: greggbray on Wed, 26 Sep 2012, 13:24
I am the Bright Knight.  You know, as I've said elsewhere, something that worked for me in this series was the partnership between Batman and Robin--especially in the first season (still my favorite season).  I am looking forward to them bringing that element back in the next series.
Title: Re: Kevin Smith's Adam West Interview
Post by: The Dark Knight on Wed, 26 Sep 2012, 23:53
Quote from: greggbray on Wed, 26 Sep  2012, 13:24
I am the Bright Knight.  You know, as I've said elsewhere, something that worked for me in this series was the partnership between Batman and Robin--especially in the first season (still my favorite season).  I am looking forward to them bringing that element back in the next series.
I enjoyed that in the TV show as well. The 'Batman passing on his knowledge' angle. It shows Batman's wisdom and intelligence, and Robin vowing to remember it for the next time.